Puddles Pity Party

I think he's absolute genius. I'm mesmerized by him and was floored by Simon breaking the spell with his f$&*#g buzzer.


I agree. I feel that Puddles couldn't convey his genius and art in the short time allotted a performer on AGT.

Puddles Pity Party is too good for AGT, in my opinion. Definitely an elevated art that some people get and some (like Simon) don't.

I think Puddles rendition of Royals has over 20 million views on YouTube...quite a success!


Yes, not his arena. But if it weren't for AGT, I would have never seen him. AGT has helped a lot of non-mainstream folks - Tape Face, Prince Poppycock, etc. Puddles really speaks to me, even tho I can't stand clowns.


Yes..! I love all those acts that you mention! I found through AGT as well! Bless them for that anyway! Get used to clowns! lol


it depends on the clown! ha!


I saw part of this last night and agree! It hauntingly beautiful, really strikes a chord.


Simon is a d bag for buzzing Puddles. He's a great theater or Broadway type of singer. Simon has a hangup with these types. On American Idol he always panned them saying that they were too "cabaret". AGT is supposed to be a variety act show. I'm tired of all the regular singers that always get put through. Puddles was unique and different.


I would SO much prefer Broadway or "cabaret" singers than the endless array of daredevils, acrobats, and sideshow types (sword swalloers, etc). Enough already.
