MovieChat Forums > Waitress (2007) Discussion > Ladies only: Are Dr. Pomatter and Ogie r...

Ladies only: Are Dr. Pomatter and Ogie romantic?

I thought that Doctor Pomatter was reprehensible and that Ogie was scary. If I was a woman, I'd run from either one of them, but I'm a guy. I know that women will have a whole range of opinions and I'd like to hear them.

Are Doctor Pomatter and Ogie romantic? Do they appeal to you? Why?

Ladies, this is for you. I'm not going to reply. I just want to watch and learn.

June 20, 2011 update:
As promised, I'm not going to reply, but I do have a preliminary observation/opinion: I don't think men & women are so far apart after all.

Interested in collaborative work on a new type of film rating system? Contact me.


I'm going to do my best not to be biased, and ignore my giant crush on Nathan Fillion for this question.

Ogie was romantic in his own creepy way. He definitely doted on Dawn and clearly loved her passionately. He brought her flowers, which all girls love, and wrote her poems, which depending on the girl, shows he can be sensitive. My initial reaction to a poem would be "Bleh, cheesy" but deep down I'd like it, I just know it. So yeah, you could call him romantic, he was also just, you know, a bit of a stalker.

Dr. Pomatter was cheating on his wife, which is not romantic or attractive. But if you take out that part, he was attentive, caring, passionate, and adored Jenna. He got her a present that was meant just for her, simply because it would make her happy and he loves her. He actually cared about how she felt and what she thought, and while I can't speak for all girls, that's something that I certainly want and find attractive.

So overall, you could call them both romantic in different ways. I'd prefer the non-cheating Pomatter version, but to each their own.

"I figure, if I'm responsible for the end of the world, I get to name it."


I would agree with Now4elevensies on both characters.

There had to be something wrong with Pomatter for the purpose of the film, which was Jenna coming into her own.

Gotta go. Kisses.


Ogie at first definitely is creepy and I wouldn't give him the time of day. But after Dawn starts dating him, we see that though his execution is faulty, the intent is true. It's the heart behind his bumbling that redeems him.

I agree with Now4elevensies on Dr. Pomatter; if he hadn't been already married, he'd be a wonderful romantic character in the way he interacts with Jenna. He wasn't just about having an affair or getting his kicks, he really cared for her.

"I have little ambition. I have many great thoughts about ambition, but no follow-through."


The second Dr. Pomatter began his affair, he was neither attractive nor romantic. I don't care how caring, considerate, and attentive he was to Jenna, she was NOT his wife. He had a loving wife who trusted him completely, he had no mentioned reason to cheat, and what disgusted me the most was that he showed no remorse for his actions. Jenna, whose husband was abusive, was the one who broke off the affair. So yes, if the doctor hadn't been married, he would have been such a sweet character. But he was married, so no, he was not sweet or romantic.

Ogie was scary, yes, at first. I'm not sure what to think of him. I know I would be disturbed if he kept coming after me and told me that he was going to keep pursuing me. I felt a little sorry for him after he started crying, but his character was a little creepy. I haven't seen the movie in a long time, so it's hard to remember how he started acting later in the film.


Ogie was obsessive, not romantic. I think Dawn settled for him, mainly out of fear of being alone. She was resigned to the fact that she felt nobody would adore her the way he adored her.

I also didn't think Jenna's 'relationship' with Dr Pomatter was romantic. He was cheating on his wife, she was cheating on her husband. They got to know each other by screwing in his surgery and breaking all the medical codes of ethics you could shake a stick at. I think they might have loved each other, but it was the infatuation, rose-coloured, shallow love that you get when you don't really know each other that well. Becky was more pragmatic about the affair she was having, 'he little adventure' as she called it. Well, if Jenna and Pomatter were honest with themselves they would have realised that what they were having was really a 'little adventure' not a relationship.

The thing I loved most about this movie was that I felt the only real 'knight in shining armour' was Old Joe. Even though he was a challenging, crochetty old bastard... I loved him. The advice he gave Jenna when they were dancing at the wedding was priceless, even if his story was meandering. 'This life will kill you, make the right choice. START FRESH.'


I am biased. I have the BIGGEST crush on Nathan Fillion.

I'm going to ignore that.

Ogie was... obsessive. I'm not into the whole writing spontaneous poetry, but he was cute, I'll admit. Maybe if he had had a different approach...

Jim Pomatter was definitely romantic. The one scene that stands out the most as far as romance goes, is when he shows up at Jenna's door, then holds her for twenty minutes, and shows an interest in her hobby. Literally the only downfall was the fact that he was married. But, in today's day and age, marriage means little to many people. His personality was very romantic; his honesty and calmness made me weak in the knees.


I really hope you're not offended by me, because this is not meant as a personal attack and I think what you wrote was lovely but I disagree strongly. I hope you are not, and never becomes the kind of romantic who falls 'in love' with a married man (or woman) who treats her nice and believes he'll one day leave his wife for her.

Trust me, it's EASY to be nice/romantic/attentive to a person you are not married to, to a person you are having a brief, infatuated, sexy and clandestine affair with. It's when you actually commit yourself to a single person and spend every day working on a real relationship with all the real day to day stuff that comes with it that romance and attention become a real achievement and TRUE romance.

I also think it's slightly ironic that you describe him as honest.


Ogie is hilarious at a distance but scary otherwise. Talk about stalker! Besides, who wants to be put on a pedestal? How about you engage my REAL personality! I'd also be afraid of just belittling him nonstop, he is such an easy target, like a puppy with his tail between his legs when he's rejected.

I didn't pick up on much sexual/romantic tension between the waitress and Dr. Pomatter, so for that reason he just seems weird. Far too reserved. Why not be more direct? Plus cheating is reprehensible. Fortunate that it was never discovered.


I liked Ogie as an on-screen fictional character. I just thought he was funny. If I was object of his affection, I would be really scared, especially if he says stuff like he will never give up.

People like Ogie do exist. If any of you ever meet someone who proclaims his/her love for you and wants to marry you, and you're not interested, you need to make it clear that you're not interested. I felt proud when Dawn called him a freak and wanted him to go away and die, but I knew she would relent (because of her character).

I don't know about Dr. Pomatter being romantic. He's attractive, and I'd be all over him, but expensive gifts don't do much for me.


I don't go in for the traditional ideas of romance - flowers, chocolates, poems, etc - so I definitely would not go for someone like Ogie, though I did think he and Dawn were very sweet together and well suited.

As for Pomatter, he was kind, thoughtful, caring, a little bit of a dork, will hold you for twenty minutes when you need him to, will give you a gift because he wants to and knows it's something that you would like, looks like Nathan Fillion, yada yada. If it weren't for the whole him-being-married thing, he would pretty much be my perfect man.

Bet your life there's something killing you


Okay, realized after I posted the message above that my screen name on here is Bob.

Just to clarify, I am a girl :)

Bet your life there's something killing you


lol re: your second post, and well said for the first.

Gotta go. Kisses.


Well, as a gay man, I find the "ladies only" aspect kind of annoying... But I will answer your question.

Dr. Pomatter was not romantic. He was a cheater. Yes, he treated Jenna beautifully, but that doesn't change the fact that he is a terrible husband to his wife.

Ogie... As odd and creepy as he is, was the only romantic character in the entire film. He's odd, hard to put up with, and hard to swallow... But he is the only genuine character in the film, and he clearly truly loves her.

Hail to the king, baby.
