First, it may depend on whether you're focusing on the Abrahamic tradition or religion in general. I don't believe religion and evolution are mutually exclusive, even though there are many people who take sides with one or the other. I don't take sides because I believe to do so is arrogant and foolish.
Let's say your focus in on Christianity, which includes the Judaic tradition in the Old Testament. As far as I know, the "literal" interpretation of the Bible is a fairly new invention. I believe, throughout history, the allegorical interpretation has dominated.
People didn't read Bibles throughout most of history. Why? Because Bible weren't mass-produced until the invention of the printing press. In 1456 "Gutenberg Produces the First Printed Bible." Protestantism, which places great focus on an individual's personal relationship with God through reading the Bible, didn't emerge until the early 1500s.
The King James Bible wasn't completed until 1611. This "Version" is the basis for most contemporary Protestant forms of Christianity, as far as I know. So, what's my point? Evolution and creationism aren't mutually exclusive. While serious questions ought to be raised about the authoring of "God's Word" it's not impossible that ancient Hebrews were inspired by God. It's not impossible that there was a man called Jesus, who was God's only begotten son.
I think I would focus on the fact that an allegorical interpretation of the Bible and creationism are not mutually exclusive. It's people on both sides of the debate who claim that the Bible is literal who attempt to make the two mutually exclusive when, in fact, their reasoning is biased, if not outright fallacious and false.
Let me conclude by stating I believe in evolution but I don't believe in creationism. As far as I'm concerned, I need evidence of some kind to make determinations about the existence of gods, immortal souls, the afterlife, angels, demons, and the like. I consider myself agnostic because I am open to the possibility of the existence of supernatural phenomena and I believe people who take sides, for or against creationism, often lack the evidence to do so. I feel many people believe in creationism, God, and afterlife merely to make themselves feel better, merely to make life feel like it's not in vain, not so meaningless, so they can get through the day and sleep at night. I'm also a nihilist.