MovieChat Forums > This Is England (2007) Discussion > Predictable - Soft + Weak - Romper Stomp...

Predictable - Soft + Weak - Romper Stomper


Predictable - As soon as Combo asked Milky for the weed, I expected/waited for him to crack and beat the *beep* out of him - Little did i know, that was to be the supposed climax of the film

Soft & weak - staring out to the ocean? dramatically throwing the flag into the sea? a final stare into the camera? - ....please

Romper Stomper - see this instead


You're a fool if you think this was just another skinhead film like Romper Stomper. Did you get confused because they all had shaved heads? Romper Stomper was about racism and the charisma of a flawed leader and the relationship with his followers, it was never about Australian identity. It's focus was Hando. This is England is a rite of passage story and about the war for Shaun's soul (and England's soul) and it's focus was a young boy and the future of England after the nationalism of the Falkland War. Oh and I was there in the 80s and I know what it was like to live through that time. I think you need to think a little more when watching films and not get caught up on the minor details.


totally agree, people are putting this movie into a race movie and it isn't, its just a movie about a young boy growing up in 80's and race was a small part of it. Woody, milky gadget are not racist or neo Nazi's atall, skinheads like they were, were just what the poor young lads dressed like, movie ended with race being involved but was never intended for it to be a race movie.


Romper stomper were neo Nazi skin heads. In this is England, the group of friends wernt full blown skin heads, The film isn't supposed to be about race, its supposed to be a realistic view of life in 80's. And as for that, I thought very accurate and powerful.
