Nature Parts 1 and 2 - The turning point of the series, great stuff. My jaw was dropped for the entire 2nd part.
Numb - Just a fantastic episode, everybody's already given their take on it, and I agree with most of them. The POV shot was absolutely amazing, The Mountain Goats is in my top 3 bands.
Alone - Probably the darkest episode of the series next to Nature part 2. I think it's underrated, I understand some people aren't interested in the townspeople. But damn, this episode left me feeling sick in my stomach.
Trigger - This without a doubt to me is the most depressing episode of the series. Seriously, Alone may have been really dark, but this episode was almost torture. Of course I still like it, and it being *beep* up doesn't detract from it at all (I mean, that was the point). But man this episode left a pit in my stomach after watching it.
Dumb - My favorite segment from Alone has to be Nurse Bendy's, and through the course of this episode. I came to care about all of these characters. The bond between Joe and Bendy is really touching to me and a great way to take a break from all the depressing *beep* that happened in the past 3-5 episodes.
Passing - And we're back to the depressing stuff. This is a great episode on Clay's backstory and gives us a good and very realistic reason for his horrible behavior as an adult. Just a great episode, I liked it more than Help although that episode was also pretty good.
Closeface - Like dumb, this episode let's us take a break from the heavy stuff and focuses on the relationship between Orel and Christina and Putty and Stephanie. Also like Dumb, this episode was really touching, except it focused on bigger characters this time. I like it.
Sacrifice - It's funny how much this episode makes me hate and sympathize with Clay. The speech is just great and is definitely the defining part of the episode. Something I also like is how almost the entire thing takes place in the bar and his interactions with everyone else are really entertaining to watch.
Honor - Just a great way to end the series. Orel gets a happy ending and it's really satisfying when he does. Although I still think some episodes are better, I felt I had to put this somewhere on the list this it did serve as a great finale.
I know I don't really have any episode from seasons 1-2 (except for the Nature 2-parter but even that feels like a season 3 episode). But I only really thought the show was great when it went in a darker direction and was much more about the characters. Fantastic show and I really wish they could've done the 17 episodes they planned for season 3.
My favorite part of Breaking Bad is the way Jesse says, "Bitch!"