MovieChat Forums > Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) Discussion > Any woman who cheats is a piece of ****

Any woman who cheats is a piece of ****

Society is so hypocritical, when men cheat they are pigs, they're just following their little head and are cold unemotional beings but when it's a woman cheating on her husband, she's just unsure of life, she's missing the "spark" and all that BS.

Men have a biological and nonstop urge to have sex with almost any woman all the time or at least in my experience all the time since puberty, but you know what most of us don't and those that do a weak minded morons.

From everything I've read and seen, it's the exact opposite with woman where most don't have that nonstop urge to **** all the time yet when they do it it's treated as either she's a slut or justified in some way.

Cheating is never justified and anyone who has sex with another person while in a committed relationship is pathetically weak person. Instead of admitting their feelings to their significant other people would rather lie and cheat and this movie encourages that by having Vicky follow her heart and passion without saying jack to her husband then change her mind and have ZERO consequences for those actions.

I'm sure I'll see the hypocrisy here from woman saying how Vicky isn't any of those things and why she shouldn't be punished for wanting what's best for her, all the while totally skipping over how tragic this all is for her husband. Maybe when you all get cheated on and your man says, sorry it was my heart that told me to cheat on you for weeks/months/years without saying anything, you'll realize the irony.

If you're unhappy say something or leave.


Hell yes! Well said; I completely agree.


I, too, agree.

And it's especially true when the guy the cheating woman is supposed to be marrying is a nice guy. She's got a good looking, successful guy who has only eyes for her and she cheats on him.

There is a double standard though, you're right. It's not unlike the older woman/younger man thing. When older men date younger women they're deemed as being in a mid-life crisis and dirty old men.

When women hit it up with younger men, it's suddenly considered chic.

Go and figure.


Please. Dirty old men? Older men dating younger women is so damn prevalent in society. It’s only ever really frowned upon, when the age gap is so great, the man could be the woman’s father. Even then, it’s usually not considered a big deal. Look at all the celebs who do it and get away with it. You think that women who do this, don’t get called desperate or even slut shamed? Really?


Just change "woman" to "one" and I'm in agreement. Infidelity is pathetic, and the excuses for it are even moreso. If someone does something *beep* they should own up that it is *beep*

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Sorry. But androgyny is a feminist construct. A woman cheating is not the same as a man cheating...


So what? Even if the reasons are different there's no excuse either way.


Sorry lady, but there is a valid excuse for cheating related to a common predicament that men can find themselves in. You're a girl so you will probably not find yourself in that situation so that's why you are shrieking so loudly, but understand that it does happen to some women and the excuse is valid for those women as well. Vicky didn't find her self in that situation. Vicky is just a whore like most women who cheat.




Lmao! I remember you from IMDb, way back when I was a teen. Even then, your issues with women were visible from Space.

I didn’t know it back then, but you’re probably an “incel”. I hope you’ve grown up in these past 5 years.


You're a fu**ing douchebag. It doesn't matter who cheats, ANYONE who cheats is a horrible person. Sexist *beep*


You should stick to something like Madame Bovary or Anna Karenina, Moe. For all their contemporary modernism, they ultimately follow the old-fashioned convention of the naughty young heroine coming to a sticky end.


What a tiny, angry little life you lead, you sexist @**. You apparently know nothing about women except hating them, and your ignorance regarding sex drives and relationships is appalling. I bet that explains a lot about your experiences in life, eh?


Yeah it's just naivety, isn't it. Nobody can make mistakes, nobody can be human. It's regrettable and a lot of people who do it end up regretting it. But anyone who believes that the word "should" is absolute and governs everything people do is ignoring reality.


You know very little of human relationships and psychology. Your mind is clouded with petty holier-than-thou certitudes that make you judgmental and intolerant.

Your first mistake is to assume that cheating has anything to do with being unhappy.

Fidelity is nothing more than an unnatural human construct that prevent people from expressing their sexuality in the way they see fit.

I for one admit having cheated many times in my life and couldn't care less if i have been cheated on too. There are much more important things in life than sexual faithfulness which is nothing more than childish possessiveness: "This is MY toy and MY toy only". Childish possessiveness and insecurities.

Emotional faithfulness is much more important in my book. Just because i'm deeply in love with someone doesn't mean that i can't desire others nor that it would somehow mean that i don't love the person anymore. Sex and love are two different things and people tend to mix them up, hence the confusion. Once one has fathomed the distinction between both, everything becomes much simpler.

At last, i'd add that couples that outsource their sexuality from time to time are much more successful and happier than the average, which shows in itself that those concepts we have been taught our whole life are nothing more than illusions and constructs.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Emotional faithfulness is much more important in my book. Just because i'm deeply in love with someone doesn't mean that i can't desire others nor that it would somehow mean that i don't love the person anymore. Sex and love are two different things and people tend to mix them up, hence the confusion. Once one has fathomed the distinction between both, everything becomes much simpler.

What does being "emotionally faithful" mean, compared to being "physically faithful"? Don't be in a relationship if you can't be faithful and stop using BS to justify your pathetic and irresponsible behaviour. Contracting sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and toying with peoples' emotions is a direct consequence of cheating. Don't use the "it's not natural to only have one partner" statement as an excuse, either. People who are faithful in relationships are not necessarily jealous and possessive; some may be but that can also be said for those who cheat. You just want to have your cake and eat it, too.

That being said, the OP is a twit.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.



OP is spot on

so many movies, so little time
