Made Me Proud To Be An Atheist
So many things to touch upon, but top of the list would be . . .
. . . when they had the kids break ceramic coffee cups to vent their anger at the Devil. That's it, train these kids to associate anger and destruction with their faith, so in the future when someone questions Christianity they'll want to hit someone or something with a hammer.
Even more shocking was the kids talking about going to war for Jesus. So much for the peaceful, non-violent teachings of Christ.
Oh, lets not forget:
-The brain jello mold which showed how sin sticks to your brain.
-The totally misinformed home schooling class on global warming and evolution.
-The Ken & Barbie Adam & Eve dolls (with Eve/Barbie modestly wrapped up in a huge leaf).
-The blessing of the George Bush cardboard cut-out.
-The Dad at the bowling alley complimenting his daughter for being "obedient".
It would all be so funny, if it weren't so scary.
"Push the button, Max!"