MovieChat Forums > Notorious (2009) Discussion > Why can blacks make fun of whites but no...

Why can blacks make fun of whites but not opposite

Alot of black movies make fun of white people and you dont say its racist. But,when a white person makes fun of a black person it is racist. Alot of black comedies like Wanda Sykes makes fun of white people. It sounds like its a double standard. The same thing about saying the N word. Why can blacks say it but not whites. If the N word is ignorant and stupid why do YOU PEOPLE say it all the time. Your just insulting your own stupidity and race.




It's a difference in being funny and just being a dumb ass racist. I can take a joke now. I've heard some white comedians tell a joke about blacks, and it was actually funny. It was all in fun. Like Jeffrey Ross at the Emmit Smith Roast.

lmao, I love jeff ross, that was probably one of his best roasts EVER.

We've lost Gorgeous George.


To the original poster, it is because blacks exist in a separate culture and are marginalized.


WTF does this have to do with the movie? Take your crying somewhere else.


Everything. As if they actually worked for what they have As if they haven't profited off the advances of other cultures and call and take credit for it.As if everyone else is responsible for the death and destruction they've reaped upon this planet. Whites are so freakin blind. They put a head in the sand and want the world to "get over it". As if they made sacrifices. As if they're doing everyone else a favor for their existance. They bring up the race card and use phrases like reverse racism to hide their collective guilt. Whites really need to chill.Get off their fanny and get out of their privildged matrix of existance.

You wnat a historical example? Wreaked havoc in Europe killed their own. Brought diseases and self hatred to pristine continants. Trust me Africa and N America were pristine environments until the whites came in and infected the indigious population Destroyed their sacred animals and cultures. Build a society off their backs. Then bring their cousins in for furthur damage. Blacks have often tried to live on their own and not take the worthless stolen bread off whites mans table. Weren't even allowed to vote after spillin blood for in EVERY war for a country that exploited their honesty and industriousness. Then "Joe Orielly" comes in without lifting a finger and gets the right to vote.

White folk are hilarious. They are so full of themselves to the piont of nasuea. Its amazing. (sigh)

Whites just don't get it.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


We get quite allot I`m afraid.

Growing up in an inner City for many years of my life, and working side by side with Blacks both American born and other, I have seen first hand how Black Culture operates.

White privelage my azz! When people stop perpetuating the same old blame, and stop doing the same stupid chit over and over maybe things will change..It wont happen before I die thats for damn sure.

Its funny how Blacks from other Countries ie:(not Africa) act totally different than American Blacks, who by the way ...were not slaves themselves!

Yeah, I get the fact that its harder to be Black, but as I said, stop perpetuating stupid, and maybe things will change and you won`t need to blame others. Of course that guilt some of you refer to serves many of your agendas...why do you think the term African American even started? Its to invoke guilt....guilty people give away more free stuff...if you like free stuff vote Democratic.



White people have always had privilege because they're the dominant pop.and because y'all created it to benefit YOURSELVES---stop trying to pretend it dosen't exist,because it always has and still does---I already explained why we invented the term "African-American" for ourselves---see my other posts here. It dosen't have anythin gto do with getting any "free" s***---exactly what the hell do white people mean by that "free" stuff s***---by voting Democratic---seriously, where the *beep* are y'all coming from with that bull****?

I'm also tired of the constant comparisons to black people from other countries---they weren't enslaved for nearly 400 years and told they weren't s*** and treated like animals, and THEN having to deal with another hundred years or racism AFTER slavery ended. THAT'S the difference btw us and them (even though, the truth is, a lot of them were also enslaved by white people in their own countries,too.) So GTFOOH with that one, too---we're tired of hearing that bull****, too.


what does your question have to do with the movie?

silly troll...


people making fun of people, people calling one another names has nothing to do with history, People! it has nothing to do with race. it is what it is, picking and name calling. my black people that want to jump on you for calling them n***a are the same one's that would jump on you for stepping on their toe, yelling in their face, beating them in a game etc...


Well, ladies and gents, you know what's so sad about this discussion?

That we have a ***MIXED*** (yes I said MIXED) White AND Black President right now and we're even having this discussion! And I have to stress the word mixed because I'm so sick and tired of blacks not paying the white side of his family any respect and simply calling him an African American President. Idiots, he's not JUST an African-American President, he's mixed! You should know that just by looking at him. There's a fine line of physical appearance between Barack Obama and Denzel Washington.



Well I am going to say something...



dual heritage


hell raiza is a very angry person.





Why are people on here mad about us being proud that our president is black, yes, he's half black, we know, but that's a big deal that our president is even half black, its the first time, and people are still trying to find reasons to make us feel like we can't be proud.. If he was just a regular guy and not president, u wouldn't care one bit if we called him black or not. But just because he's mixed, doesn't make him not black, lol. Its not brought up that he's white, becuase the main thing that makes it such a big deal is because he's black. Only reason you're offended by that is because you are really a racist.


Obama is the president. oooh, white people are going to get it.



Your a jackass, Not all blacks are Afrocentric (People DIRECTLY decedent from slaveS), Yet all blacks in this country want reparations from their ancestors blood.Also its a bigger problem then you know, when you have to get a black guy in office just so you can have qoute "Hope that we can do something" When in reality you could of done stuff if you worked off your ass.Now white people have had it easier a lot ok, The government destroyed the Panthers and introduce Crack into the black communitys I know all that and I'm mexican so I'm not from white nor black I'm fromm the side were ALL Racist should die regardless of their skin color.If you say *beep* blacks your racist if you say *beep* whites your racist.Its not a double standard.Now Blacks have had it hard, a lot of my white friends know this, and they hate the racism, the government all the same *beep* The black revolutionary also hate.They are proud to be white, but they are NOT proud of slavery,nor the KKK and any other group that permits racism.Everyone has a right to be proud of their history regardless of race.The only thing they SHOULDN'T be proud of is the Hate.Black people young ones call each other the N-word cause they do not know first hand of the Brutality the slaver owners had put them through.They should think of it how they think about rap.They say "We had gang life and problems drugs" New flash Slaves and civil rights leaders had it worse, They tried to give you rights.Yet what do you do?Call your selfs the N-word, act ignorant to your heritage, and then blame white people when in reality,Not all if white people hate blacks anymore. That time is dead, stop the procrastination of Progress.Now not all blacks are ignorant, the ones who refuse to do something good with their life and are racist towards others deserve to be called N***er cause they are living that meaning of the word (Ignorant).Whites who refuse to do something of their life/are racist deserve to be called N***er also.Racism goes both ways.Obama didn't make MLK's dream come true for any black person besides himself.If blacks had stop procrastinating and using the Slave trade and history to make a excuse You would of seen a black guy in office Long ago.Also MLK's king dream was about equal rights not seeing race, say "HE IS THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT EVERYTHING IS FIXED FOR US!!!" Then you truly failed at really looking at his speech meaning which wasn't for a black president, it was equality regardless of race.When you call a white guy a cracker you are Destroying his dream same with white people and ANY OTHER RACE that is racist towards someone.


Bloody hell! I can't believe people still come out with this level of *beep* It's 2009 honestly! I'm an Albanian immigrant living in England.I'm white but I see myself as Albanian and only an Albanian. Whilst living here, I have been called a Jew quite a few times [that was supposed to hurt me for some reason that remains unknown to me], my accent has been interpreted as someone's from Russia, calling me an Eastern European as a result [ALBANIA IS IN THE SOUTH OF EUROPE!!] There once was a lady who told me that she had a cleaner from Belo-Russia, to quote her 'is that near Albania'? No sweetheart it really isn't! The funniest has been people calling me Polish, I don't mean to stereotype but I have a dark olive skin, thick black hair and bold features: does this desription resemble any Polish person you may have met? My point is that many are often ignorant when it comes to race and ethnicity.

Black people should be seen as AMERICAN not AFRO-AMERICAN because they have been in American for quite a long time now!!!!! Terms such as 'you people', 'negro', 'whitey' and so on need to be eliminated because they bear no meaning. I can understand that the 'N-WORD', as branded by so many chicken *beep* posts, forms a sense of solidarity for black people in America, although blacks themselves need to remember the word intially had derogatory connotations and thus should be eliminated. Also, leave poor Obama alone, he hasn't done anything to deserve his name being dragged though all this. If he does fail [god forbbid], it will be because he has tremendous power that can overwhelm a person of any race!!! I'm sure people don't look at George Bush and point that fcking white twat! They ommit the white part lol. So have no fear, Obama's decisions will not be interpreted as a reflection of his race.
P.S. Isn't he from Hawaii anyhow???



Since you're a foreigner, let me explain something to you---black folks invented the term "African-American" as a term to define ourselves FOR ourselves--a term that WASN'T a hateful negative one created by white people (like the N-word and many other horrible damn names.) You need to read up on American history before you come lecturing us about what we should or shouldn't be called, plus you as a foreign white person who has no understanding of American history,PERIOD, have no damn business telling us what we can and can't do. You seem to mean well, but please read some more American history,and you're find out why black & white folks still have issues with each other that won't go way anytime soon.

