Besides, literally speaking...
What does it even MEAN if ethics do or don't count, how and by what standards if they were NOT to count anymore, would we as humans really even MEASURE it, what, would we have an ethical-o-meter device or something and even if that was the case, its not like many people, most of whom were raised since birth and for many DECADES to believe in right and wrong, would just happily discard it like that and move on with their lives, right?
What is unfortunate however is that there will always be various uncivilized wrongdoers out there, why do you think we even have laws, courts, police, prisons etc etc etc?
Also. OK I get it its more a rhetorical question but...
Whenever someone DOES do something wrong, people often tend to ask "Is it acceptable?" or "Do ethics not count anymore?" (as opposed to, maybe, why do people do wrongful deeds etc, however few or many) but...
Let's say someone did RIGHT instead OR admitted to being wrong and was willing to accept punishment etc.
What would people be asking THEN I wonder? "Has morality in humanity IMPROVED?" - interesting!