MovieChat Forums > This Is England (2007) Discussion > Do you consider yourself English or Brit...

Do you consider yourself English or British?

"England" is a word that I don't see used very much anymore. Great Britain is what your country is always referred to nowadays. So I was wondering if you consider yourself English or British or just don't care.


I'm Scottish.
But it's still a great movie.
And I get what it and the skinhead thing is about by being from a working class background myself.


I'm british and anyone who considers themselves english, scottish or welsh is a cu nt.


You're a Brit if you are a British citizen, native or naturalized - Only those born and raised in England are truly English. Big difference.



Both. I am English. England makes up part of Great britain, therefore I am also British.

"My Hovercraft is full of eels..."


I'm Scottish!! All the way!! Was in America and a dude asked if i was from England! when i told him i was Scottish a more apologetic man you will never encounter!!

Not British, Scottish!

Good Lord, Archie!!


Well I was born in England, in Britain, in the EU. I don't particularly care though, it's not like I had a choice in the matter.




Born in London in 1975. Raised through the 80's and grew up with everything that shaped that time. Into the 90's and was part of the rave scene that took over the country. Been into my footy all my life and know my English football from Stanley Matthews to David Beckham. I was born in England and this is the country I love...but because I am black and we are not allowed to be classed as English.

Sucks really as I am probably more English than many people here, but skin colour plays a huge part.
