Steel... The Movie loses me everytime.
Everytime Steel become the subject, I couldn't stop rolling my eyes. By the end, I got Soooo Dizzy.
1. Nobody would care if the rail steel is lightweight. It's not that big of a selling point.
2. Steel would have to reduce weight incredibly before it becomes competitive in aircraft use. I mean today Aluminum is being phased out by carbon fiber.
3. Every time steel is mentioned, I feel like this is based on a book from the 1930s when steel was still a newish building material.
4. It would be SOOOO easy to test the material. Any place where there are a few run of the mill testing equipment would easily test the new steel all they want. There are literally 10000s of places that could do the test. And running the train once does nothing to prove it's resistance to fatique.
5. When the old rails are taken out, they are usually recycled. So this idea that the new rail line would eat up too much Iron Ore is ridiculous. And there is no shortage of iron as far as I can tell or any future shortage either.
It's a simple fix, but I guess nobody with a brain was at the helm. Instead of steel, call it something new. Heck call it meteor material if you want, or something futuristic and fake. And don't over-explain it. Alfred Hitchcock would call it a MacGuffin.