MovieChat Forums > The Tree of Life (2011) Discussion > One of the most underrated movies of all...

One of the most underrated movies of all time

what's your top 5 underrated?


Tree of Life (agree)
Assassination of Jesse James (if you like this, you'll like that)
Dolores Claiborne
Rocky Balboa (inspiring)

"...the greatest Karate Man I have ever known..John Kreese"
--Sensei Terry Silver Karate Kid III


From the top of my head;

Tree of Life
The New World
Cloud Atlas
Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut


co-sign on Cloud Atlas.


Fire Walk With Me
Mission Impossible (1996)
Terminator 3
The Beach


Have you ever seen a film made more than 10 years ago? This is depressing,

-- You're going on after Crispy Ambulance! --


I'd say it's not so much underrated as it is misunderstood (it was nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture after all, so you can't really say it's underrated). I think a lot of people automatically write it off as pretentious because it's an art film and there's a bunch of (seemingly) random footage of the creation of earth and life, but they completely overlook the simple beauty and depth of the story this film tells.


I'm going based on ratings on IMDB, like below 7.0 when they should clearly be much higher.

The Tree of Life
The Counselor (yes 2 Brad Pitt films!)
The Hunted (Friedkin)
The Pledge
The Grinch


Terrence Malick is a genius. I pity anyone who can't recognise and appreciate the beauty in his work. I watched the film tonight wearing Sennheiser headphones and the sounds are quite astounding. How the film wasn't at least nominated for sound editing at the 2012 Academy Awards is unfathomable.


because the academy people did not listen to it using sennheiser headphones. lol


That's a lot of "the"'s dude! :)


I give it a 1...ok?


I'm not going to give you my top 5 underrated since I cant think of them but I agree that this movie is vastly underrated. Here are my thoughts on that...

I've been thinking about this movie for the last couple of days since I watched it and have concluded that this would probably be in the #3 spot of the IMBb top 250 if it was only me voting. On par with The Shawshank Redemption and The Godfather.

It's that good!

If your movie doesn't doesn't get me interested in 20-30 minutes it probably sucks.



This is definitely underrated. An average of 6.7 is a very mediocre score - even lower than Transformers - when it really deserves higher. It's artsy and unusual, I'd have expected an average rating of 8.0-8.2, a similar rating to stuff by Tarkovsky and Bergman.

Other films I consider underrated:
- Lost Highway
- The Man Who Wasn't There
- Blue Ruin
- Melancholia


Off the top of my head ...

Tree of Life
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (surprised IMDB actually has it at 7.4)
The Nines
What Dreams May Come
Tree of Life


My most underrated would be:

1. The Trial (Welles, 1962) [Welles' second-strongest post-CK effort, after Touch of Evil.]
2. Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman, 2007) [Overall very well-done, despite a couple of moments of awkward film-making here and there.]
3. Werckmeister Harmonies (Tarr, 2000)
4. Chimes at Midnight (Welles, 1966) [The best Shakespeare film adaptation I've seen.]
5. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, 2012)

I was going to put Touch of Evil in there, but as the BFI 2012 poll showed, it's getting some more recognition.
