For those who Don't 'Get' This Movie
Here's someone who does.
just a quote
"As the film unfolds, Pencil's death taps into a core of outrage inside Peggy, a fatigue at her interests being pushed to life's margins as a single, childless woman of a certain age expected not to make unnecessary demands on people's time and attention.
It is from this exasperation that Mike White charts Peggy's transformation into a pit bull, demanding respect and attention for her needs and interests. Pencil's death reveals other deaths to Peggy: the casual and wanton destruction of dogs at the animal shelter, the medical lab, the factory and grocery store. Some have fixated on how Peggy becomes a vegan as if Year of the Dog were some shrill PETA political tract. But animals' rights and a vegan lifestyle can be interpreted to some extent as the agent of Peggy's self-actualization. What she principally discovers are the limits to society's kindness and its facade of normalcy. There is killing going on beneath the scrim of reality, and Peggy begins to equate society's casual disregard for the lives of animals with that of her own life."