MovieChat Forums > Hostel: Part II (2007) Discussion > The guy who gets his leg-meat eaten off ...

The guy who gets his leg-meat eaten off (classical music in background)

I wish, for the love of me, that I had never witnessed that.

That scene is probably the only regret I have about watching this movie. It is seared into my memory forever. The way he was shaking in that chair, the leg meat white and exposed.

OH GOD. It is not right to show that to people.



What are you talking about? He cut him then ate him straight away. Which is less than 8 hours.


Maybe the cannibal was a quick eater.


I agree, it was totally disgusting. The way the guy was shaking was horrible. I couldn't eat for hours after watching this movie haha.


I think it's way more disturbing how normal that cannibal made the scene look. I mean, playing Carmen in the background, really now...?


It was defnitely not as bad as Feed. In that movie, there's a scene where a guy is eating another guys leg who is sitting in the bath tub. The cops bust in and the guy in the bath tub jumps up going I WANT TO BE EATEN. ITS MY BODY. I WANT TO BE EATEN. It was honestly the most disgusting movie I've ever seen but besides that, the story line was interesting.




not if you have them paralyzed first, much like how when people on operating theatres wake up during a procedure but can only twitch at the pain.

I don't need a sig because I'm Awesome!


I have seen both Hostel I & II and these are purely torture porn flicks. They are disgusting, with senseless violence shown for no other reason than to gross you out. I love thrillers, horror films but I detest the rash of torture films these days. It seems that when the writer/directer can't produce real value they jump to sickening violence.

There are enough sick minds in the world today without giving them any encouragement. I'm sure I'll get the usual "Don't watch it then" line or ridicule but that doesn't change the fact that movies like this are sick...


I'd imagine this was how your great grandparents felt when Rock and Roll was introduced in the 50's and they all thought it was too much too handle.


Don't insult me with your idiotic comparison of this torture porn to rock & roll. In fact, my grandparents didn't mind rock & roll at all....


But I'd bet you are perfectly okay with Jason beating a girl in a sleeping bag against a tree to kill her in Friday the 13th 10.... If you don't like these sorts of horror movies, don't frigging watch. Can you not read the description of a film before you watch it? I dislike musicals. Guess what.... I don't watch em. Course I don't go to imdb pages for musicals and bitch about how much they suck either....


Oh please grow up. No I don't care for "Jason beating a girl in a sleeping bag". I enjoy true horror movies, like Alien, The Exorcist, The Omen, etc.

By the way, we still have freedom of speech so don't tell me what to do or what to watch or not. And yes you do bitch about movies on here. Get lost...


Actually, Jason killed a woman in a sleeping bag in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. In Jason X, he only bashes a hologram sleeping bag against a tree inside the space station's holo-deck.

Some horror fan you are! :P

Seriously though, you're right. Hostel Part II is exactly what it claims to be. There was no bait and switch here. And, with respect to the rest of the genre, it's a pretty good film. Far better than I remembered.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


Ah! these films are barely qualified to be torture porn!!! I didn't particularly like this film, but it would have been better if it actually went far enough to be considered torture porn.. (No I am not some sick psycho.. I cry when cat's die in films ha ha) but there are much much worse movies. Try watching A Serbian Film, August Underground's Mordum, Megan is Missing, Sado.. etc. Trust me some of those don't even have a developed plot they are just disgusting, but that's a whole genre! People (most completely normal and sane) have a morbid curiosity for *beep* up stuff haha!!

Ps. I doubt any "sick mind" will be able to execute this whole movie scenario so don't worry there could be a message saying "Hey Freaks!! Start A CLub like this...involve your local P.D" and nothing would happen besides some new additions to mental hospitals :P

They are sick, but that's the point DUH!!!!


Yeah, movies like this are sick.

You don't live under a rock and you have IMDB so clearly, you're not afraid of the internet. So, how you ended up watching not only the first (which I can excuse) but rationally watching the second film when your opinion is that these are sick movies with no value except to show violence? I remember the Lorna kill scene being leaked way before the theatrical release and lots of spoilery things about the content yet you still watched, why?


If they were so horrible why would you sit through 2 of them?


I thought it was pretty funny tbh...But of course, I like things like this...They make me giggle...


To me, the most revolting and ominous aspect of that scene was this:

The bound victim on the table convulses with pain as his flesh is sliced
from his leg -- although he is not gagged, HE MAKES NO SOUND AT ALL!

So, what happened to the poor bastard's tongue? I think I know (shudder)...


Roggero Deodato (some cannibal films) is the old cannibal
in this scene, of course. Surprised no one mentioned it!


Yes, I recognized him too.


since i saw back in the days the show "the magic of movies" (or something like that). each and every one of the gruesome scenes were not in the least shocking to me. because i grew up knowing everything i saw in the movies, from monsters to exploding heads and fountains of blood, were nothing but special effects.

the only reason i went to see this movie was for the incredible folk music


Everybody grows up knowing all the stuff in movies is fake. Would be weird if you didn't. :P

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high, there´s an universe where all movies ever possible are real, you heard that right. Also, in a far far distant galaxy...

*beamed up*

Our film jumped through the window.


Imaginationland? :o

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


i meant, specifically "gory" special effects. i have no idea why that show focused so much on gory SFXs. by the time i was 6 i had already seen all the gory bits of alien and aliens in that show, yet my parents didnt let me watch the actual movie.


what i meant is, my parents didnt allow me to watch, say, alien because it was gruesome.
the next day, the show "magic of movies" (or something like that) dedicated the episode to the movie, and i saw all the gruesome scenes there and how they were made.

so when i saw the movie at a friends house in a sleepover, he and other friends where shocked with the chest burster scene. i wasnt because i already knewn how it was made.
its like a magic trick, it loses all its charm if youre told how its done BEFORE its being done.

the only things that still unnerve me a little are screams, acted or not, i dont like screams.


Hehe, fair enough. I completely forgot about that post of mine.


I was introduced to this abomination of film making a few nights ago, and I agree this was the only scene that bothered me.

Let's all relive it one more time!

Disasters are just another star falling in my yard
