Shallow reasons many like this film
I am sick of people claiming that this lazy and unoriginal film is amazing.
There are 3 Shallow arguments that are used for this films defense.
the first is: "But the cinematography is beautiful and look rlly pretty"
A film should be based on its content more than its beauty. For example, Citizen Kane is considered a masterpiece because it had intriguing characters and a fascinating plot, the great visual effects enhance the movie. If KANE had not looked so beautiful, it would still be loved due to its content.
Tree of life however, has only visual effects going for it. The images are not even unique, they are images we have seen a million times before in documentaries and television shows. The cinematography alone doesn't make a good film. Yet this film has barely anything else. If this film was the exact same, yet did not have the same effects, you would absolutely hate this film, even if the shallow 'storyline' was the same. We are told never to judge someone solely on how they look, yet this is exactly how you judge this film
2nd: "but its Terrence Mallick"
If this film were the exact same yet wasn't directed by Mallick, at least half of the films fans would not care for it at all.
3rd and worst: "If you don't like it, it's because you don't understand and you're not deep"
Anyone who uses this excuse has already lost the argument. I can say the same thing about literally any other movie "you just don't understand what the conflicts present in Grown ups 2 represent" see? easy
Films are supposed to be open to interpretation, but this film is a blank slate for people to create their own interpretations. Its Twilight for the 'intellectual' hipsters.
This film was lazy, uninspired, unoriginal and infuriating. The fact that this got praise was only due to Mallick's name. And anyone claiming this is 'deep' and we don't understand... Fail to realize that you have been manipulated by a lazy, shallow yet pretty-looking movie