MovieChat Forums > Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) Discussion > i would of beaten abby within an inch of...

i would of beaten abby within an inch of her life

and the only reason i would of stopped was so i could take her out to the middle of lake michigan, chain her feet to some heavy weights, and throw her overboard. i'm serious, if you did that to me, there would be no measuring my fury.

I'm not scared of ANYTHING except grizzly bears and fat women.


Why didn't he just divorce her instead of going to *beep* another woman, which is married too? Same for Judy. I don't get it why so many people cheat. You can just leave the other person instead of hurting him/her like that. I wonder why they don't do it. Must be the money or something. It can't be love, when I love someone I won't cheat on him. I liked their revenge.


people cheat cuz they are are stupid... either get bored or need more excitement...

i think he got what he deserved really for cheating on his wife... at least he didn't lose his money, kid, and don't forget Lorena Bobbitt, he didn't get whacked either...


People cheat because they are weak. If you can't stay the arguments, lulls and crises' then you don't deserve to be around for the good, great and epic. Either take the sweet with the sour or remain single, otherwise you are just a dick who will hurt people, no better than any other form of scum.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!



You would have beaten the **** out of Abby!?

Now, that's interesting, but nothing to worry about.
You wanna know why?

You'll never ever get a girl like Abby. Women who are intelligent enough to come up with such a plot (and I DO NOT say that what Abby did was right or justified or whatever) would never choose a partner who considers wife-beating to be an option!
So no problem here!


"i would of beaten abby within an inch of her life",.....really:::::::side-eye::::: you cheat, lie, break marriage vows. Neglect your family and relationship for selfish pleasure and ego,...but the women is wrong for seeking the ultimate revenge, retribution. You response sir, is why guns are made, and bullets fly from them. You do this to your wife, then you SHOULD expect to be "dragged to hell, then back", swallow it like a good boy, and sit in a corner and think about WHY you had to break your vow between the mother of your child and GOD. I have read other MALE responses, and the same goes for all of you, you break your vows, lets hope your wives did not see this movie and got some really fabulous ideas on making you pay.


You should probably stop watching movies and check yourself into the looney bin.


Nope, he won. The woman lost everything since her plan was to get him to commit suicide or kill the other guy and go to jail. Since he didn't do that, he gets the kid and the woman will get nothing. He won. The end.


This is a long story, I'll let you know in advance. I'll try to only include the important details. But it's true, and it's mine.

I live in a relatively small town. Everyone knows each other, women love to talk, etc. Couple years back I was engaged to a girl I've known since kidnergarden, we'll call her Tara. Tara was kind of keen on keeping a good appearance(Looks, happy family life, etc). Overly worried about her families opinions and what they thought, approval and what not. Before getting married, we had lost a child during delivery. It changed both of us(Examples are it made her bitter, and made me wake up and stop living in a bottle)

I had known my boss for about 8 years, and she cheated on her husband. While I made my views on that very clear, we had developed quite a unique friendship. She urged me not to get married, with a list of reasons. I went ahead and married her, because I was love in with her. She got pregnant the same month we married.

Within that year, "Marriage complications" arose. Her and my mother were fighting, I was working two(Basically three with OT) jobs and kind of stressed.

The only time I could vent was during my down time at my first job(To my boss). I explained the situation, and Tara's behavior to my boss. A week later she handed me a piece of paper with a telephone number, a name, an adress,his car, and a name of the bank where he worked. She told me to look for the number on my caller ID.

Needless to say when I got home, the number was there. Several times, but never on my off days, or the hours I didn't work. I got a 'Key logger' from one of my friends, and there was various emails on the computer from a guy she used to work with, the same name on the paper my boss had given me. Most of them had been deleted, but it was obvious she was hiding something from me, and there was definetly something going on.

I waited, until Sunday evening I seen his name on the caller ID again. I said 'Hey honey, is this Chris(My best man's)' new number? He said he'd call today.' and read off the stranger's number. She said no, it was her brother's number. When I said I needed to call him and see if he could help me move something for my father. She got up and walked into the laundry room. I followed her and I repeated the number asking if she was sure this was her brother's number. She nodded yes, and went for her car keys. I called him, and it wasn't her brother(Her brother is flamboyantly homosexual, so it was easily distinguishable). I asked him his name, and he hung up the phone. She darted out into her car and took off. I waited a few minutes, before calling him back(At this point I lost my temper, we can't all be as calculating as Ryan) and he hung up again and shut his phone off. After Tara was gone, I went by the man's house and seen that her car wasn't there(his was). Driving to a friends house(With my clothes in the bed of my truck) I seen her at the cemetary.

Once I arrived at my friends house, she called me crying saying she had never done anything like that before, and had never slept with him or even touched him. Point of the story was, how could I believe her? I don't think I could. So, a mutual friend contacted me and told me that there was obviously something going on when she worked with the two.

I guess I should have handled it differently(not losing my temper with the guy. At least not on the phone), and a better way may have been to expose Tara in front of her family. But, impulse and rage took over. So I give it up to Ryan, thought he did a wonderful job.

But it left me to wonder how he knew? I was blinded by a work overload, trying to get her and my mother to get along, and keep everything together to actually see what was going on. Luckily my boss had been going to the same church as that guy all of her life, and I guess put two and two together, or heard something, IDK. Or maybe she just knew the signs from her experience in infeditly so long.


I think that says more about you than it does Abbys character.



"Would have"*

Looks like you missed the point...
