MovieChat Forums > Jumper (2008) Discussion > Three words about Hayden Christensen

Three words about Hayden Christensen

Worst. Actor. Ever.




Go. Intercourse. Thyself.


I never knew that he was so bad because over here all films are dubbed but the guy's delivery is so wooden, it's ridiculous that he actually is a big time actor.


He's. OK. Just.

But the girl 'Millie' destroyed the movie - (Perhap's it was writing and director fault - dunno, but she was -Just. Plain. Annoying-

She bugged the hell out of me. Can't put my finger on why, but she sucked.

(Though I'm saying this before I've seen it all. I'm up to where it appears there going to a showdown at the 'lair' - Then it went to ad break, so I typed this)




It's fun to hate on him due to Star Wars. He's not the best actor in the world by any means but he seemed fairly good in this, he played a cocky player in a bar, he played frightened, he played angry - he can do emotions, he can actually act. He may never get an oscar but no, there's much worse than him.


sure. there are worse actors than him. but he still sucks.


When I opened this thread I was hoping those three words were going to be: Worst Actor Ever. I totally agree with you. The film wasn't great but for me, this was the worst piece of acting I have ever witnessed!


Better Than Expected

- or -

He's Actually Talented
