MovieChat Forums > Into the Wild (2007) Discussion > The reactions this movie generates are f...

The reactions this movie generates are funny

For the record, I'm not crazy about the movie or Sean Penn's direction. But its ideas of purposeful isolation, the abandonment of society, of rejecting career, family, etc. really offend people in a huge way. I can't help but laugh about it.

I think there are many who probably relate with Chris and his alienation. And if you have never felt that disillusionment and it seems completely foreign and weird to you, thank the universe for blessing you with a level of psychological contentment that not everybody has.


I agree. It is rather bizarre, the reactions I mean.

He did what he felt he had to do. He lived and died like we all will.

As far as the film itself, I suspect Penn took the usual liberties to stress what he felt was important and so molded the film accordingly.


I don't see Chris as a hero, but anyone who walks away from wealth and security to find themselves, (or enlightenment) possesses the kind of courage few in the West possess today. Was he a little too careless? Yes.

I love the movie because I can live vicariously thru it, I can wander the great wide open without the real-time consequences or hardships. It's shot so beautifully, on location in the exact spots Chris went. Do you know how hard that is to pull off w a full crew and equipment? Not to mention Sean Penn had to wait 10 YEARS to get approval from his family to make the film.

The great irony is that Chris, in the end, realized, happiness isn't real unless it's SHARED. He realized this too late.

I have watched this movie more than any other film. There's that caged tiger in all of us. We must let it run free sometimes.


He walked away from wealth to get away from his horrifically abusive parents.


he was a total dufus. i live out of a van and do a lot of stuff he does but i never go into the wilderness unprepared. many great men do proper research and succeed and thrive in Alaska but are never celebrated or known like this asshole. he was arrogant, antisocial, spoiled rich kid who didn't respect the wild for the dangers it posses. not likable guy at all. i was forced to read his dumbass book as a kid in 8th grade for school and hated him even more cuz of it. what a fucking waste of time learning about this retard. the movie was a bit more entertaining because at least u dont have to read like a nerd and can be entertained by his misfortune. he was a kid with his head in the clouds, not a real mountain man to be admired and looked up too....


You’re right, he was a “dufus” for going into the Alaskan wilderness without proper preparation.

The book you read isn’t “his book”; it’s an incomplete account written by a biographer who intentionally left out the real reasons for McCandless’s journey and decisions. It’s a sanitized version of his life. It omits the horrific child abuse suffered by him and his sister. He wasn’t in the wilderness trying to find himself; he was trying to heal himself.


yeah maybe the hate is a bit much, i am sure he was a broken sad man and i shouldn't have hate in my heart for him. being forced to read that book was what made me dislike him so much. if i wasnt forced to read that shit i probably would be indifferent about this man
