Lighter and matches

What an idiot.

1. Say the lighter is for clients. He personally uses matches only.

2. Say the matches are for cigars, lighter for cigarettes.

Also quite unrealistic that in the middle of the night, with no cars around, they could put a tail on him to the drug hideout without being discovered. The mobsters ran a red light or two...


I love scenes like this one, because they are so well put together. Although relatively short in comparison to the movie, these are the scenes we watch movies for.

Unless you rehearse, theres no telling how dumb your statements will be when you are under immense stress, as Bobby was.

I think it was more stressful for Bobby that he already knew this guy, so in turn this guy kind of already knew the way Bobby acted under normal drug situations. Also, the adrenaline rush he was feeling pobably sent him over the edge of being able to communicate verbally.

I've been in situations far less stressful, and all I could do was stammer! (But that's me.)

You've got to get even with Jerry Hathaway;it's a moral imperative!-REAL GENIUS


ok, whether its usual or not to have both you still wouldnt take both with you! he may be under stress in the room but he had time to prepare and not take both. i also saw this coming when he was at the club before leaving.

i didnt like this scene either, i know he's scared and stressed but he could have hid it better


Even if Bobby had come up with a slick excuse for having both matches and a lighter, there's no guarantee the Russian would have stopped looking and not found the bug. Once you arouse a criminal's suspicion, THEY don't think rationally themselves.
