Narnia Needs More Diversity!!!

Has anyone noticed that Narnia or atleast the movie is lacking alot of diversity. By that I mean racial wise because I don't see anything other than caucasian, spanish-influenced people(though thats a big change from the first movie), but what I mean from that is there is barely any (dare I say on my behalf) not so many black or african-american people. I know that there'd hardly be a black person in magical land such as Narnia not to be racist against my own kind but me being of that race myself and watching this movie I couldnt help but feel alittle dissapointed and bad that they didnt put other races such as mine in there. And although I know that some of the centaurs were black but they were centuars not humans and I mean that Narnia does not have any black people who are humans like the other caucasian chracters. Share your opinions on this topic on whether you feel I am right or wrong.


I think the point was that Miraz had driven all the Narnians out of Narnia, so there were only Telmarines (South Europeans) left. Of the Narnians, there was a lot of diversity without human ethnic difference. And weren't the centaurs a variety of human races?

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


Ah....the centaurs....I love them. They have always been my favorite. That's what I would pretend to be when I was little after reading the books. I always imagined them as white, not on purpose, but because I am white so it is my default mental image (again, thinking in terms of what you know). However, I absolutely LOVE the way they did the centaurs in these two movies. The skin color, the hair, the prosthetics, the armor, all made the centaurs more awesome than I ever imagined. Watching them fight is the best, so kick-butt. :D


Actually some of the men (at least one) who played the centaurs are black.


Wasn't the lead centuar a black guy?


Leave it to our American "Political Correctness" mentality, where "diverse" means specifically "black", to find a place like Narnia "not diverse"!

You have, amoung the sentient, humans, beavers, dwarves, centaurs, satyrs, mice, foxes, badgers, minotaurs, griffyns and more - and that's just off the top of my head.

And someone calls this "NOT DIVERSE".

(Based on something as insignificant as skin pigmentation, too).

Sigh... we really need to end political correctness and our NARROW definition of "diversity"!

The American CEO is analogous to the Appendix...


I do not know if you have read the books, but according to them Narnia is in the northen part of the planet (Please note that the planet is not earth) i.e. almost the same area as England, so the people there are white.

The white witch of-course came from another world (planet) all together and in the book "The Wizard's Nephew" she is described as Tall (7 feet) very pale in color, an imposing personality, very beautiful, but also very proud and cruel. In fact she destroyed her world by a deadly spell because she lost a war against her sister and did not want the world to survive and be ruled by her enemy.

The third book "The Horse and its boy" is the first to introduce non-caucasian characters and it talks about this warrier breed living in the south of Narinia and also of a great desert that needs to be crossed. You could say Northen Africa (Roughly) my guess is around egypt or middle eastern. They also wear turbans etc.

I could go on and on for hours so will stop here and say this..........

Enjoy the movies..... but the real stuff is the books. You will love it. Please give it a shot.


Adnan Dada - Pakistan


Someone that is a big fan of the books told me that the White Witch was originally from Earth and stumbled upon Narnia like the children did.


No, She`s from another World/Universe entirely called Charn, though she briefly ends up in England on her way.
The full story is told in `The Magicians Nephew`.

"Any plan that involves loosing your hat is a BAD plan."


Haha. OP: I recommend you read the book series, you'll find diversity though maybe not in the form you thought (i.e The Horse and His Boy).


What do you think would be more racist: a movie with no black people in it, or a movie with black people in it simply for the sake of having them? Like in some movies or tv shows you'll have a group of friends mostly comprised of whites and an obligatory black guy, just to make the group seem more diverse, when it clearly isn't. Isn't that just as just as racist?

The pump don't work, 'cause the vandals took the handle.


You are correct however there are many more races than simply black and white.


Stop being so stupid. Narnia has the four children who are white and the Telmarines who are descendants of Mediterraneans. And you are upset because there are no black people in a story where there are no black people?

Wait so you want to randomly include a black man just walking by while they are discussing battle plans?

What did one snowman say to the other?


Yeah, really. Go watch The Color Purple.


Did you, or did you not see the centaurs in this movie? They were black.

The only humans were pirates and english children, I am black myself but I see that it would be illogical to just stick a black person in there with no rhyme or reason..

I'll teach you to laugh at something that's funny!


Yes, where were all of the Americans? Mexicans? Chieans? Japanese? Chinese? Koreams?

This movie is absolutely lacking in most ethnicities, keeping to Spanish and British in general.



I'll assume you were being sarcastic.

I'll teach you to laugh at something that's funny!


"I'll assume you were being sarcastic."

