My prediction for 2023

Putri Ariani will win. She is an incredible singer.


I was wrong and the audience was upset that Putri Ariani didn't win. Anyway, it was fun to see Adrian Stoica & Hurricane win. There hasn't been a dog act to win on AGT before.


Ironically enough for the wife and I, we thought Stoica & Hurricane and the magician were the two acts that didn't even belong on the finale. Weird finish to us, but we did enjoy the season.


I never thought in a million years that a dog act would win AGT but I think it's fun that it did.


That silly magician girl should have never made it that far. She was terrible at handling the cards, her stage presence was stilted and awkward, and her tricks were convoluted and confusing. I'm sure she'll have a great act one day after a lot more practice with finger dexterity. But this was barely party-level entertainment. Especially considering some of the jaw dropping card magicians that have featured in years past.

I was absolutely thrilled the dog act won. I thought it was truly exceptional what they were doing. This wasn't the usual running around cones and jumping over things and walking a stroller around. It was a full blown interactive bit of theater. Really wow'd me.

My favorite act wasn't actually an act. While the japanese girls had cool dance routines, I especially liked the nutbar way they behaved when just standing there. Like a bunch of malfunctioning Replicants from Bladerunner.


Olate Dogs won season seven.

Getting back to this season, I was shocked that Adrian and Hurricane won. I was surprised when they made top five actually. There a few acts this year that deserved to win. Murmuration, Putri, and The Ramadhani Brothers, were the best for me.


Nice prediction about that Putrid singer LOL


Putrid? You are not the least bit funny.
