MovieChat Forums > Kyle XY (2006) Discussion > The real reason it was cancelled.

The real reason it was cancelled.

Hi All,

I didn't see a thread addressing this so I thought I'd chime in. I was an avid follower of the show like the majority of you here. And like you was sad that they discontinued it, and the way they did it too. I mean a rushed and crappy ending would have been better than no ending. And to rub salt in the wound is their ridiculous reasoning:

When they announced the cancellation I went to their site to get more info because (at least as far as I can recall) it was in fact doing quite well ratings-wise.

ABC Family's official story was that they had made a decision to shift the demographic they were trying to target from families to teenage girls specifically. In making this decision they felt that Kyle didn't fit within their new target and so they just abruptly cut it short where it was at, aired the remaining episodes that were already filmed and then replaced it with the show about the teenage girl who got pregnant.

Now I'm a 35 year old man but it seems to me that despite the fact that the show had a very definite scifi slant to it the show was still focused around a group of teenagers and many of the real life issues that teens deal with. Not to mention that the title character is the proverbial teen heartthrob. It seems to me that plenty of teen girls probably liked this show. I know for a fact that my teenage niece loved for sure.

Not only was that disrespectful to their viewers but also the cast and crew who abruptly found themselves out of work with no warning.

Suffice it to say I abruptly stopped watching ABC family at that point just like many of you. To close I'm curious. Are any of you fans of the show on these boards teenage girls? If not then maybe I'm wrong and ABC is right on that point.

Somehow I doubt it though. The floor is now yours...


I never watched the show when it was on the air, because to be honest I never knew it existed.
However, I recently went looking for sci-fi type shows on Netflix and found this show and ended up watching the entire series and loved it! Was highly disappointed to find out it was cancelled the way it was.
I am a guy in my mid 20s.

"It's a disease!"
"You're a disease! And you've diseased us all! Me, Chuck...this guy!"


I watched it and I loved it. And I'm a teenage girl. It was one of my favorite shows ever and I was so sad and angry to see it be cancled.


I'm a 39 year old female and I had also never seen it when it was being aired. I decided to watch it on Netflix, but after wasting the better part of a month watching Twin Peaks only to regret it in spades, I got "confirmation from a friend" that the story would be wrapped up neatly with a bow. I actually shouted out loud after the final scene of the final show "You Liar!"

I enjoyed the show, but I doubt that I would have spent the time and energy to watch a show that had no ending. Where's the wrap up? What happened to the family? Who did he choose? It's like reading a great book and finding out that the last chapter was torn out.

Reading your post about the official reason for cancellation makes me ill. How can TV Executives expect us to have any faith in any other shows they may produce if they can so easily drop a storyline just when it's getting good? I agree with you... no more ABC Family for me. It's all soft-core porn from now on. :)


I was an older teenaged girl when this was being shown. It was my favorite show, and I still get pissed off when I think about how this show left us hanging. I literally screamed at the tv when I saw that was really the ending. I feel that they had enough time to try to pull together at least like a half hour mini wrap-up for the loyal viewers of the show on ABCFamily. I was more likely to catch every episode of this than The Secret Life or a tv show like that.


Me too. Didn't hurt that Matt Dallas was easy on the eyes

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed


Well I was a teen mom, son was born 3 days after my 14th and daughter just after turned 18, and he is 27 and she is 23, now ya know how old I am, very, LOL. Here Kyle xy came on one of our other channels, found it an interesting story idea. A lot was happening but did manage to catch some epis but also predicted to a couple of others watching that had feeling would prob be yanked without having a proper ending not because of the so called ratings, as there is no real rating system, it is an "in house joke", and its just those with the $$$$ that decide, which is also why so much reality crap is being shoved...ok done rating bout that.

As for the show that apparently replaced, I did catch an epi and really ?!? that is what they think was better, well see above almost covers...the secret is NOT the life. Just glad that I dont get ABC Family less I pay extra $ and i refuse so guess that is a plus.

Shows pulled only because of those with the $$$$ who decide, Kyle xy, Forever, Believe, to name a few, and know there are others, trying to fig out how to put a stop to that but so far no realistic ideas.

Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄


Well if the president of the network wanted to make it more teenage girl oriented they should have just made it teenage oriented, because Kyle XY was watched by a lot of guys and girls at my school.


I was in my early 20s when it was on TV, I'm female. I can't believe how they ended it. They could have finished it on DVDs, or put it on a different network.

Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.



It was teenage girl oriented. Just because the show had a male's name in the title doesn't mean teenage girls wouldn't like it.

Especially since seasons two and three were even more female oriented with the addition of Jessi as a major character.

My name's John Constantine, and here I stay: haunted by London. And London, haunted by me.


I have to disagree about crappy endings. After the ruinous idiocy of the Lost final episodes and some of the low-quality attempts to rap up The X-Files, I think having the entire story disappear off of a cliff is vastly preferable to betraying faith and affection for a series. I haven't gotten to the end of Kyle XY yet but I'm a little reassured to hear that it doesn't resolve in some desperate attempt to answer questions. The mystery plot/subplots were really just there to add some spice to a otherwise deftly handled story of a family opening up to a positive influence in their lives. It would probably have never worked in a time when entertainment depicted people behaving in a kind and reasonable manner, but since those days are gone this series is quite the little heartbreaker.


While it always sucks to have a show canceled early with unresolved story lines, it can often be better than a show running to long with degrading stories, as writers run out of ideas. At least this way you can use your imagination as to how you would like it to have ended. And admitidly the stories were getting excesively wonky in season three.


I was debating about seeing it but if it is I won't see it. I was about to ask if this show is worth watching.
