MovieChat Forums > The Tree of Life (2011) Discussion > How do evolution and religion coexist?

How do evolution and religion coexist?

Hi everybody! I'm doing an essay one The Tree of Life to research how evolution and religion can coexist. I'm interested in your opinions! When I'm done I'll also be glad to present my findings on the board :)

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Many original religious teachings were taught with metaphors and over time, people have come to take the stories literally. This has led to a butting of heads between science and religion. People need to see that science is a means of investigation. But I think the question to ask which science can't answer is...what allowed science to be?


Much like that old debate over 'Creationism' & 'Evolution'.

The arrogant "belief" that it's either one or the other.

Could it be both?

Something needs to first be created (Born), before it can then evolve (Growing Up).

At least, that's what I got from this.

The lesser of two evils is still evil.
