MovieChat Forums > The Man from Earth (2007) Discussion > I don't understand this movie.

I don't understand this movie.

Watching this movie, and reading the reviews and comments for it, has got me really confused.
What is it that makes people compelled to give it such a high rating? I feel like I'm missing something here.
I can forgive the poor acting and directing, but the plot being that of a mysterious man who just talks about how he has lived for 14000 years as a nomad, encountering famous historical figures along the way, without any proof, is extremely lame.


This movie is the Hollywood holy grail. It is a low budget, one location movie that will cost next to nothing to make. If it made $10 million dollars in DVD and television sales, they came out way ahead. The problem with a movie like this is that it is generally just a few people sitting around talking to each other. I started to get quite restless around the thirty minute mark. I stuck it out and found it to be a satisfactory movie, a 5 on the IMDB scale. Good enough to have seen once, but I don't believe I'll ever watch it again.


The movie is different because it doesn't pander to today's popular conception of what a science fiction film should be and instead tells a beautifully written, original story in a way that almost pulls the viewer into the film.

It isn't an action film, there's no CGI, just a riveting tale that leaves the viewer saddened that such a beautiful story is only a work of fiction. It's storytelling at its finest.

Obviously some viewers want action and eye-candy and don't care if the plot is hackneyed boilerplate.


Personally, I think it's a good movie because it makes me think and I think the other teachers are not just cardboard cutouts but are pretty fleshed out characters. There also frankly aren't many movies like this, where all your attention is on a handful of characters that are in one room, and that's not any horror or action.

But it's also not the kind of movie everyone likes. That being said, just because someone doesn't like a movie doesn't necessarily make it a bad movie. For example, I'm not a fan of Forrest Gump but I can recognize it as a good movie. It's like watching lawyers debate the law. Some people like it and find the logical puzzles, interpretations and debates fascinating, others don't.


by Oleoay » ....But it's also not the kind of movie everyone likes....

When reading the reasoning expressed in the OP, it's difficult not to see a direct correlation between the opinion expressed in the post and the title chosen for the thread if taken literally.
