Portrayal of Persia too positive?

I was disturbed by the clear bias even in the first lines of the film. Persia, which people should know is another name for Iran, was presented as a great and honorable civilization. Especially where they said wherever the Persians went, "order followed". Didn't they realize that the Persian Empire was created through invasion and occupation. THey said that Alamut souldn't havent been invaded but they were on their way to invading and conquering others as well.

With kids seeing this this is insidious liberal Hollywood propaganda in the Obama era that even Disney is into now. Do they realize that Iran is where they stone women to death for alledged adultery? Or where according to wikipedia marriages are often arranged between first cousins? That is the true Persia. That and the taking of the US embassy for over a year, the sponsorship of the Beirut barracks bombings, the supply of rockets to Hezbollah and the funding of terrorist Islamic militias in Lebanon.

Oh yeah and since they are into glorifying the Persian empire, they conveniently didn't reveal that the glory days of Iran, as well as Iraq (with Mesopotamia/Babylon) and Egypt all took place before the invention of Islam. After the invention of Islam by Muhammad in Saudi Arabia, which he forcibly spread throuhg teror, violence and invasion, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Pakistan all never reached their previous glory again.

Now imagine we have to go to war against Iran, and instead of an enemy country are kids are like why are we fighting Prince Dastan.....


So was Rome, so was the United states. Infact the Persian empire might have been more humane than the United states who routed the native people of America.

And the Perian empire was not Islamic. The the story in Prince of Persia is clearly happening long before the Islamic occupation of Persia.


I love brain cells just reading that post, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
How on earth are the actions of iranians in the 20th century in ANY way related to what the Ancient Persians did? And by the way, the Persian Empire was pretty sweet.



That's absolutely absurd and it shows what an ignorant jackass you are.
You equate west with good and non-west with bad.

If you knew jacksh*t about history, you'd know the Persian Empire was one of the most free and advanced civilizations of the time. Slavery had been abolished, there was complete religious freedom and they even had the first charter of human rights (The Cyrus Cylinder currently in the British Museum).
Compare that to Sparta where you're left to die as a baby if you're not strong enough, slavery is rampant and you're asked to kill a slave as an initiation.

Oh and they were an empire, an empire's an empire. The Romans carried out the world's first genocide ffs and you're drawing the lines of good and evil at the bosphorous.

The ignorance and narrow mindedness in your post absolutely ASTOUNDS me and really disturbs me as well since you're quite clearly extremely stupid.


LOL... idiot. Even though Greeks did stop Persians from invading Greece (note: Greece does not mean all of Europe), that did not stop cultural exchange. Exacerbated by the fact that Greeks eventually went on to conquer Persia under Alexander the Great. Greek and Persian culture were actually very similar during the classical period. In fact the Persian king was often called upon by the Greek city-states to arbitrate disputes, and they referred to him as the "Great King".

Furthermore, the formation of the western culture originated from a lot of things. Including a lot of invasions, by the Roman Empire notably, as well as later hordes of Germanic tribes.

While Persia was indeed, at times, ruthless, Greeks and other European civilizations were no saints either.

Sparta in particular, was a true tyranny (even the Athenians didn't like them). Leonidas and all his men lived in a slave society, where more than half of the population (the helots) were slaves and treated like animals by the citizens of Sparta. And helots were originally the inhabitants of neighboring Greek city-states that Sparta had conquered. They were the Nazi Germany of ancient Greece, breeding a perfect warrior race at the backs of other people. Spartans literally did nothing but train for war (for men) and give birth to strong children (for women). Everything else - from farming to taking care of children - was done by the helots.


I think you're taking Disney too seriously. It's for kids and if parents can't draw the line between fantasy and reality; that's on them.


I'm very disturbed by morons like you.

Do you realise, that the ancient persia was one of the most progressive empires of the time? Did you know that they didn't treat women and slaves as bad as the "civilized" greeks? That they had freedom of religion? That they actually extended law?

You're thinking that because iran is the current "enemy" of the US, then no movies should be set in a fantasy version of the persian empire? YOu're a brain dead bigot! Go back to your hole and wait for obama to come for your guns. Please contribute to the downfall of the USA, you and people like you are the main reason the west is in such a sad state. But instead of bettering society, you fear and hate all the people that you are told to hate. Bravo!


You're not very bright, are you?

Every great civilization on Earth was created through invasion and occupation. That includes the Greek, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the British Empire, and yes, the United States of America.

And you said it yourself. Persia wasn't originally Islamic. Their original state religion was Zoroastrianism. And Zoroastrianism exerted a strong influence on what later became the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And it actually is very similar to them, except it was more egalitarian when it comes to women. It was also a monotheism and believed in a good god (Ahura Mazda) that protects humans from evil.

In fact, the reason why Cyrus the Great freed the Jewish slaves after he conquered Babylonia was because he was Zoroastrian. He saw the slavery of the Jews as unjust and evil, and thus he freed them. Not only that, he rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem with money from the royal coffers, and returned everything that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from it. He also advocated religious tolerance for ALL religions in his empire. He is well-respected by the Jews, even to this day, and it's all in your Bible (take a look at Ezra and Isaiah specifically). He is actually the only non-Jew to be accepted by Jews as a leader "annointed by God" (a Messiah).

Persia only became Islamic when the last Persian Empire - the Sassanid dynasty - fell to the Arabs seven centuries AFTER Jesus' time.

As for stoning women and marrying cousins (which again only became so after Persia was Islamized), so did Jews and Christians during the same time period. In fact, it's fundamentalist evangelical Christians who want to bring those practices back.

Remember that Christians, Muslims, and Jews worship the same God. All of you belong to the Abrahamic religions. While you differ in who you choose to call your final prophet (Jews - not yet, Christianity - Jesus, Islam - Muhammed), you all share the Old Testament. Open your Bible and see for yourself that even Christianity actually advocated the stoning of adulterers. The reason you don't now is because of liberals, ironically, who stopped interpreting the Bible literally when it does more harm than good.


Man up and get life people! You fight over a fantasy movie like if it was some philosophical doctrine. And even then you arguments are too juvenile and ignorant.

This film is just a good fantasy playing out some issues of treachery, brotherhood, love, etc. There's no connection to this reality, Islam women being stoned, etc. Stop hating one another, and stop wasting your time. Again, as I said before, get life!


No Message


Obviously anyone who uses wikipedia to inform and justify their religious or racist bigotry isn't going to be convinced that their hatred is not rational.
So this isn't really a response for your benefit- but to dispel ignorance for others.

Imagine we have to go to war with Iran? Why? Iran hasn't attacked a neighbor in 2,500 years.

Here's a few facts- the USA created the CIA (George H.W.Bush) to remove the freely and democratically elected Prime Minister Mossaddegh and replace him with the puppet Shah- because the PM nationalized Iran's oil production and wanted to keep the profits from their own resources. British Petroleum (BP)felt differently.

How's that for freedom loving? Destroying a functioning democratically run government with a monarchy. And don't forget Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal.

If we'd have left Iran alone- it's very unlikely the ayatollahs would have been able to galvanize the people, no need to revolt.

We cannot "turn back the sands of time" with this history- but we can control our future.
You have your vision of endless hate driven war in the service of oil corporations, I have mine of reason based and strong opposition to the hawks of the world so willing to spill the blood of other people's children.

The "previous glory" of Pakistan? When? 1947?

Your post would be funny if it weren't so dangerously ignorant.
I recommend reading the post of rockin_metal_baz3310- lots of good info there.


I'm sorry, next time we Iranians ask the movie makers to show us like a bunch of savages who enjoy a life of blood and dirt. That's what you want, right?

Read some history, my friend. The very first charter of right of nations in the world is Persian. The Persian Empire was the fairest and best empire in history. Read some history and then see how wrong you are. According to you, Americans should teach their kids that killing Iranians is good. Wow. At least I have a lot of American friends and I don't take you as an example for all the Americans.

It's not our fault that the Arabs invaded our country and forced their religion on us. It's not our fault that the current government people are killer aholes or that they pay people to do stupid things. 90% of our government including the supreme leader are ARABS yes, they were even born in Iraq.

No one can ever understand Iran without living in it.

1) There are good and bad people everywhere. In every single country. So don't talk about something you don't understand.

2) You really need to think before talking.

3) I feel really bad for your children. Brainwashing them into bloodshed and war... way to go with great parenting.

4) I'm an Iranian and I'm proud of the history of my country, and it's my life's goal to prove people like you wrong, as I almost died on the street after the elections a few years ago so people like you could see how different people and the government are here. Makes me sad seeing how eager you are to kill someone like me.


OMG! Have recently been on the Robin Hood boards where there are clowns who argue that a film about a character who never lived, fighting in battles that never occurred, is not historically accurate and balanced enough.

Now we have a film set in the times of the ancient Persian Empire involving time-travelling and we have turkeys claiming it's...

... insidious liberal Hollywood propaganda...

Let's hope such signs truly aren't indicative of the Rise of the Morons.
