Alternate look at Paladins vs. Jumpers
Let's look at the conflict in the movie, imagining things from the Paladin's perspective. This will take a little imagination, but hey, why not?
Roland and the Paladins are depicted as the bad guys, but we only see things from the Jumper's point of view. The only thing we know about the Paladins is that they hunt and kill Jumpers. They are well organized and well funded. The fight has been going on for centuries. Why are they killing the Jumpers, what is their motivation?
David, a seemingly good kid, uses the power to steal thousands, perhaps millions of dollars. He has gotten lazy, also, as we see him "jumping" two feet across the couch in order to more easily reach the tv remote. Perhaps Jumpers eventually turn to worse and worse abuses of their ability. Wouldn't a young guy who has to work for nothing and has no obstacles start to look for bigger challenges? Spying, blackmail, even murder would be simple when you have the ability to jump.
Imagine a time long ago, when Jumpers used their powers to the detriment of mankind. A group of lawful, moral people established the Paladins in order to stop the Jumpers. Yes, David hasn't hurt anybody (that we know of), but he has broken the law many times. The fight has been going on for so long that the Paladins stop anybody with the ability. Even David's mother leaves her family and turns against her son because she believes in the cause so strongly.
The name "paladin", evokes thoughts of those on the side of right. A common definition is "knightly or heroic champion". The original paladins were knights who fought for Charlemagne; their leader was named Roland. Ring a bell? Perhaps the screen writer intended to make the paladins the good guys. It's certainly interesting to think about.