MovieChat Forums > The Tree of Life (2011) Discussion > Shallow reasons many like this film

Shallow reasons many like this film

I am sick of people claiming that this lazy and unoriginal film is amazing.

There are 3 Shallow arguments that are used for this films defense.

the first is: "But the cinematography is beautiful and look rlly pretty"

A film should be based on its content more than its beauty. For example, Citizen Kane is considered a masterpiece because it had intriguing characters and a fascinating plot, the great visual effects enhance the movie. If KANE had not looked so beautiful, it would still be loved due to its content.

Tree of life however, has only visual effects going for it. The images are not even unique, they are images we have seen a million times before in documentaries and television shows. The cinematography alone doesn't make a good film. Yet this film has barely anything else. If this film was the exact same, yet did not have the same effects, you would absolutely hate this film, even if the shallow 'storyline' was the same. We are told never to judge someone solely on how they look, yet this is exactly how you judge this film

2nd: "but its Terrence Mallick"
If this film were the exact same yet wasn't directed by Mallick, at least half of the films fans would not care for it at all.

3rd and worst: "If you don't like it, it's because you don't understand and you're not deep"
Anyone who uses this excuse has already lost the argument. I can say the same thing about literally any other movie "you just don't understand what the conflicts present in Grown ups 2 represent" see? easy

Films are supposed to be open to interpretation, but this film is a blank slate for people to create their own interpretations. Its Twilight for the 'intellectual' hipsters.

This film was lazy, uninspired, unoriginal and infuriating. The fact that this got praise was only due to Mallick's name. And anyone claiming this is 'deep' and we don't understand... Fail to realize that you have been manipulated by a lazy, shallow yet pretty-looking movie



The ironic thing is, if you recognized that, you'd actually appreciate the movie more.
That makes no sense. Well I guess you're kind of right, If i WERE pretentious i WOULD like the film, you're right



Never mind. You're bottom shelf. A waste of time.
Good to see you give up so easily and use insults rather than actually demonstrating clear points.



reducing the heart of Star Trek down to the green alien woman and tribbles
I hate 'into darkness. But no, the star trek remakes didn't reduce the heart to tribbles and green women. Into Darkness definitely reduced the heart, but it wasn't devoid of some good ideas.

Here's another; Ask the average teenager what they think of Mozart? Or The Beatles for that matter. Are they right?
No, because I can elaborate on why I find those things amazing. I can also elaborate as to why Tree of Life is just a mainstream version of films we've seen dozens of times before. How it has some blank characters and some dreadful expository dialogue. Not to mention the cliches and bad CGI. I can explain why I don't like the film, and I don't think the smart response to that is simply and blindly stating "Well I found it beautiful and perfect so i'm going to ignore those flaws. This is an 'artsy film' so that means that the gaping flaws don't matter" I don't even hate the film, It's got some nice parts, but it just isn't that interesting or unique. It's most definitely style over substance.



I'm not defending the film. I'm attacking singular thought.
So someone having a justified reason is dumb because it isn't like your opinion? I see it the way I see it because i see the FLAWS in the film, I can be persuaded if someone can show why it's good. But so far the only response i've gotten from people is "Oh, it's beautiful and made me feel good for watching it".

And in a discussion that includes The Tree of Life and the new Star Trek, the fact that you assign, among other things, clichés, bad CGI, lazy and The Tree of life, is laughable and only strengthens the arguments of people that disagree with you.
How? The tree of life had bad CGI, the new Star Trek didn't. Both were unoriginal. And Star Trek definitely put more effort in than the lazy and uninspired tree of life. I don't even care about star trek, I never brought it up, but it is REALLY SHALLOW to think that Tree of Life (a mainstream hollywood film with plenty of A-list actors) is somehow better automatically just because you compare it to another mainstream hollywood film, just because star trek is a blockbuster.

I take back bottom shelf, I'm guessing you're handicap is simply being young. But this being a waste of time stands.
Wow, what a childish argument. I've explained why the film was underwhelming and not very good for me. Yet you have not shown ONE decent argument for why it is good. You just resort to childish passive aggressive comments and an irrelevant stance against 'singular thought'. Grow up



and people who think otherwise are shallow and pretentious."
When did I say this exact quote?
Internet piss ant. Tell your parents to get their *beep* together and teach you right.
Wow, look at whose being a hypocrite and resorting to childish insults... The main difference is that I've explained WHY I don't like the film, You can't successfully combat my issues with the film, so you resort to saying something immature like "Oh I could tell you, but I don't wanna"

I'd explain my reasons for liking it but your high rating for a retarded movie like Star Trek reveals your *beep* taste in movies, so why bother?
Lol, I don't even care about the new star trek? You're using a straw man. I said Star Trek is less Lazy and had better CGI. Both are unoriginal and lazy on a story level. I loathe Into Darkness too. Also, even if those films were my favourite ever, how would that devalue my opinion on Tree Of Life? Do you know how pathetic and moronic that argument is?

Dicks like you are fortunate enough to live in a time when you're afforded the security of insulting people anonymously from the safety of your bedroom,
Ironic after you called me an idiot and douchebag right before you made that statement, and then continued on to call me a piss ant and to go *beep* myself. You hypocritical little child.

If you're going to insult the movie, the director, the effects, fine, but if you choose to insult people for liking it, then take your lumps
I'm sick of fmindless fanboys saying stuff like "oh, i don't have to EXPLAIN why I like the film, YOU should just accept this horribly flawed film cause it was very pretty and had classical music."



Alright, I'm done. And when I erase these posts, don't be stupid(er) and interpret that as a win. It's just what I do. Like an artist burning his painting. Bitch.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, you're obnoxious. Also, I find it HILARIOUS that you claim to not care, yet you write me an essay, most of which is just bland, superfluous filler.

The majority of your post was you just explaining your life (which is not as interesting or special as you think btw) and then equating your vague connections to the film with the film automatically being great.

Some things you say are so baffling-ly insultingly stupid, yet they're said with such confidence it's just sad
That's why teenagers love cell phones. They haven't figured out what's important yet. (And it's also why their taste in movies typically sucks.)
So teenagers automatically have terrible tastes in music cause they're teenagers. Wow, well done, what a pathetic generalisation, I guess when they reach adulthood they suddenly get a better taste in Movies, and not only that, but YOU are the ONLY one able to judge a good taste in movies.

There is only ONE paragraph in your rambling that was actually well said and TO THE POINT of the discussion, and that's the paragraph in the middle where you ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT THE FILM. But the rest is just a bunch of passive aggressive whining where you are obviously trying waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to try and sound clever.
You have to focus real hard, especially if you're extra simple. And naturally you can't man up and admit that it's a dick move to insult the person rather than the movie.
It's just funny how contradictory and bi-polar your writing is.

Shallows reasons many like this film...The reasons many have for liking the film are shallow...Your ability to reason produces shallow results therefore, you are shallow.
I never said if you like the film you were shallow, I gave a small list of "SHALLOW REASONS PEOPLE LIKE THIS FILM". Just like there are shallow reasons people love Fight Club or literally any other mildly substantive film out there. And honestly, my points were good, the characters are flat caricatures, it was style over substance and it was a massive mainstream film, hiding under the guise of being some hidden gem.

And when I erase these posts, don't be stupid(er) and interpret that as a win.
Well sorry kiddo, but I do claim it as a win if 90% of your 'arguments' are just you reminiscing and spouting bland superfluous lines.
Like an artist burning his painting. Bitch.
I love the smug sense of satisfaction as if you've said something clever. Your language is not like an 'artist' and ending your post with 'Bitch' does not made the person you are writing to a bitch, it just makes you a brat copying the speech mannerisms from popular TV Shows.



@stevenrz321. knoxfan2008 is either a troll or someone not very bright or both. Rise above it, maybe ... ? For what it's worth, your heartfelt explanation was great to read and insightful. Even including the bit about the Star Trek debacle ;)



LOL, still not seeing any intelligent replies as to why you like the film. All i'm seeing are a bunch of childish insults. You're just further proving my point kiddo.



You're either a bratty teenager, or a bratty, 35 year old World of Warcraft lover who collects knives or something. Either way, you lack self-esteem and seek out attention and confirmation of your superior judgment with negative posts rather than positive one's designed to initiate constructive discussions, and the person that responds with a reasonable reply to someone like yourself is delusional and just doesn't know any better.
Well, from the limited conversations i've had with you I can tell you're a crack addicted, sexually confused prostitute who flunked out of high school.... See how dumb it is to make wild assumptions about someone over the internet? Funny how you're trying to act clever and mature, yet YOU sir, are the one who comes off as immature and bratty due to you constantly ignoring the FILM this board is ACTUALLY ABOUT. You don't wanna discuss the film like me, You just want to have a tantrum at someone. It's so obvious, and your lack of self-awareness is so sad.

My intention wasn't to convince you of anything. My intention was to be a condescending ahole to you and the insults were just bait to keep you responding because I know someone like yourself would react with indifference to a reasonable reply, if you even replied at all.
Wait, so you are having a hissy fit at me for spouting my thought-out and well backed up OPINION, so your response is to purposefully be a dick to try and Bait me? WOW! And i'm the attention seeker? You just admitted to making immature statements to GET MY ATTENTION! Also, these comments of mine you replied to, were me showing why I think this film is entirely mediocre on most levels. So as soon as I show why a film could be considered average, you throw a tantrum. WOW

You're unexceptional.
I'm not the one purposefully being a 'condescending ahole' so someone I don't like gives me attention.....

"You know, maybe you're right. I guess I could have worded that different if I really wanted a decent response.".
Wait, so you're admitting my ideas were correct, just that you were over-sensitive and had an issue with the way I worded it? That sounds like your problem dude. Don't blame me just because I didn't pander to your uptight sensibilities.

And remember, you are a waste of time. Pointing out what a waste of time you are, isn't.
Nice call, that insult is so generic, it could apply to anyone on earth.

Reply if you want but this has been like playing tennis with a one armed kid in a wheelchair who keeps yelling out "I know you are but what am I?", so I'm done.
Wow, anyone who needs to say things along the line of "i win because you're retarded" has clearly lost any argument. I like how you cowardly you are "oh i'm gonna reply, and then I'm gonna declare Victory (as if there is a victory when it comes to discussions in movies) and then I'm gonna say that no matter what YOU say, I STILL WIN" Well done, you are clearly in denial. If you're arguments were good, you wouldn't have to resort to such hilariously inept calls as your last sentence.

In the end, you have again shown that you are not willing to have an ACTUAL discussing on the film, you are just content being a hypocrite, making wild, insulting accusations about people you don't know because they didn't like a film as much as you.



Pretty much nailed it. Just dont bother posting on forums like this, cause the hounds will come running in to blindly defend their favorite bone.


My god, nearly every comment in this thread is someone who thinks their opinion is right above all else. Do not push it all at knoxfan. Listen to yourselves. Just the fact that "The Tree Of Life" inspires such heated debate from both sides shows it is something worthy to discuss. I am more of the opinion of knoxfan (not the condescending parts) in that I think this is a film of little substance, of little originality but is beautiful to look at a portion of the time. I also think to spend this much money on something like this is very selfish in this world we live in. I understand he has a vision. However, if his vision is one he caters so smugly (like many comments here) to his internal clock, a vastly more modest budget would make him seem a lot more like someone who cares about showing his vision to the audience and letting them interpret their emotions from it. I apologize for the run-on sentence! I think the film makes him seem like a "better-than-thou" elitist who feels his opinion is correct regardless (like nearly everyone on this board). Don't get me wrong- I think it is wonderful that so many found celebration in this and something that touched them and made them feel so passionate. I am also glad knoxfan shared his opinions that related somewhat to mine and was equally passionate. We all need to see that..first and foremost. No one's opinion is the right opinion and no one's interpretation is the right one either. That is the beauty of personal experience and art. What you got from this is just as valid an opinion as what I feel was an arrogant hack-job of other's work. You may disagree as I disagree with you but that is life..and NO ONE (not even Malick) is perfectly correct. Choosing to be an artist is choosing to put your vision out there and let OTHERS interpret it also. Calling any art meaningless is also as smug a statement as saying your opinion is the right one. Everyone has something to say..even Donald Trump (and I wished like hell he would stop telling us). In any case, much love to all and I hope this came through as what I meant and not more pushy bs. It will be open to interpretation and that is OK. ;) That is life. It is also fair to say if anyone here does the research this was on top ten lists AND top ten worst lists. That, in itself, makes it an interesting topic- one with multiple answers and none of them the right one..including mine.


Hello there,

First time posting here; and that too 3 years after the original post. I don't know a lot about films or art or generally anything, but I can try and tell you what I feel about this film, what I felt while watching it.
I have only watched this film once and that too on a laptop. During that viewing, I didn't focus on the visuals in the first few minutes, I just took it in. And then there were flashbacks to the Sean Penn's character's childhood. That's where I was particularly moved. It's difficult to articulate what I felt. Those scenes 'triggered'certain things in me. A visit to my childhood as well. That's where I loved the cinematography. Particularly, those scenes where the father was stern and abusive. I didn't hate the man. It made me remember instances from my own youth. See, in India, beating one's child isn't necessarily considered taboo or illegal. The children learn to accept it and love their parents nevertheless. So even when they show the father as being short tempered and abusive at times, I could relate to what the boy felt and not judge the father for what he did.
And then there were those scenes between Chastain and the boys. Boy, did I find them intimate. Those scenes had my eyes brimming with tears. It 'triggered' in my mind the past, what-if scenarios, etc. You know what? Scenes from other films ran through my head.
For eg.- When Agatha tells John and his wife, 'There was so much love in this house' from Minority Report; The scene in Watchmen where Dr Manhattan tells Silk Spectre- "Miracles. Events with astronomical odds of occurring, like oxygen turning into gold. I've longed to witness such an event, and yet I neglect that in human coupling, millions upon millions of cells compete to create life, for generation after generation until, finally, your mother loves a man, Edward Blake, the Comedian, a man she has every reason to hate, and out of that contradiction, against unfathomable odds, it's you - only you - that emerged. To distill so specific a form, from all that chaos. It's like turning air into gold. A miracle. And so... I was wrong."

I didn't watch this film with prior knowledge about Terrence Malik or his body of work.. So I think I can honestly say that I didn't like it because it was cool or hip to like it, or because Malik directed it. It made me feel things that an ordinary movie didn't. To feel emotion on such a level, to feel a connect, sometimes when a movie can do that, isn't that...something?
And another thing, I didn't completely understand the film (but have been quite intrigued by the interpretations and explanations that I have read on the internet).

So, 2 years after I saw this for the first time and having watched a few more films and read so much on the message boards here, I am going to watch it a second time. And see how I feel now. Sorry if I came off as a bit sentimental. I am writing this whole thing from my office and surprisingly, I still feel a bit emotional about the film.


Its Twilight for the 'intellectual' hipsters.

I've never seen a smart person use the word 'hipster'.

It always seems to be young immature people who care too much about what other people like.
