MovieChat Forums > Thin (2006) Discussion > Why do people who eat and purge behave l...

Why do people who eat and purge behave like that?

Why do people who eat and purge behave like that?

What are the precise behavioural causes?

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"I would have thought watching your TV shows were torture enough."




Depression. It causes a lot. And feelings of being unloved and stuff. I'd know, i've suffered for over 4 years, and it'snot been easy, i've felt neglected a lot, and it really pushes me toward it even more.


its not depression, its a mental disorder. we dont choose to behave like that, its who we are.




There are no precise causes of abnormal psychology.
The etiology of eating disorders is consistently being researched.
Research suggests that eating disorders occur when various influences such as genetics, sociocultural pressures, and cognitive behavioral factors converge.
Hope that explains a little... though you should probably ask a professional; I'm just a student.


The etiology is varied, and difficult to pinpoint. I was reading some current research that was looking at children in elementary school. Fascinating stuff. It is hard to explain an exact etiology, because of the sparse research and very individual experiences. Just my opinion.





I have heard that many people with eating disorders are believed to be depressed on some level, so I think maybe it all adds up to a vicious cycle of trying to feel better about yourself.

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."



Depression often has an underlying physiological cause, it is usually a brain chemistry imbalance which is physical not a "mental" disorder as they have largely been understood (residing not in the physical brain but having origins in the mind); that's two different things (although many of what we call mental disorders may also be due to physiological deficits in our brains due to injury, illness, genetics, etc.). Taking one of a number of medications called SSRI's works to rebalance the brain's chemicals, the chemicals that are regulators of mood. When people come out of their depressions with this treatment, it becomes pretty clear that depression starts as a response to a lack of our brain's own naturally produced chemicals, particularly serotonin and norepinephrine. Both are naturally produced in the brain but in some people their usefulness is lessened because of a faulty "reuptake" system.



As someone who suffered from bulimia for several years, I will try and give some insight, at least to what my feelings were.

When the need for a binge came on, I would feel completely out of control, and neither love nor money would be able to stop me from bingeing, as if my brain was almost unaware of what it was doing.

When you finally realise what you have done, there is a terrible feeling of panic, and in my case, guilt. I had to get rid of the food in any way. Control is required, and it becomes very obvious that you should purge it up.

For me, the feeling of purgeing was almost orgasmic - complete ecstasy. I was at peace, and after you have binged, to know you can rid yourself of the calories and feel so good about yourself all at once, you find that that is the behaviour you are drawn to.

Hope that answered your quetsion. But do remember that bulimia is a psychological disease - people do not choose to be bulimic, so it is a difficult question to answer.


i have bulimia, and this movie afected me in a way that made me realize that i behave like that. sneak around the house while my parents are in, eat whatever i want when im alone so i can purge after and stuff like that. but i only notice i was behaving like that after i saw this movie, after i heard what people with the some problem had to say.its really difficult to hide from everyone, and so far only one person knows what ive been through this year.
after almost a year, i suffer from hair lost, i probably have anemia, my nails are thinner and my skin's worst than ever. so, i guess only the person who really is/been through this knows how it feels.
i do feel great after purging, after i ate what i want, no restrictions, but im also aware that's a problem that wont go away that easily. i got so involved into it that in a period of 3 months i lost 45pounds or so, during which i purged everything i ate or drank, even if it was a glass of milk.
all this because i got tired of being overweight, and i still am.




This is NOT about eating disorders.

The answer is a simple one and covers many types of mental "stresses".
Society simply asks too much of "certain" types of people.

You wouldn't ask a 20 stone person to climb a mountain.
Why force a "sensitive" to the rigid conformities and restrains of our society.
It doesn't suit them. Yet we do it, because "we have to do it".

Some people (usually after trauma) begin to process "Everything" around them mentally. They are "mentally" changed/reprogrammed by this is some cases forever. They think far deeper about things and consider the consequences and dangers of the slightest actions.

Lets face it, compared to other species, human society and behaviour is the most unnatural, changeable and unpredictable thing on this planet. There is no apparent "order" to it, although we would like to believe there is.

Why do animals (cats for instance) who have been through an ordeal pull out their fur?

By self harm they are reflecting to others the pain and insecurity they are feeling inside. Feelings they are unable to express to others. Why can't they express it? Remember, these people THINK ahead. If they did express what was bothering them, what would YOU be able to do about it? You can't change the world.

All we can do as a society is to realise that these peoples "mental illnesses" as we like to call them (I prefer to simply cause it mental exhaustion) CAN'T always be "cured". It's like trying to cure someone of having a brain. What we can do is TOTALLY accept them for who they are without pressure or prejudice or a requirement for them to "conform" or "act". We need to accept them for who they are "now".

Maybe then they will have the PEACE and security they need to recover from their traumas naturally in the best way THEIR brains and bodies are able do so. The human body and brain is a superb piece of equipment. It's been designed over billions of years for this very purpose.

In my general experience, this is the best and only way to deal with these problems. Total rest, total security, total peace and quite without total isolation or ANY time-scale or other form of peer pressure.


I can see where you're coming from there. For instance, I'm really shy - my mum even pulls me up on it because she's worried people will think I'm being stuck-up but I'm not. I'm just genuinely shy, I don't like being the centre of attention. If people even talk about me and I overhear them, I blush.

I think you've also got a point about peer pressure. They say many cases of anorexia surface in adolescence and, looking back on my own teenage years, I'm not surprised that I reacted that way. First you have the stress of the disruptive kids and so the teachers are screaming (this was stressful to me, at least), then there are pressures to have flawless skin (I was spotty from the age of 9 till about 15 or 16, even now my face is not flawless).

You pick up on teachers worrying about exam results and league tables instead of accepting that all pupils are different, then there are the worries about having a boyfriend or girlfriend etc, how long you have been going out, how old you were when you had your first kiss etc. There is a theory that anorexics are often perfectionists and with all these goals and targets and pressures, it is easy to see why many teenagers feel like their world is being almost "controlled" for them.

And then there are the personality differences. Someone more outspoken, brash, loud etc may not have any problems expressing themselves or risking upsetting others (I have a friend at uni like this) and may never feel so vulnerable as to develop an eating disorder as the only way to express their feelings, but there are other people (not unlike myself) who are shy and reluctant to make themselves heard, who will let others go first etc who find it difficult to express themselves (again, for fear of upsetting others, maybe) who may find an eating disorder is the only way they can express themselves.

Maybe, as you say, we as a society force more sensitive personalities to conform because the world we live in can't cater for everyone (and possibly doesn't want to).

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."


I know exactly why I purge. Maybe I am mentally ill. I want to be thin. I started doing this about 2 years ago to eat what I wanted and lose weight. I am ashamed, but not too much to tell my story. I got a lot more male attention as a thin person ( I lost about 15 lbs.). Call me anything you want, be mean ( I would rather you didn't). My feelings get hurt easily. I started dating this guy. He praised my weight and said he prayed that he would get a girl that would never be fat. I never will be. I will watch it like a hawk. No! He is not a jerk. He is honest. I will do whatever is necessary and right now, that is purging. Those girls scared me though. That
s for sure. I don't know how I will continue and be healthy, but I will try.


im right there with you, girl! and i love how honest you are. my reason its the same, i lost about 20lbs in just half year, and im feeling great. deep inside i dont want help but i know i need it. no one knows what im going through (nobody i know in person, besides one close friend)and at this moment i dont want anybody to know, but ive been through a lot of pain, and im trying my best too.
Hang on, my friend!



<He praised my weight and said he prayed that he would get a girl that would never be fat. I never will be. I will watch it like a hawk. No! He is not a jerk. He is honest. I will do whatever is necessary and right now, that is purging.>

Saravan, a person can be "honest" (if we define honesty as "my opinion, no matter who it hurts") and still be a jerk. I would have told him that I prayed I would get a man who would never lose his hair and would always be able to get it up at a moment's notice. Yes, that's jerky of me, but does this guy deserve any better than he gives?

I'm sort of hoping that he praised your weight only because he thought that doing so would make you happy. But if he wants something to control, he should get a dog.

I think you deserve someone better than him. And I don't have to know you to say that.

Because in the long term, we all age, become sick or injured, start to sag, turn grey, etc. The only partner that matters will be the one who'll love you no matter what your physical condition is.

Well, anyway, I admire your honesty, because it will be a real resource for you to draw on in recovery ... *when and if* you reach that decision.

My feelings are hurt easily too, and I've tried to be gentle with yours. So if something I've said strikes you as harsh, I didn't intend it to.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety






I didn't see the entire film, so my question may have been answered somewhere in the movie, I just didn't see it. But, seriously, what's the point of eating food if you're just going to throw it up? Is it because you're hungry and you just want to feel full and taste the food, but you throw it up before it can affect your body?

There are 2 types of girls in this world: Girls that run sh|_|t, and girls that take sh|_|t


its more simple to eat in front of other people and then hide to go throw it up, then to not eat at all!thats why bulimia its a problem that can take years to be diagnosed in someone.thats my opinion, some people may disagree...


its not depression because then i would be puking or starving myself right now......well not this moment...but maybe last week when i didnt get the job i wanted or had a fight with my dad.....because i used to blame it on a fight with my dad......or something outside me....but its not.......its a thing in your head like the girl said in the film....getting louder and louder....if you eat it calls u fat.....untill u get rid of it by exercising or purging.....its the voice that causes you not to eat just to shut it sounds crazy but thats how i describe it........i was 12 wehn i first had my eating disorder...i was 118 at 5'6 and i went down to 69 im healthy if not a little overweight (to me) and its hard because i know i can not live and be that way.....i have a choic eknow...i got ride of the "voice" and now i battle life like everyone else being a it took a long way to get that way and in the end it was me who said im taking control....i excersied and ate healthy and now i deal with being like the rest of america enjoying food but knowing my hips dont need the extra did i get that way i cant pinpoint....and i dont know if its gone forever,....i worry about getting pregnant .......but thats my point its out of a persons control......its more than depression and weight gain because then i would be sick again.......its a diesease like cancer that you can go in remmision for years and then get it again...or you could be cured for life......and people who dont have an eating disorder or never did do not understand......but thats the way it is.....theres no explainning to someone who had never had one.......and even if two people have had eating disorders their causes and journeys are for me i tell people to think of it as a cancer taking over your mind....theres different kinds of cancer and different remedies......and thats the sum of it.

good luck to all those still fighting......know its possible to get control it and move cant shut parts of your life out but you can learn from them and draw inspiration......if you have the strength to have the disorder (its not an easy life) you are strong enough to overcome it...!!!


Sure,the food feels great,and I want to be thin,but there's more to it then that for me.

I eat because I'm lonely and sad. Food comforts me.

After I'm done,I feel comforted and happy for a second,then the guilt sinks
in ,and the shame.

I just want to vomit it all out,the food and the depression,rid it from my soul.It feels like I can take out any emotion I want,like all this
go away if I was thin and beautiful.

When you're facing a loaded gun,what's the difference?



Yeah,I've realized this

When you're facing a loaded gun,what's the difference?


you know what really pisses me off about all this?? is that people only that they're side: we're sick and we need professional help, but they never EVER take the time to put themselves in our place. do you think we like living like this, do you think its comfortable to lie to other people in the face???well, its not, and i felt like that since i realized i could be normal, but instead i have to live with all those people who say they love me, but they never try to understand how i feel.


<they never EVER take the time to put themselves in our place>

Really, what good would it do you if they did? Would you stop purging or restricting? And if they are not CAPABLE of understanding how you feel, there's nothing anyone can do that will make them capable. In the end, it's YOU, not them, who are risking serious health problems down the road.

If you know better and were just venting, I'm sorry. But our diseases are not about what other people did or didn't do to us. It's about what we do to ourselves.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety


well, i was venting, yes. about how people who suffer from this feel when other people think we're crazy. i hope they never feel like we do, i wouldnt wish something like that to anyone, not even an enemy...
im fully aware thats up to us, its our problem, but people around us dont have the right to call us crazy...








