People speak of this movie as if it put a bad taste in the mouth of viewers and somehow brought down the franchise a notch. I think this was because of box office more than anything else, because as a movie it is thus far my favorite in the series. It is the most "grown up" feeling of all the Narnia movies, and while for some people that is probably why they hate it, it's the reason I love it.
There are two reasons, and it’s not just because its roe Grown up. Mind you, I liked the film, I’m just answering your question.
1: Deviations form the book make the Book’s fans rather annoyed. Prince Caspian alters the book in some ways, and Book Purists were not happy with that, and it detracts from their personal enjoyment of the film.
2: In some ways, the film is a bit slower than the other one, with less happening between battles, and the Faux Spanish Accent didn’t help. It also took away from the Film when Peter, the High King, who was good in the lat film, came off as a colossal Jerk, self righteous and pompous he’s described as, yet he’s the main central hero? Caspian himself was too flat in this one to really hold our interest (He came off better in Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, maybe because he’s finally speaking with his real accent?) so really there was no one to root for. Edmund and Lucy are more in the background and while they are Characters who retain a personality that one can like, they don’t do anywhere near as much as the others, as its not their story, there’s comes next.
And I would like to add these cuz I have seen lots of poeple putting these arguments as reasons for this movie to be "bad":::
1: Deviations form the book make the Book’s fans rather annoyed. Prince Caspian alters the book in some ways, and Book Purists were not happy with that, and it detracts from their personal enjoyment of the film.
I think the 80% of people havent read any Narnia book, so changings are not the reasons for this movie to flop or to be so bad.
Many box offices hits, Oscra winner, and classic movies, are a total disgrace as adaptations.
2: In some ways, the film is a bit slower than the other one, with less happening between battles, and the Faux Spanish Accent didn’t help. It also took away from the Film when Peter, the High King, who was good in the lat film, came off as a colossal Jerk, self righteous and pompous he’s described as, yet he’s the main central hero? Caspian himself was too flat in this one to really hold our interest (He came off better in Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, maybe because he’s finally speaking with his real accent?) so really there was no one to root for. Edmund and Lucy are more in the background and while they are Characters who retain a personality that one can like, they don’t do anywhere near as much as the others, as its not their story, there’s comes next.
Since when speaking and accents are reasons for someone to not like a film?? Ridiculous.
And non english speakers just dont realize at all about accents, or about that.
Besides, the rest of the world just watch this movie dubbed
About Peter: he is just like people of his age are, he is not a jerk, he is JUST a TEENAGER who lived as an adult for many years and then he is a teenager again. More realistic than the children in the first movie.
Yeap, young men are like that the most of the time.
Basically, I think the problem is that a (short) novel is compressed into two episodes. For those familiar with the book, favourite scenes are omitted or skipped over; for those coming new to the story, there just isn't much subplot left.
My strongest personal regret is that the childrens' discovery that they are in Narnia, centuries after they left it, is completely slighted. In the book, this occupies several chapters of developing understanding; to me it is a tremendously emotional scene when they finally realize they have come "home" to their beloved Narnia.
Just not enough detail. ==== Tony Why, oh why, didn't I take the blue pill?
I actually dislike it for the same reasons I didn't like the book either. Though in one instance, I hated this film because of what a whiny bitch Susan was. She was much worse in the film than the book.
Now for the book and film:
The biggest issue I had from both versions was, the story wasn't focusing in on the Pevensie children anymore. The book is about a prince living in Narnia, so he takes center stage over the four previous kids. Another issue I have is, the story takes place many centuries after the kids were in Narnia previously, which really bothers me because a.) the kids can never truly return to Narnia and still have the one they left, and b.) it seems C.S. Lewis thought creating a "new" Narnia would probably shake things up, but instead you get a scenario like Rip Van Winkle, where the world you left at the start is so changed when you get back it's unrecognizable, and you almost don't want to stay in it at all. Prince Caspian also was kinda weaksauce compared to the four Pevensie kids. He has very little character development in either the book or movie, and I found him more an annoying intruder character than one that could take up the torch from the Pevensies.
The second biggest issue I also had was the fact that this sequel suffered the same issue all of the Narnia books (except "The Magician's Nephew") did: the sequels just weren't that good compared to the first book. All of them were very weak, boring, and made you want to put the book away and go find something more fun to do. The films suffered for the same reason. Basically, C.S. Lewis ran out of creative steam soon after his first book, and had very little left to share in the sequels. I suspect his publisher pushed him into it, or he needed the money.
The third one is the Pevensie kids going back to their own world. Now on the one hand, they didn't really belong in Caspain's world (as mentioned in my first major gripe) but they actually had no real reason to go back to their own world either, considering they knew what it had in store for them. It was just another case of "Okay kids, fun's over, gotta go back to the boring, mundane, real world now."
It was kinda pointless anyway, considering when the Pevensies were adults, they all "died" in a train accident in "The Last Battle" and all of them except Susan were transported to Narnia permanently. Even peripheral characters like Digory and Polly got to permanently come back to Narnia for the final story.