I'm a guy, I watch the occasional rom-com out of interest and a silly need to "keep current" and I watched this..mostly because John Krasinski is in it, and discounting the fact that I'm a fan of his. I was sitting there the whole movie under the complete impression that he was going to wind up with the girl, instead they abandon his character 20 minutes before the movie is over and he gets no real closure at all, there's a cute little cutscene where we see him running from Kate Hudson, I've never read the books so I'm sure they elaborate more but really he was the only character I could even begin to empathize with, especially when he gets shot down, having been in that situation. It killed the movie for me to be honest.
I don't know that he got "shot down", hill. In fact, Rachel's facial expressions & warm response when he confessed that he had feelings for her that went beyond friendship imply something different. Possibly that if she hadn't been hung up on Dex at the time, she probably would have reciprocated Ethan's sentiments.
And it seems that there will be a sequel, so you never know!
I couldn't empathize with any of the characters in this movie. I thought the Ethan character had a shot at being "real", but what guy would watch the girl he loves going through all that crap for so long without telling her how he feels about her? Totally unrealistic, IMO.
Ethan wasn't just watching, he was going out of his way to push the drippy nerd skank and the creepy Tom Cruise clone together. He was literally screaming at her trying to make it happen, even though he was in love with her himself. 'Cause that is what would totally happen in real life.
They leave his character hanging because he figures so prominently in the second book, Something Blue, the tease at the end of the film Something Borrowed was supposed to let you know that Ethan's story continues - but - Something Borrowed apparently didn't do well enough to get the financing to produce Something Blue.
I would have preferred it if we hadn't been subjected to the boring, hackneyed "I'm being your best male friend but I'm secretly in LURVE with you" scenario.
It's like men can never be just a really good friend to a woman - they always have to be in love with them, and that's the only reason they're giving women the time of day: cos they want in their pants.
Do something original film makers. Have the guy be a friend (and not gay either!), just a friend. That's what I'd like to see.
All of these characters were pathetic in one way or another. The only one I really liked was Claire, even if she wasn't the sharpest stick in the pile, she wasn't trying to play anyone and wasn't confused about who she was in love with.
Maybe the book has more depth, but these characters never felt real to me. I think it must be tough to do a rom-com that's original, but for one to work you have to believe in the characters. The audience has to relate to them in some way; think of them as someone you might have met at a party or known someone just like them in college, work or family. These were a bunch of people who didn't seem to work much, but apparently had plenty of money and time to travel and party. Some how I don't think that sequel is ever going to get made. Well, maybe Lifetime would do it.
Final point: Has Kate Hudson done anything since Almost Famous that's worth a damn? Didn't think so.
The Marcus character almost likable? Maybe from a male perspective. But not from mine (female, sorry...on wrong board then). Ughhhhhh. Most annoying of the bunch. I loved the movie though.
Well in the books, Ethan's actually barely in the first one. He is a good friend of Rachel and Darcy's from childhood but he's already living in England. Rachel visits him in England later in the book, but mostly she just talks to him on the phone about the situation. They actually switched him with Rachels best friend from work, a woman named Hilary. Hilary is the one telling Rachel through most of the book that she should get Dex to call off the wedding. But they left Hilary out of the movie, and just used Ethan instead. Also Claire and Ethan never meet. And the Claire from the book is actually pretty different from the one in the movie. She's very superficial and picky, she would actually never go for Ethan if they met. She has extremely high standards when it comes to men.
I think it was just easier to have the Ethan character be the best friend for the movie, especially if they do the sequel. Ethan did love Rachel, but back in High School. They just become really good friends later.
All I can say is that I unremittingly HATE Darcy. I don't normally engage in yelling at fictional characters, but when she flips the *beep* out on Rachel after seeing Dex's jacket, I just saw red.
It was the defining moment of her completely self-involved character, so utterly unaware of anyone or anything outside of herself. For *beep* sake, she was pregnant with Marcus' WHILE engaged to Dex, and she has the gall to recuse THEM, who actually have a history of connection. No, Darcy is so self-righteous that she thinks her pseudo-bond with Marcus is more deserving of understanding.
All I can say is that I unremittingly HATE Darcy. I don't normally engage in yelling at fictional characters, but when she flips the *beep* out on Rachel after seeing Dex's jacket, I just saw red.
It was the defining moment of her completely self-involved character, so utterly unaware of anyone or anything outside of herself. For *beep* sake, she was pregnant with Marcus' WHILE engaged to Dex, and she has the gall to recuse THEM, who actually have a history of connection. No, Darcy is so self-righteous that she thinks her pseudo-bond with Marcus is more deserving of understanding.
Oh come on. Are you saying that if you found your fiance and lifelong best friend had been having an affair behind your back, you wouldn't be upset? Seriously. Anyone in the world would be upset. You'd think they were scum. Of course Darcy isn't blameless because she was cheating too, but it's hardly the same.
It's Dex I can't stand. He's the worst case of $hit or get off the pot I've ever seen. He was no prize. At least Darcy ended up with the great guy, Ethan. With the girls, yeah I feel bad for Rachel sometimes, but then other times I get so frustrated with her weaknesses. Grow up, you know? I can't help but think that Rachel's indecisiveness was the cause of the whole problem anyway. If she had more balls she would've laid down the law to Darcy that first night with Dex. But she didn't. She hummed and hawed, played the poor me card and then proceeded to cheat on her best friend. That's $hitty behaviour. And for that reason, it's sweet that she ended up with the weak guy. She deserved him. Darcy was a selfish person, yeah, but she was not evil lol. And she was a lot more upfront about what she wanted and took what she could. I respect that a lot more than mousy little backstabbers who play the good girl and then cheat and lie to get what they want, all while pretending to be the sweet one. If you're going to be cutthroat, be cutthroat. Don't pretend you're a little waif and look for pity.
That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo! reply share
Ethan's a tool, a nice tool, but tool nonetheless.
His character reminds me of the one in "P.S. I love You" played by Harry Connick Jr. where after years of empathizing and shouldering support for the girl mourning over her dead husband he musters the courage to kiss her because he truly feels for her but then the writers inject an artificial twist where the kiss ends up feeling awkward for some unrealistic reason and he decides he only likes like a sister? Pffffft.
Ethan was in the friend zone - and had been in there for years. Any guy lame enough to keep that going into his 30's clearly doesn't have the required game to properly get out of it, or move on with his life and get a proper girlfriend.