This show was incredible.
First of all the score was beautiful. I'm not simply talking about the songs from popular artists that they chose to feature, although there were some REALLY great ones from lesser known bands at the time like SafetySuit, Mat Kearney and Matthew Perryman Jones, but the SCORE. The instrumental music directed by Michael Suby was outstanding, so beautiful and haunting you would not expect music like that to come from a teen targeted cable tv show.
The writing had so much substance that unlike shows like 'Lost' where they had to continue to stretch and create material to keep the show running for years, the complexity and detail of the story written for this series had endless avenues to go down. I hated the teen elements of the story however because I felt like it cheapened the potential that this show could have had. Most of the charm of the show could have been maintained as a 'family' show (which was the target market) but adding the teen drama portions that centered around the daughter's sexcapades and friendship with a slutty best friend was just pointless and annoying to watch. (I was in my late 20's when I got into this series so that may have something to do with it.)
The actors, they hired some people to play characters that weren't very good, well, a lot of them but the good ones were excellent. No one could have played Kyle better than Matt Dallas, the sensitivity he put into the character was perfect. He could be both leading man and he had the woobie which is my personal favorite trope because it's difficult to portray. (A "woobie" is a name for any type of character who makes you feel extreme sympathy for them.) Both of the parents were great, the mother character portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre was so heartfelt she made me fall in love with her, who could ask for a better mother than her? That character by far is my favorite TV mom. Jean-Luc Bilodeau had such great delivery, he was the perfect amount of comic relief and he deserves WAY better than the current show he's in (that I wont mention) he was so real, such a realistic portrayal of his age and entertaining to watch, great facial expressions! Honorable mention: Cascy Beddow who played L.K. Deichman in episode 5, totally obscure I know but he had some chops, loved him as the geeky character and he played his role with great humor.
I miss this show, it was great and I'm glad that the world got to see some of it, even if we didn't get an ending.