Uwe's best movie

I thought that it was going to suck (since that i am a fan of the postal games), but i gotta be honest, this is the best Uwe Boll film, it was offensive, funny and violent.

Seriously, i changed my mind about Uwe Boll after watching Postal, i know, House of the dead sucked balls (i can make a script similiar to the game), but you know, that is from the past.

If you liked Postal, check Rampage, also directed by Uwe Boll



I have to admit, this movie is one of my guilty pleasures. Probably because it's the one and only Boll movie which doesn't take itself seriously. (And Uwe is in it and pokes fun at himself too).


'' it's the one and only Boll movie which doesn't take itself seriously.''

THIS. Exactly! And I think that because of this particular reason, it kinda works in its own way.


This movie was fucking amazing. So funny and great. They just dont make movies anymore like they did in the early 2000s. Nothing but sjw propaganda and gay superhero movies being made these days. sad...




I gave House of the Dead 5/10, it was actually hilarious in certain parts of the movie, didn't take itself seriously (similar to Postal), never really slowed down and it kept a steady pace, and it just had a certain charm about it, can't put my finger on what it was exactly, but yea, I kinda just 'felt' it.

I think some people rip on Boll movies just because it's Boll, and it's the 'cool' thing to do. Sure he's not a 7+/10-rating kinda movie director, but he does have some solid movies that are at least average/slightly above average.

I would say Postal is his best movie. Solid 6/10 for the very, very funny moments in it among other things!
