Is the book worth reading?

I actually enjoyed the movie. Is this series worth reading?

"If you ever injected truth into politics you'd have no politics." Will Rogers


If you liked the movie, then you are obviously an idiot. Avoid reading the books, as they are wonderful.


The book series is a hundred times better than the movie. the funny thing is that this isn't the first book in the series, Over Sea, Under Stone is the first book in the series. I love this book series and this movie broke my heart, please do read the books.


I remember when I was in my mid to late teens that I started reading The Dark Is Rising series even before the movie adaption of the final Harry Potter book. I was mesmerized at the Celtic mythos and the atmosphere within the story. Such a shame the makers of the movie didn't care and only got the characters names but not the story itself. That being said, here's my ranking of the entire book series.

1. The Dark is Rising
2. The Grey King
3. Over Sea, Under Stone
4. Silver on the Tree
5. Greenwitch

The only reason why I ranked Greenwitch and Silver on the Tree lower is because they were decent enough books in their own right, but they lacked the spark that made Dark is Rising and Grey King the best entries of the series. Over Sea, Under Stone was pretty good though.
