the dog is fake right

i saw this trailer when i went to see brigde to teriibitha. i was just wondering if they use a fake dog alot in the movie becuase it sure looked like it/

Holy smokes 99 channels and nothing's on!
spencer breslin in the kid


Have you ever seen Karate Dog?

Nappy-headed hors d’ oeuvres


It is several real live Irish Terriers. They really are that ornery. I know, one owns me. This is our second; they had different, but very strong, personalities. They are unbelievably smart, and study their people constantly. The first one was extremely athletic 'till the day she died, always friendly with people, often agressive with other female dogs. She could open a dog food can with her teeth, and once stole and ate a full bag of raw turnips, leaving only the tails as evidence. When outside she would leap all day past the top of the fence, ending with a bark. The currant one is much milder, but can still run like the wind. Kids? I once saw our dog walk around all Thanksgiving with a delighted three-year-old attached to her tail.
