Pick two you want to see go

If you could only pick two, who would you really love to see gone?

Me: Heather and Vicky.


Vicki and Kelly !!


Heather and Megan!!!!


Vicki and Kelly.


Vicki and Kelly.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.



I bought some powdered water but didn't know what to add to it.


Tough call.

Although I hate all the mean girls, I truly despise Shannon and Tamra the most and never want to see either of them again on any network.

Heather is evil and Meghan is a clueless child among women. And I really loathe that sow Briana and her weird brother and a-hole husband, but she's really not an official cast member.


for the first time last night I couldn't stand Brianna because she was trying to get Vicki and Tamra together...I thought she realized her mother sucked at friendships and there is no point in trying to get involved??


that sow Briana

Good God. Leave off with the "sow" comments. You are so cruel. Are you so svelte you can cast stones? NO.

Briana has been diagnosed with Lupus. This can drastically affect one's weight. I hope all the self-righteous folks here will shut up about her "always being sick." Lupus is a disease with changing and constant symptoms. One can feel good MOST of the time, or feel SICK, very SICK most of the time. Lupus victims are also tired most of the time as the disease is extremely debilitating. To continuously harp about her weight is unconscionable. Yes, let's nail her about her weight and gosh, I hope she sees the hateful remarks that most handsome and perfect poster writes about her weight. She is NOT a sow.

As for who should go, Vicki and Kelly, the two most hateful and conniving so-called women on the show. If Vicki "birthed the show", she sure is a lousy mother.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Good comment. Ppl can not chose what diseases befall them and just because some ppl have massive weight gain from overeating (think too many carbs and junk food) not all do. There are a myriad of medical conditions that can cause weight gain besides the Lupus that Brianna suffers from. Calling somebody a sow is just callous and not a kind thing to do.


Heather and Tamra.


Kelly and Brianna

Brianna just enables her mom to behave like a lunatic.

And you know what's wrong with Kelly.


Brianna isnt even a HW and if anything Brianna actually doesnt enable Vicki's behavior at all, she's usually telling her shes wrong.


Brianna hardly sticks up for Vicki at all. Brianna will find any reason to critique her mother and say this person was right and she was wrong. Yet she has no problem with Vicki buying her a house to live in and pay for renovations

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


Exactly, I'm not saying she should believe everything her mom says but damn its your mom, if you dont believe her at least dont talk crap about her in interviews.


I completely agree. In a way, Brianna is just giving Vicki-haters ammunition and more reason to hate on her. She should know better.

You would never catch me talking sh t about my mother. I have loyalty and there is no way in hell I'd let anyone talk sh t about her. I'd most likely defend her because she's my mom and she does more for our family than anyone else.

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


American, I admire your loyalty to your mother. If you compare Vicki to your mother, I am pretty sure your mother's behavior does not come close to Vicki's. I always feel for Briana, lest others think she is like her mother. Poor girl. She has had to endure her mother lying, gossiping, drunken partying, whooping it up and hysterical behavior all her life. Heaven only knows how many times she has witnessed her mother hurting others and had to hang her own head in shame in the face of Vicki's denial. I thought it took a lot for her to ask Tamra to speak with Vicki outside Shannon's house, just for the love she has for the friendship Vicki and Tamra shared. Vicki went right back at it.

Over time Vicki has become worse and worse or perhaps more and more transparent. Her latest stunt is having to do with control over Briana's new home. Briana and Ryan must repay Vicki for that house, yet Vicki acts as though, once again, it is a gift. Briana said she didn't need the negativity in her home and once again, not listening, Vicki said, "I know, we need to stage it." WHAT?

I am happy for your devotion to your mother, but Briana doesn't have such a mother. I would have a hard time defending my abusive mother as well as Briana does.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Ah, but you are a kind person and would find a way to defend your mother even if she was as bad as Vicki or you just would stay quiet and let her words speak for herself. Yes, that comment about staging her house rattled me too. So now what...vicki is going to go get her a house full of perfectly matching and fitting furniture and send Brianna the bill to pay it off? Knowing Vicki she will choose pretty things but they won't be childproof. Then the first time she walks in and sees a stain on the table or cloth couch she'll go off her rocker about how she could let her boys ruin such a lovely piece that she paid bla bla bla for. They're little boys and are bound to stain, break and ruin a few things as they grow up and learn to be respectful of their surroundings for goodness sake.

I wonder that (other than the military commitment) Bri's husband is still in OK because he's making good money and now with all these new bills that Vicki has stuck them with, that he can't afford to move home to be with his wife and children full time because he doesn't have guaranteed employment (well, other than the possibility of working for his MIL). I almost hate to say this but Vicki probably likes it this way. She can get her daughters attention and see her grandsons at any time and her husband is out of the picture so her attentions do not have to be split. Especially with her health issues, Bri would be so much better off with her husband at home to help her with the boys and support her with her health. (He might be waiting until their house is finished as he does not choose to live in Vicki's home!)




Heather aka Joker Face and Shannon aka Mrs. Stiff


Heather for sure and either Shannon or Tamra.
