MovieChat Forums > A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006) Discussion > WOW has everyone lost their mind?!?!?!

WOW has everyone lost their mind?!?!?!

OOHHH MAN...all these topics of how this movie is so dramatic and emotional. You kidding me?? I fought everything I had not to turn this off in the last half of the movie. Started out alright i guess but holy S*it people, ghorrible acting, noooobody was into this movie whatsoever, Chaz is great in general but there was ZERO chemistry between anybody in the film. And to top it off, Michelle rodriguez, was that whole emotional breakdown on the roof supposed to be serious?? It was pathetic. Who directed this?? OH YEA...THE WRITER OF THE BOOK!!! I read the book and it was very good, dito should stick to writing and never direct another movie again...absolutely a huge dissapointment!!!!



I guess you hated it so much that you didn't even realize that the actress on the roof was Rosario Dawson not Michelle Rodrigez. I thought the movie started off slowly but I liked the way it eneded. How can any movie be bad if it has Robert Downey in it?


Thanks cap for coming here and telling us how much you hated it. My day is complete now.


I laughed when I saw he had the wrong actress. Shows how much attention he paid.

The format took awhile to get use to, but once you adjust it was wonderful.


I won't say this movie was awful, it wasn't. I give it a solid 6. The movie is really poorly paced and the screenplay needed to be tighened up a bit in my opinion. I like Shia and Downey jr. is one of the most underappreciated actors of his generation. But it doesn't change the fact that if a better director had done this movie it could have been more effective.


I don't think this movie was terrible. But I don't think it was all that great, either. I wish they had spent more time devoted to Dito's reunions with Monty and Antonio, and a little less time on what I feel are useless scenes (Antonio and Jenny's sex scene; the "I'm such and such" scenes; and brief clips of young Laurie sitting at her window.)


still he does make a point, the acting wasn't all that good and there really was a lack of chemistry. The scene on the roof felt forced and the emotion did not play out right. However it still was a good movie, good cinematography and good use of substitution.

Up set the set Up


still he does make a point, the acting wasn't all that good and there really was a lack of chemistry. The scene on the roof felt forced and the emotion did not play out right. However it still was a good movie, good cinematography and good use of substitution.

Which roof scene? The one that comes to my mind is where young Dito and young Laurie are talking, just after Antonio and Jenny's unnecessary sex scene. If that's the one you're talking about, I agree. I rolled my eyes when the real life Dito was talking about how everyone thought Shia and Melanie were really in love. There was no connection, whatsoever. To me, it was them just speaking their lines. I didn't feel like Shia and Melanie had chemistry. It was just ... BLAH!


... is one person's opinion.

You were probably after a different kind of film thrill. I suggest you watch this film on a day that has been somewhat slower, maybe after you've had to deal with some family or personal issues. You may be able to enjoy this film more if you can relate to it.

The acting from the young ensemble and the parents, and all of the relationships between the characters are truly touching. You just have to be in an appreciative mood.

It is very dramatic and emotional, only the drama and emotion seep through gradually.

Yeah the roof scene was kinda... you know, poo.... but that's just one scene. The kids are AMAZING. And so is Scott Campbell (older Nerf).


I liked everything about this film. Even the parts that seemed unnecessary were completely.... They painted a portrait of each character and gave them grounds for their future. Without dialogue you could, by the end almost predict where everyone was going to end up. Laurie and Nerf still where they felt they belonged for they felt there was nothing better "out there". They felt possessed to stay where they grew up, take care of their families old and new (with little to no regret).

Although it was slower, I felt like a 16 year old again, wandering the streets of my hometown. It resonated because the trials and tragedies of young life are bound to be there whethe you live in Astoria or live in some other place. The question remains of whether you could be the person you are today without them.
Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


Michelle Rodriguez???

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


i thought this film would have more voilence, but I was surprsied it didnt and it worked alot better that it didnt. i like the characters because even amongst the world around him, Dito managed to get out. i think that says alot for people who have come from similar backgrounds to go after what they want to achieve in life.

Roasario dawson is the older girl, not Rodriguez. they dont look anything alike.



I loved Rosario Dawson in this (not Rodriguez), and Robert Downey Jr & Shia LaBeouf complimented this movie.



How can it be a wannabe movie when its based on the directors life and the book he wrote about himself and his life growing up? I thought it was great and emotional and touching. Its a really deep film and I guess if your not that kind of person your just not going to get it.


I ordered this film from Amazon and look forward to seeing it being I grew up in Astoria, much before this era but it should be interesting.


Let me know what you thought of it!


A story about a kid who wants to get out of Queens in 1986 is not very compelling. Its not like its a ghetto in east LA. On top of the that the narrative is sloppy and unfocused. This is not a good film.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.


I guess you had a pretty good life then, in a good area, where even if you never left home your life would be perfect. Just because people don't grow up in East LA (Queens is pretty close in a lot of places), doesn't mean that there aren't things that are difficult to deal with. A dysfunctional family, dysfunctional/dangerous/violent friends, violence in general, drugs, low paying jobs with no hope of making a decent life for yourself, possibly ending up in prison, with an alcohol or substance dependency, or dead- because of your environment. You don't have to be from East LA to experience these things, what a terribly naive and narrow view on society.


I actually liked it. There were a few things here & there that were a bit predictable (if you come from that type of existance, you know what I mean) but I really thought it was pretty good. Not so sure about Eric Roberts as Antonio though, I love Eric Roberts, but for me, he did fit the part.

So the book is pretty good? I will have to check it out.

"I'm picking out a thermos for you..."


You guys are crazy, I thought this little treasure captured everything about growing in the 80's in Queens, The cast was great, yeah the sex scene wasn't needed, and the Rasiro Dawson scene was somewhat pointless, but I give 9/10 amazing, touching, and wonderful!

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


I probably would have enjoyed this movie a lot better if I hadn't watched Sin Nombre yesterday.

Whoever said that Dito should stick to writing and not directing was spot on.

