The voice of God wasn't a joke to me. It was a hallucination, like the one Saul of Tarsus obviously had on the road to Damascus.
Again, if that was actually a divine revelation, then you have to write off every other religion's divine revelations as hallucinations. What makes Christianity's version exempt? They all seem to be equal in character. (Well, except for Mormonism, which is less credible than the competition.)
So, you need an argument that Christianity is the one true religion. But it's actually much easier to make the opposite argument.
1) It's the only major world religion whose supposed divinely inspired scripture conflicts with the historical record, and in important ways. For instance, healing on the Sabbath was a Pharisaic innovation, so the Gospel portrayal of their condemning it struck contemporary Jewish readers as an obvious lie. That's the actual reason Jews of that era rejected Christ as Lord and Savior: they knew that the Gosepls were full of anti-Semitic claptrap.
Bet you they didn't teach you that in Sunday School.
2) It claims that its belief system (which isn't a justifiable theological doctrine to begin with, but that's a different story) is the only way to reduce sin, but modern psychology tells us that it would have just the opposite effect -- being brought up with the Christian belief system could be expected to make your moral behavior worse. All the available data confirms this is true. Or did you think it was just an accident that all of the Mafia are devout believers?
Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.