Was Milk STUPID or what?

I'm sorry, his character was an extremely likable GOOD guy, genuinely
good natured, the whole thing. But he is a gullible, needy, STUPID
dude, as a African American, I can't for the life of me understand
why he was so desperate for friends that he would hang around a bunch
of two faced backstabbing white racists who won't even stick up for

And who in the world, as a black, would trust a violent skinhead racist?
The answer is no one in their sane mind would follow someone like that to a private place! No one but Milk.

The dude (the racist) was known to have a short fuse, he has an overtly
obvious psycholgical and emotional personality disorder, hence the jekyll
and hyde mood swings and his glaring lack of self awareness.

Milk is an Ok dude, but something is wrong with him too that he couldn't
see that the guy could turn on you faster than you can blink twice, maybe
ONE IS OKAY WITH BLACKS, especially ones that talk about their happy upbringing.

Even the conversations they had in the apartment were fake, as fake as the
black and white peace b.s he pretended to believe in, the entire time
he was thinking of Milk as a lowly "N" word and anyone with half a
brain and a little self worth would have not been a part of it, not
as a black/African.

The dude ( I just watched the movie and can't remember the p.o.s's name)
hated himself more than anything else, which is why he can't stand to
hear an "N" word talk about how good they had it growing up. He's also
a sociopath, what sort of guy can be with someone all day,
laugh with them, joke with them and then attack them like a savage beast
for no effin reason other than that they are black and think they
have a clue what a bad dad is?

Seriously, this dude has problems bigger than "coloreds" and pakis!


Milky WAS a skinhead, jewel.
So are several of us posting on this message board. ;)

Infact in the sequels, he's the only one who STAYS a skinhead, which is cool.

RE Combo's dad being half black —
I didn't know that the actor was mixed (he is). That just makes this whole movie more brilliant. He was beating milky out of self hate.

IT's an allegory for extreme-right wing britain — full of everything from tea to curry that's come from foreign places and has improved life, yet exists next to a hatred of things foreign. COMBO.

And the entire movie is an allegory about what happened to the skinhead scene when the NF got involved, the dividing, the conflict, the breakdown, the aimlessness. Top notch.


"IT's an allegory for extreme-right wing britain — full of everything from tea to curry that's come from foreign places and has improved life, yet exists next to a hatred of things foreign. COMBO."

That's a great insight about his name, BlackGas. Combo. He's a combination - of white and black, so there is always going to be a part of himself he hates - the part that came from his father, I suppose - but he can never get rid of it, and even his NAME reminds him of that fact every day and every hour.

So he turns the hatred outwards, towards other blacks.

It's a bit like how the NF and far-right folk hate "scroungers" even though about 3/4s of them exist solely on benefits themselves, and many have never had a job in their lives. They hate themselves.



He had no choice. He was a black boy living in Grimsby in the 80s, even now in 2015 Grimsby is still an all white place. He had a choice either have white friends or no friends. I cant defend him going off with combo though that was just foolish. He probably did it to appear manly, if he said no he would appear scared.

I'm not from texas its just a name I came up with when I was a teen! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥★☆★☆★☆★☆
