MovieChat Forums > Attack Force (2006) Discussion > Seagal's career is over. (Honest fan's ...

Seagal's career is over. (Honest fan's opinion)

With this movie, The great Steven Seagal's career is officially over. Nothing is worse than this movie. Nothing on this planet is worse than Attack Force. It's best to remember Seagal from his everlasting timeless action films from the past. Im' talking the ones by Warner Bros. Time to look into the past and not the future. Attack Force was the last straw. I have no more words for this trash. Even if the so called "Once upon a time in the hood" or "Prince of Pistols" does come out. I will never forgive this pathetic movie. It's sad but true. Even his most hard-core fans (like me) need to accept the truth. It is the most difficult thing for me to come out and say (im' sure his best fans feel the same way). All good things come to an end. Seagal's career is over.




Steven Seagal. Ye whats up with these *beep* crappy ass movies he's now making? I mean *beep* DAWM Whats up? Anyways I still find him to be a LaughRiot But you know.


Totally agree! My husband and I enjoyed Segal's early films as watchable, fun Weekend night flicks. I rented "Attack Force" tonight thinking it would be some relaxing fun and loaded wtih great martial arts. Wrong on both counts!

Segal is too bloated to be a cool action hero these days and honestly, this movie was pure rubbish! The plot was totally moronic, the acting...NOT... and the 'vampire like" effects of the CTX drug was ludicrous. I was waiting for the characters from "Underworld" to materialize and battle it out with the CTX zombies.

Segal needs a reality check, in other's time to hang it up... Seriously!


I'm probably the biggest die-hard fan of Seagal around. He seems more focused on his music career then he does on his acting career right now, which is sad because although I like his music, I became a fan of him because of his movies. These days his movies are made so fast and so cheaply that Seagal is never around to do his own dubbing and with the exception of big scenes with close-ups, a stunt double replaces him for most of the movie. His films now are starting to remind me of Game of Death, the Bruce Lee film that he never finished before he died, so they used a stunt double to complete it. I guess they don't pay him enough to stay around and let's face it, would you work for free. Plus, he's probably already working on something else by then.

In all honesty though, his career is not dead. These movies always do well enough that they can justify making more. I haven't seen this one yet, but if I could come back after watching Today You Die, (the REAL F@#KING BAD Seagal movie), I'm sure I could come back from this one, no matter how bad it turns out. I haven't seen it yet, but since it's from the same director as Shadow Man, which wasn't bad, I have some hope for it.

It's a pretty *beep* title though, Attack Force.... what were they thinking?



Yes, you see? It's that bad people. It's that bad.


My goodness! I love Steven, but why doesn't he learn anything from those laughable movies he has made over the last years? Although Steven's movies are really painful to watch, I watch them anyway. But after this... holy crap! Steven is out...


It's not only they don't pay him enough. He was too busy clubbing , getting drunk and attending beauty pageants during the movie. Oh, and casting local Romanian starlets for small parts.


Now you see that's what I hate, people talking like they're personal friends of Steven,enough to make statements like these. I have never seen a photograph of Steven drunk, or heard any tales of him being in such a state, and believe me, if this man ever did anything like that, the whole world would soon hear about it, in no time. You have absolutely no idea of what Steven is about, who he is. I'm not a personal friend either, but as a fan, I've read all I can about him. He spends his time doing far more rewarding things, important things. Clubbing and getting drunk, Steven? I don't think so, and you really shouldn't make statements like that about him.Clubbing and getting drunk, on a regular basis, sounds more like the pastimes of a useless cretin like you, I think.


all i gotta say is Under Siege 3 baby, hopefully thats a blockbuster


Your right - no words for this trash. Its all Steven's fault. He allows the voice overs, he acts in horrible movies knowing his fans will still buy.. Not me, never again. I will have to rent or read reviews, before his next movie enters my collection. Anyway, why would he care about voice overs. He doesn't worry about his weight anymore. Daresay, like to see him try to run down the street

reply I just saw Attack Force. What can i say, i kinda liked it. It's more silly than usual, but it's about what i've come to expect from Seagal movies these days. It is possible that the negative reviews on this site helped by lowering my expectations or something, but i'll admit i just dug it. Today You Die is still the worst Seagal movie out there. This one isn't half bad, just really goofy.


I would say Attack Force is the worst yet. Even worse than Out For A Kill.


At least Out for a Kill had some good fight scenes.



I have to agree with you, this is the worst Seagal movie I have ever seen. The over-dubbing was TERRIBLE, it didnt even sound like him at all. He needs to make a come back film of major quality to win back his fans.


I've seen all Seagal's films, and his worst movie, "without a doubt" is Submerged. I can't believe how ludicrous that film was. And anyone who says Today You Die is Seagal's worst film, obviously has not seen Submerged.




now i know why they called it submerged

because it sank right to the bottom of the shelf at your local blockbusters


Submerged was pretty bad too, but for different reasons. The story was random, with a new plot twist every two seconds. After a while I forgot what the movie was supposed to be about. And the dubbing was pretty bad in that movie, worst than in Attack Force. Still, Today You Die had a so stupid it hurts plotline, and a stunt double being used instead of Seagal for like every other shot. I give Submerged credit for at least having Seagal IN the movie. I can forgive them for not having his voice. Either way though, they were both pretty disappointing. And the worst part is they came out after Into the Sun, one of Seagal's best recent efforts. Attack Force was o.k.



"Today You Die had no stunt doubles you idiot"



That is pretty funny.




now your just playing dumb stevegay


Today you die was great. It was the last good Steven Segal movie. Steven is old dude, it is cruel to not allow him a stunt double. Would you have your grandfather do his own stunts and take away his cane. Jesus! As far as acting, You could see steven falling off in shadow man but it was funny when he smacked the bartender, that was classic. Attack Force is the worst Steven Segal Movie ever made and if people can't afford his voice he is not worth it anymore.


Hardtokill, I watch every seagal movie no matter what,He is my absolute favourite action star and I am quite glad there are people fighting his corner on this site, but I suspect that some of your comments are said either through blind fandom or just to try to inflame other members of the board, Wake of death to me, was a ridiculously good quality film for being DTV. Submerged was disappointing, I know you would have loved it if seagal had made WOD, So would I!! and also, isn't there a stunt double doing the first (darkened) fight in today you die? (a film which I quite enjoyed tbh).
....back of the net.


Totaly Agree, ive been a die hard fan from day one and feel he is just exploiting the fans now, he must know how crap these films are. i just think he doesnt give a toss and is just in it for the would be very easy for him to give the fans what they wanted IF HE WANTED TO. He executive produces almost all of this garbage. so here is an idea mr seagal.basicly roadhouse in a inner city nightclub , seagal is head doorman gets in loads of fights,he kicks the crap out of a drug dealer who who has something hidden in the club he then comes back with his mates and all hell breaks loose, you then have a cat and mouse under seige / die hard type movie in a night club. now i would buy that and it would not cost that much to do as its only basicly one location.


It looks like Steven just wants to lay down and die. He is so extremely tired and unfocused in every single scene, not to mention the dubbing, he's too tired to even consider doing it. Instead they take someone at least twice as old as him. Personally, I think Submerged was a worse experience, but in this one, Steven looks like he has trouble to even breathe. He sits there in his black outfit, and just looks like a huge piece of rotten meat. I can't understand how the director got Lisa Lövbrand to kiss hiss filthy lips. Enough said. Rest in peace, Steven...



Dear Lola Hamilton. I love Steven. I really do. And I'm sorry for calling him filthy. I was actually at one of his concerts with his band Thunderbox in Copenhagen a few weeks ago. But every film he does nowadays is extremely painful to watch. But if you, as I do, watch his films as comedies, you really get some quality entertainment on your hands. And please, do leave my mother out of this. Take care, babe!


Shut up and go away. What you said about Steven was really nasty. He isn't in a position to answer for himself, that's why you figure you have carte blanche to use insulting remarks like that. You see, you didn't like my referring to your mother in the same way, now did you? How do you think anyone related to Steven would feel about your comments, huh, buddy? I think you're the one who should take care, and keep such opinions to yourself in future. Steven's fans won't like it if you continue.By the way, Steven makes action movies, not comedies, you moron. Movies that his real fans love to watch.


Wow, some of you Sea-gull fans are pretty damn hostile. lola, I don't really know what your deal is but you have to admit that Sea-gull is an absolute disgrace. You probably have a tattoo of Steven "beached whale in a komono" Sea-gull right above your crotch and you feel stupid about having it now because the sea-gull can't even speak in his own roles anymore.


Well when you live in the gutter, like you obviously do, you're inclined to use gutter language. I don't have a tattoo, I don't like them. If I did have one of Mr. Seagal anywhere on my person it would be none of your business. Steven is a super star, people all over the world know that.There's nothing a little cockroach like you can do or say that will change that. What my deal is, I hate it when you folks get so personal about this wonderful man. Do you even know anythig at all about him? The things that he does around the world for the under privileged, his animal rights campaigns and all the rest. You know what, go check it out for yourself. Next time, try and see if you can express yourself with less colourful language. That way no one will know what a revolting pig you truly are. Whoops! too late, they already know.

An avid Seagal fan


sounds to me like the opinion of someone old....possibly an ex-martialartist that NEVER MADE IT. You've got to diss the guy because hes older, so what? he could still kick your ass!


Exactly right.I thought that too. Appears to be bitter, angry,and envious.All in all, a very sad creature.I feel now that I should have treated him with a little more pity. I got too angry instead. Oh well, what's done is done!


Hey Lolita, are you by chance single? There is someone on this thread that I think you'd be extremely compatible with. His name-are you ready for this-is HARD TO KILL.

He went by other aliases before I suggested he changed his name to Seagal's second and cheesiest movie because it suited him better.

His other usernames were as far as I know:
Out For Justice
Gay for Steven

He is a lonely and very sad creature who is bitter, angry, and envious of Van Dammes' body. He's not Hard To Find, just look in the Van Damme message boards. Show him a little pity and drop him a line. Who knows? The two of you could hit it off, get married, have a bunch of little ones running around the house and bumping into walls. You could name them Steven 1, Steven 2, Steven 3...


You really are so in love with Steven, aren't you. It's ok, only I don't think you stand a chance, buddy. The great man isn't gay, sorry.


NO No no...I only know the pleasures of women.

Reading what I replied, is it not obvious that you were mastered?
I owned you like I owned Hard_For_Justice.

You know I'm not a fag, OR a cigarette. But if he came to our school and challenged mi "Maestro Grande", then the only thing I would *beep* him in the A$$ with is my cold steel voyager.

But I don't want to do that because I like most of his movies.


It's obvious to everyone you had a good up-bringing, you use such wonderful language. And 3 nos, I think you protest just a little too much.The penultimate line in your post, where you made reference to a certain part of a man's anatomy,was once too many times, and speaks volumes pal.


You, my dear, make zero sense.


That's because you're too dumb to get my meaning, idiot.


