I'm sorry, I know this is almost a year old, but you contradicted yourself. You made this huge rant about how you're boycotting American film and television because of the actors they use, but when someone counters and puts some reasoning behind it, you say you're interested in seeing a good story. So, if you're more interested in the story and don't care who the actors are, why do you care that they're American? I think you're the one being racist here. If the American film industry was being racist, they'd either make fun of your people in the movie, or not make the film at all. The fact that they did make it, and made it well, means to me they actually care about the culture.
The American film industry is, and will always be, about money. Plain and simple. They do not cater to white people, they cater to green paper. They thought they could make a few more bucks with Jake Gyllenhaal than anyone else. I personally didn't think Jake was the right guy for the role, but he was actually pretty decent. I was basing my opinion on movies like Donnie Darko and Bubble Boy though. I realize now that he's actually very versatile. Remember one thing, the American film industry's biggest demographic is... wait for it... Americans. Their decisions are made to attract the widest audience in America. Ultimately, that's who they're catering too, but it's not a race thing. You made it a race thing.
Back to my original point, it's just funny how you took the time to write a post about how the actors in a film are so important, and then in the very next breath, it's all about the story. Your original post was clearly nothing more than classic trolling, and furthermore, I don't think anyone really cares, Hollywood included, if you don't watch the movie. It was a decent film, good action, good story, good effects. Nothing mind blowing, but on par with any other Disney film, like Pirates of the Caribbean.
For what it's worth, I enjoy films like these that take place in exotic lands that I'll probably never be able to visit myself. Stick to your boycott if you still feel like Hollywood has wronged you and your people, but if you can open your mind just a little bit, and see past the race thing, you might get a little entertainment for a couple hours.