MovieChat Forums > Thin (2006) Discussion > You know what's sad about this?

You know what's sad about this?

Women do this crap to EACH OTHER! We're not trying to reach some impossible standard to impress men, we're trying to insulate ourselves from the ruthless bitchiness of OTHER women.

It's so sad that in a society where women are still minorities (we still make 70 cents on the dollar to what men make) we tear each other down rather than support and love one another and encourage each other to reach for our highest potential.

How many boards do you see where women start a thread about an actress being fat? Why do we do it to each other? MEN AREN'T WORTH US FIGHTING! The men that are worth giving a crap about will see beyond the superficial.

Please women, please, please, please, let's STOP this! It hasn't even been 100 years since we were secured the right to vote (and that's just the white women), there is NO equal rights amendment, and some men still think of us as PROPERTY!

I urge all the women out there to stand together to have us be seen for our brains rather than our bodies.



quiet down, hippie


I agree with Shorty-31 to a certain extent. Women do face the biggest criticism from other women and we need to stop tearing each other apart. However, the thing that I don't agree with is that you seem to be placing the problem of eating disorders squarely on women, which is a destructive statement. And this may not even be what you're trying to say, but it's the way it comes across to me. And you certainly are entitled to your own opinion. The reason I don't totally agree with this message is because you are kind of ignoring socialization and its part in shaping the way we women view ourselves. You are also ignoring the part that body dysmorphic disorder plays in eating disorders as well. With dysmorphic disorder you may have people constantly telling you that you are beautiful and perfect, but still see yourself as ugly and fat. You also are ignoring the many isolated reasons that women develope ED's which was a point that was explored in great depth within the movie. My point is that women with eating disorders have a multitude of psychological problems and I think that just simply blaming women for this problem is a bit irresponsible because you are lumping these women together as having the same problems and they don't. This isn't simply about attracting the opposite sex. All the women in "Thin" were so consumed by their eating disorders that they rarely talked about men and it they had boyfriends--which I believe one women did refer to hers--their ED was their priority in life and destroyed those relationships. Nobody can truly say what causes women to develop ED's. It's been linked to genetic/biological factors as well as societal factors. I think it's great you are urging women to stand together, but unity alone is not going to solve the problem of ED's.


I disagree to an extent.
As someone who has suffered (and actually hasn't fully gotten over) an eating disorder, i have to say my main trigger was "guys like girls who look like models" "skinny=beautiful" "no one will ever love you unless your skinny (or not fat)" i can't tell you how many of my guy "friends" (straight AND gay) are the most superficial twats in the history of the world, and i suppose listening to their various comments got me paranoid and realizing that guys DO notice those little bumps and extra kilos :( or so i thought..anyways guys these days are sooo influenced by the perfection that is in the magazines portraying females to be absolutely flawless.
You don't have to look any further than to realize that men/boys/guys these days are far more judgmental then the average person should be :S i mean look at the Victoria's Secrets models, some of my friends are models and in the pictorials they look gorgeous, kinda healthy and all round stunning, but in real life they are too skinny, and i think this would be the case with those Victoria's Secrets Models, but guys LOVE them! :S
I'm not sure if i'm making sense, its just when I use to think of being skinny, yeah i wanted to look good for girls (fashion wise) but unfortunately it was mainly for guys. Does anyone know what i'm talking about? or am i completely alone. hahah


we tear each other down rather than support and love one another and encourage each other to reach for our highest potential.

I can't help but think that you do have a point there..

What does this have to do with Johnny Depp?
