You know what's sad about this?
Women do this crap to EACH OTHER! We're not trying to reach some impossible standard to impress men, we're trying to insulate ourselves from the ruthless bitchiness of OTHER women.
It's so sad that in a society where women are still minorities (we still make 70 cents on the dollar to what men make) we tear each other down rather than support and love one another and encourage each other to reach for our highest potential.
How many boards do you see where women start a thread about an actress being fat? Why do we do it to each other? MEN AREN'T WORTH US FIGHTING! The men that are worth giving a crap about will see beyond the superficial.
Please women, please, please, please, let's STOP this! It hasn't even been 100 years since we were secured the right to vote (and that's just the white women), there is NO equal rights amendment, and some men still think of us as PROPERTY!
I urge all the women out there to stand together to have us be seen for our brains rather than our bodies.