Portrayal of Persia too positive?

I was disturbed by the clear bias even in the first lines of the film. Persia, which people should know is another name for Iran, was presented as a great and honorable civilization. Especially where they said wherever the Persians went, "order followed". Didn't they realize that the Persian Empire was created through invasion and occupation. THey said that Alamut souldn't havent been invaded but they were on their way to invading and conquering others as well.

With kids seeing this this is insidious liberal Hollywood propaganda in the Obama era that even Disney is into now. Do they realize that Iran is where they stone women to death for alledged adultery? Or where according to wikipedia marriages are often arranged between first cousins? That is the true Persia. That and the taking of the US embassy for over a year, the sponsorship of the Beirut barracks bombings, the supply of rockets to Hezbollah and the funding of terrorist Islamic militias in Lebanon.

Oh yeah and since they are into glorifying the Persian empire, they conveniently didn't reveal that the glory days of Iran, as well as Iraq (with Mesopotamia/Babylon) and Egypt all took place before the invention of Islam. After the invention of Islam by Muhammad in Saudi Arabia, which he forcibly spread throuhg teror, violence and invasion, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Pakistan all never reached their previous glory again.

Now imagine we have to go to war against Iran, and instead of an enemy country are kids are like why are we fighting Prince Dastan.....


It's idiots like you that make me rethink the freedom of speech.


By the way, Persian Empire did not consist only of Iran, it also included

Duh! Read your history!
Lovin life


How do you know Islam and Muhammad ? Hollywood or American News ?

Islam is greatest civilisation . Taiban or Bin Ladan are not Muslims !
If you want to know Islam Just read Quran :)
A real Muslim never murders anyone
Stoning women or men probably is not what you think !

Do you think that USA do the human rights ?


<<I was disturbed by the clear bias even in the first lines of the film. Persia, which people should know is another name for Iran, was presented as a great and honorable civilization. Especially where they said wherever the Persians went, "order followed". Didn't they realize that the Persian Empire was created through invasion and occupation. THey said that Alamut souldn't havent been invaded but they were on their way to invading and conquering others as well.>>

Most empires are created by "invasion and occupation", including the American one. (Do you think the settlers bought all that land from Maine to California off the Indians?)

But that aside, you do realise that this film is a fantasy set in a non-existent era of Persian history?

Personally, I'd have thought the magic knife and its magic sand might have given the game away, but no apparently some people actually believe this movie is about an authentic period in ancient Persian history. Presumably the same ones who believe "The Lord of the Rings" is a text they use in Ancient History classes. ;-)

Here's a few more clues.

1) The opening of the movie claims the Persian empire stretched to the Mediterranean. It did, but not after the Persian Empire was to put to an end by Alexander the Great back some 300 years or more before Christ was born; and way before Mohammad and Islam. After that you had other empires in much the same spot, but they had names like the Parthian Empire and Sassanid Empire. The Persian Empire was no more.

2) The Persian empire had various capital cities. They have names like Susa and Persepolis. None that I know of was named "Nazuf".

3) Alamut is an authentic name of a fortress from the Persian Empire area, but not from the Persian Empire era. It had rulers, but they all appear to have been male, not beautiful guardian princesses!

4) The Hassansins also existed, but during the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after the Persian Empire ended.

4) Tus at one point talks about the "rule of law". That is an anarchronism. The rule of law is a comparatively modern invention; and a Western one at that.

Other elements in the movie are apparently taken from Persian mythology.

In short the movie, like the game it is based on, is an amalgam of various elements from various periods.


Hmm. Didn't American caucasians (read: Europeans) kill almost all of the American indians to conquer the American continent, and then enslaved lots of Africans, and we are not even talking the Middle Ages, but just a few hundred years ago?

If an empire is large, it's because of conquering at some point in time. Right?

Don't throw stones in a glass house.

Isn't always USA presented in a good light despite its bloody history.


Haha this is what the American propaganda is doing. Because today there is Iran and americans want it to be percieved as bad and wrong... but the fact is, Persians were one of the most if not the most developed and organized and rich nations at the time.

Of course they were very aggressive as a dominant nation, but can we say anything else for today's America?

Persians were a lot more civilized than even nations we perceive civilized like Greeks. If you've seen the "300" you know Persians were shown as barbarians when in reality Greeks should be considered barbarians and underdeveloped at the time.

In this movie I think they pictured a more real Persia.


Oh dear. Yet another ignorant rant about the evils of the east. After reading through your comments though it seems to me that your issue isn't with ancient Persia at all, but rather modern day Islam and countries such as Iran. The thing is though you haven't even got that right as you are really criticising Islamist ideology, but like so many people you are tarring everyone of that religion with that same extremist brush. A foolish and naive view of the world.

The fact is, the Persian Empire depicted in this movie has nothing to do with what you are talking about as the Persian Empire had long since fragmented before Islam really took hold of that area. Although you are right that much of there power was developed though war and conquest I can't think of any empire throughout history where that hasn't been the case. Look at Alexander the Great and, to give a later and for me more personal example, the British empire. Persian conquest was no different. If anything it was far more tolerant than most as principles such as freedom of religion, for example, were upheld as essential for gaining the loyalty of the people. It is also worth pointing out that although there was war and suffering the Persian impact on thing like art, literature and mathematics has long out lasted any of that, and continues to have a big and lasting impact even to this day, something that we should respect them for immensely.

I suppose what I am saying is that you can shouldn't judge an ancient culture on present day events and beliefs, especially one that has few real world links, apart from geography, such as the Persians and modern day Iran.

I would also like to point out that your accusation of "propaganda" is extremely hypocritical, as you have obviously been taking a pretty healthy (although unhealthy would probably be more accurate) swig from the propaganda trough yourself, and frankly, your brand of propaganda is far more regressive and fearmongering than anything that Hollywood is putting forward. A little more tolerance and understanding would do wonders for this world.


You should learn some ancient history before you post anything about ancient times. Your post shows your total ignorance in this subject.
