The movie that helps to show how stupid people really are
After reading all the "I don't get this, this doesn't work, this movie sucks" posts on this thread, and after watching it, I have come to the conclusion this is one of those movies that the general public is too stupid to understand, which is really quite pitiful. Most of you on this board that didn't understand even one thing in this movie deserve a smack upside the head.
At it's most basic core, this is a love story. A guy who is so hopelessly smitten with a girl he cannot work up the courage to just talk to, one who asks around to find out things about her, who, truthfully, resorts to some seriously creepy tactics, gets trapped in a car with the girl in the dead of night in the freezing cold. Aside from the 'ghosts', this entire movie shows the progress of the girl and how she matures and comes to understand that the way she has been living life is not the way to be. She comes to appreciate human life, comes to understand that love, even if it does end up being fleeting, can be a powerful thing. Despite everything he did wrong, he still got into her heart through perserverance and by being himself, and in the end she cared and was saddened by his death, so much so that she was looking fondly at the photo of him on her cell phone and shed even more tears for him. This, DESPITE everything that happened to her throughout the night. She didn't show elation at finally being out of the woods, away from the car, away from the cop ghost....she was only saddened by the fact that he didn't make it out with her. The final conversation between her and his ghost at the end and the tears she cries while looking at his photo in the last shot speak worlds about this. Yet most of you just focus on the fact "it didn't scare me, there was no blood and guts in an r rated movie, blah blah blah" like stupid simple sheep.
This is an amazing movie. It's a combination of a romance/drama and ghost flick. The ghosts only serve to bring the guy and girl together and strengthen their short lived bond. Not a single one of you understands or gets this, and you focus more on the ghosts than the nameless main characters and even shun the fact that they are nameless. It's an attempt to get you to care more about their character and personality instead of their damn name. Would it really have made a difference if they were named, oh say, Jennifer and Billy? More than likely you idiots probably would have just gone through the movie spouting idiotic crap like 'damn, that jennifer is a hottie, go billy, get with that hoe' and on and on. Nobody appreciates an actual decent movie anymore....and it's incredibly sad just how pathetically stupid the human race has become.