MovieChat Forums > Notorious (2009) Discussion > Why can blacks make fun of whites but no...

Why can blacks make fun of whites but not opposite

Alot of black movies make fun of white people and you dont say its racist. But,when a white person makes fun of a black person it is racist. Alot of black comedies like Wanda Sykes makes fun of white people. It sounds like its a double standard. The same thing about saying the N word. Why can blacks say it but not whites. If the N word is ignorant and stupid why do YOU PEOPLE say it all the time. Your just insulting your own stupidity and race.



I'm a female who's had some fun, but everyone called me PIMPETTE. HOLLA. SOME LADIES ARE CALLED PIMPETTES FYI. not all sexual women are called sluts so get yo ish straight holla!!!

My ass is high class. holla


Why would someone say that Black people are better off because of slavery? Only a redneck would think like that. Then they had the nerve to say that white women are craved. Are you serious?I swear, racism will never die.
BTW, WTF does this have to do with this movie?

Yeah, I got the what??


the irony here is that "rednecks" were also slaves.

The word redneck is a derogative slur derived from redleg: a slur that both rich white and black slave traders used to denigrate poor whites.

Today poor whites have been scapegoated and generalized for all the atrocities of the slave trade.


It amazes me whenever a young white person starts a thread in forum about a film that features predominantly black casts or that are focused on hip-hop music or a hip-hop community figure and creates unnecessary BS topics such as like the title of this thread just to get a stupid racist rant going.

They claim to have 'Black friends' but come on these boards to question strangers about the Black culture.

IMDB IMO should remove such OT threads that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the films. These cowardly jerks will rant from everything, claiming Blacks need to quit complaining about slavery, when in reality, it's THEM who bring up the topics in the first place. Blacks aren't complaining about slavery, especially the current generation who are more prone to getting an education and moving forward.

And then they drag Barack Obama into the mix, blowing their horn about how much they hate him and that he's doing a terrible job. My opinion is that these idiots have a very low self-esteem whereas they are comfortable ranting on the internet hiding behind a screen name. In a public setting I seriously doubt they would address a Black person the same way they do here. They repeatedly claim that Blacks have the highest rate as to being on welfare but yet they cannot produce any proof or statistics on this. Let alone even spell the word 'statistics' correctly.

Bottom line: they are afraid. Of the Black culture and how's it's been embraced throughout the years, our style, our strengths. Now America has a Black commander-in-chief. Yes he's biracial but even he calls himself 'African American'. I'm sure they all heard of the one drop rule.

As for the film, these people say that Biggie was a no-good drug dealer and who cares about him? How stupid! Why post rants on a board about someone they obviously know nothing about. IMO those are the REAL N---ERS!

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and let the world figure out how you did it!


Calling you a "pimpette" is a way of inadvertently calling you a slut, but just in a way that you'll embrace it, which you clearly have.

"Even though I'm no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live? " -Oh Dae-Su


consider tha *beep* a perk(for the whole slavery thing)....or my mutha *beep* acre and mule


I actually been called a N***ER before when I was playing basketball. And the people that said it to me were black and hispanic. I hear that verison more then *beep* Its the same thing my opinion and it needs to stop. I make fun of my black friends when they say it.


Its funny how white american people are offended if they "cant" offend black people.

On every *beep* board i see this BS about races. If you are so liberal and open minded stop creating this senseless topics about racism.


Obviously he doesn't want to offend black people, otherwise he would just say it anyway?


Who said we can't? That "PC" stuff is the left at the door and I treat people how I want to be treated until they cross the line and you insult my race I turn the other cheek but if you continue then you get B-slapped. Whites have always been the dominant race and this world is a safer place because of it and it is why our men are hated (and blamed for everything) and our women are craved. We didn't start slavery and we didn't import slaves to America but we did keep it for over 200 years but we are also a people of God and like I said we didn't start but we did end it. The freedom was taken away by us but also given by us. So you can love or hate us but we gave you freedom in a great country but there is always the alternative... go back to Africa and live under the local warlord, lol! The new leader who is mixed but everyone seems to claim as "black" was only put into office because of the 45+ million whites who voted him in. The 9 million blacks and roughly 10 million other minorities wouldn't have mattered had the majority not backed them. I guess that means when he does something wrong you can blame the white in him and when he does something right (if that is possible) you embrace the black in him, lol.



You're full of s***---white people only became the dominant people anywhere they settled only after they got through wiping out and subjugating/enslaving any of the original settlers of just about every non-white country they invaded. And, yes,white people DID start slavery in the U.S.---it damn sure wasn't black folks that brought themselves here voluntarily. Honestly, your post is just full of so much ignorant s*** that any history book will automatically disprove, it's pathetic.

And,BTW, being PC is simply respecting someone of another culture and calling what they WANT to be called, not whatever stupid ignorant racist name YOU want to call them. What's so hard about doing that? And, uh, the President IS black--there is NO getting up,down, or around that. It dosen't matter if his mother was white, HE does NOT look anything like a white man---he is black. His being part-white does NOT cancel that out in any way,shape or form.

No one said white people couldn't make fun of black folks--they do---it's just for nearly 400 years, white folks could not only make fun of black people, they could get away with doing whatever the hell they wanted to us AND get away with it. That's why we make fun of white people, because they basically banged into our heads that THEY were the norm and that we (and any other non-white folks) were simply *beep* up because we weren't like them,or told us that everything we did or thought wasn't worth s***. So we can make fun of white people simply because we're EARNED the damn right to do it after all the s*** we had to put up from y'all for over THREE HUNDRED *beep* years. Now shut the hell up and deal with it!


This is the smartest response of this on-going fued on every black movie/person's board.

"Why can't a I call a black person *beep* or *beep*

"Why would you want to in the first place?"

"Well they call us names!"

"Be a leader, not a follower."


consider tha *beep* a perk(for the whole slavery thing)....

regarding slavery, in the words of Stewie on Family Guy: "We wrote you guys a pretty big check during the Civil War...i'd say we're even."

in other words: yep, we whites should have never held Blacks slaves, but we went a looooong way repaying for our mistake by sacrificing at least 620,000 lives to rectify the situation. show me another instance where a nation went to war to make amends for a segment of the population.

Move! Will you move?!? MOVE!!!
God, why didn't they go fishing?
Hard Target


Black people should quit their bitching in America, they personally were never slaves. In my country (Australia)the British used white people as slave labor (in the form of convicts who were incarcerated for petty crimes such as stealing a loaf of bread to feed their starving family), but you don't see Australians hating the British for it. Because all that stuff happened a long time ago to someone else!



regarding slavery, in the words of Stewie on Family Guy: "We wrote you guys a pretty big check during the Civil War...i'd say we're even."

in other words: yep, we whites should have never held Blacks slaves, but we went a looooong way repaying for our mistake by sacrificing at least 620,000 lives to rectify the situation. show me another instance where a nation went to war to make amends for a segment of the population.

It is well documented and still successfully argued that many Northerners fought to preserve the Union. There are many accounts that many Northern soldiers were indifferent to the slavery question. YES, Slavery is one of the primary reasons that the South wanted to separate from the North. However, Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery in places that already had slaves. Lincoln's initial presidential goals were to stop the spread of slavery, and keep the South from leaving the Union. He did think that eventually slavery would become extinct.

YES, I'm sure there were thousands of Union soldiers that fought for the end of slavery, but to make the argument that 620,000 Union soldiers willingly went to war and died in order to free southern blacks is romantic, but doesn't hold a lot of weight.

One redeeming glimmer of pride though is Lincoln's public denouncing of the act of slavery, which made him EXTREMELY unpopular and polarizing, which is risky for a new president and he ultimately lost his life because of it. Another source of pride are the tens of thousands of Northern AND Southern abolitionists that helped end slavery.

We've lost Gorgeous George.



does an heir/heiress have to prove what they hell he/she did, to afford the bounty of his/her ancestors?

of course not

same differnce

is that more of the logic and lanquage your used to?


oh and its not gay...ya lady would know if i ever came across her out there...dont slip up!



I recently saw a show debating the N word. Alot of African Americans use the word amongst themselves as a term of endearment, because they feel they've owned the right to do so, or something like that. Other african americans feel the opposite, it's a word of hate, at it's origin.

Bottom line is, blacks were dragged here by whites against their will as slaves. If that happened to me, yeah, I would feel some hate, animosity. Like the one person who posted said, they are on the right end of the double standard, because according to history, blacks were treated like sh*t by whites.

When a black comedian makes fun of white people, its really just a way of bringing levity to what has happened to them in general. I think blacks have taken ownseship of the N word, because it's a term that has been branded onto them. Just an opinion.


Bottom line is, blacks were dragged here by whites against their will as slaves. If that happened to me, yeah, I would feel some hate, animosity. Like the one person who posted said, they are on the right end of the double standard, because according to history, blacks were treated like sh*t by whites.

Are you serious? Quick history lesson, Blacks were sold to America by Blacks, they sold themselves out, just like the here and now in America, where they do the same exact thing...anything for a buck.

Quick history lesson, just a couple weeks ago, it was revelaed that in Africa today, they will cut off the limbs of young Albino kids for the privealge of selling them for as much as $2,000 each.

Quick history lesson, genocide still exist in Africa today,and Blacks still struggle to make their Countries compete with the rest of the world..Why are they so behind the times there? Why is it still third worldish? Dont they have the ability to create modern civilizations like the rest of the world? They have no leaders that can accomplich this?

Why does it seem they struggle here as well? Why do Black neighborhoodsafter a certain amount of time, resemble a war zone?

Why is there not even one ship at the docks in Florida to take back all the oppressed Blacks in America back to Africa?

Bottom line is, Blacks wont let things go because it serves their agendas.

Quick history lesson, many modern day Americans not from Africa also came here to flee oppression, slavery, War, poor conditions in the Country they came from..should they walk around acting like they deserve extra credit?

Shoule we all call ourselves European Americans? North American Americans? Asian Americans?

You say if it happened to you would feel some hate? Well what would they be doing today in Africa had they not been brought here? Would they have a chance at a good education? Would they have a chance to make money and get ahead financially? Would they have law and order to protect them? Would they have welfare checks delivered to their doors?

Give me a break, its hard out there for most people of any color and any race to make ends meet, and crying about something that happened so long ago isnt helping anything.


Look, I am so tired of YOU people acting like such good guys, why does Africa do some of those things? For survival. Who took away their birth right to prosper? YOU self-serving, inhumane, sorry excuses for human beings. Since you want to talk about history, lets get on YOUR European ancestors.

Let me break it down so it can forever, and consistently be broke.



I use the word myself, but I don't get offended if anyone else does. At the end of the day, it's just a word.

Welcome to a world without rules


well Thanks for all the quick history lessons lol.

Sure, in hindsight, I guess things worked out. A black man could not have become president of the US, blacks would could not have become successful business people, lawyers, doctors without slavery bringing them here. But doesn't change what happened. I think you got a little off topic, the discussion was about the use of the N word. Actually as white people we do title ourselves. Caucasian, anglo. The thing about welfare was really a cheap shot, which only shows where your coming from. There's obviously some bias in you.


A lot of people on here are really racist, that's weird to me, I don't see stuff like this normally, I can't even believe a lot of the things I'm reading, some people are trying to justify slavery by saying.. "If it wasn't for slavery a black president wouldn't be possible, or a good education" lol, all that is good, but that doesn't make slavery ok lol. Some people are mad because they feel they can't use the "n-word" lol. Wow.. Why would you even want to use that word? Just because we use it with eachother. Gay people can make gay jokes about other gays but its still not right for us straight people to, that's understandable to me. I hear white comedians make fun of black people and its not a problem, louis ck, people on Howard Stern, and a few others, and that's just ones that I listen to all the time, so who knows which ones I don't. People call Obama black, because he is, although he is half white, but that doesn't make him not black, he's still black, and that's a big deal that someone with any amount of black in them is president, that's why there's so much focus on him being black, its almost like some of you are upset that we're proud to have a president that is part black. Don't you think we have the right to be happy about that? Some of this stuff I'm reading is mind blowing to me, because some people are sayin they aren't racist but don't know that what there saying is really racist when you break it down, its crazy to me that people are really still like that. I'm only 19 years old, its very mixed here in San Diego, and racism doesn't seem to be a seen out here, so this is all new to me.



well i am mixed and never use the n word but i have a few black cosins who do use it, i think blacks can use it if they wish but i understand why some people get offended by the term as well.

and btw im half liberian and yes some of my ancesters and im speaking of my own great great grandparents did take part in slavery, which is sad but true. most slaves were kidnapped but many were sold by their own people as well.

i think slavery should always be remmbered but people cant liv in the past either. all us human need to unite.


Hindsight the people who use welfare the most are Jewish people (statistically). Everyone from every race uses welfare, your ignorant mind just thinks Blacks use it the most

the truth is we can't all be stars, but I'll be god damned if I'll settle for bronze


WoW couldn't agree with you more about About Calling them selves African American's. No other race calls them selves like you said European Americans Asian Americans or anything els. If you were BORN IN AMERICA THEN YOU SHOULD CALL YOU SELF AMERICAN PLAIN AND SIPMLE. the term African American is just stupid. People call whites whites Asians Asians and everything els. But for some reason if you say black some people may think that you are a racist which is just stupid. I don't say African American i just Say black, White, Asian Jew Indian and whatever els. I am not a racist but I am guessing people think that i am because i don't use PC words. I AM NOT A RACIST I HAVE FRIENDS OF ALL RACIS AND RELIGIONS, AND SEX .


"Italian-American" "Polish-American" "Russian-American" "German-American" "Irish-American" "Chinese-American" "Vietnamese- American" Korean-American".....Oktoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, Miss Little Italy, Miss Slovak, Miss Chinatown, etc.....I know that you are probably your Uncle's son but at least try to comprehend.....


Actually, a lot of Asian folks call thenmselves Asian Americans, or at least specifically say which country they are from (i.e. Chinese Americans). I don't see how that's any different from saying African-American. As for being born in America and calling yerself an American, that's fine, but America is a series of continents, not a country. It's just a way to home in on a person's ancestry, calling them by where they're from. I personally think that people should stop looking at colour. It's stupid. But at the same time, I know that if we stop hating each other because of colour, we'll still end up hating each other over something. Racist may very well disappear one day, but hate will exist infinitely.

And as for slaves being brought here, and now their ancestors being able to have a good education, let's be clear on some things: grades 1-12 in public schools equal crap. Our colleges are the destinations of many foreigners, but as for primary through tertiary schools, the only advantage that this country has is a FREE education. Since we're talking about African's, they have better education, it just happens to not be free, and therefore a lot less spread out.



The term "African-American" isn't stupid because it was a term created BY black people as a name we created to call ourselves that wasn't one of the stupid racist labels white people have slapped on us, like the N-word, for over 300 years. Why don't you actually find out WHY the hell we decided to call ourselves that before saying it's stupid, since you obviously didn't bother to find out the reason behind WHY we called ourselves that,and you're also too damn lazy to find out and understand why. And I'm African-American, and I'm proud to call myself that, so don't tell me what the hell I can and can not call myself----it's MY damn prerogative to decide what I want to be called!


Whites have been making fun of blacks on television, movies, cartoons and other memorabilia for the past few centuries now. What, is that still not enough for you? What more do you want? Whites have been made fun of for maybe what, three decades, and they're whining like its the worst thing in the world. Gain a little sense of self deprecation, its not that bad.

Because white people have a 500 year head start on making fun of people. Now it's white peoples turn. It's called 360, what goes around comes back around. Which is a simple universal equation. Update yourself and stop whining. You don't seem to have a problem with the pain white people have administered over the past 10 centuries.

For all the centuries worth of colonizing, raping, murdering, genocide, self hatred and torture white people have done/brought to other people of the earth, their only 'punishment' is being made fun of in comedy stand ups? Or what about the repercussions...not being able to freely do those racist things anymore?

I'd say you guys got off pretty f-cking easy.

Are you serious? Quick history lesson, Blacks were sold to America by Blacks, they sold themselves out, just like the here and now in America, where they do the same exact thing...anything for a buck.

Quick history lesson, just a couple weeks ago, it was revelaed that in Africa today, they will cut off the limbs of young Albino kids for the privealge of selling them for as much as $2,000 each.

Quick history lesson, genocide still exist in Africa today,and Blacks still struggle to make their Countries compete with the rest of the world..Why are they so behind the times there? Why is it still third worldish? Dont they have the ability to create modern civilizations like the rest of the world? They have no leaders that can accomplich this?

Why does it seem they struggle here as well? Why do Black neighborhoodsafter a certain amount of time, resemble a war zone?

Why is there not even one ship at the docks in Florida to take back all the oppressed Blacks in America back to Africa?

Bottom line is, Blacks wont let things go because it serves their agendas.

Quick history lesson, many modern day Americans not from Africa also came here to flee oppression, slavery, War, poor conditions in the Country they came from..should they walk around acting like they deserve extra credit?

Shoule we all call ourselves European Americans? North American Americans? Asian Americans?

You say if it happened to you would feel some hate? Well what would they be doing today in Africa had they not been brought here? Would they have a chance at a good education? Would they have a chance to make money and get ahead financially? Would they have law and order to protect them? Would they have welfare checks delivered to their doors?

Give me a break, its hard out there for most people of any color and any race to make ends meet, and crying about something that happened so long ago isnt helping anything.

People like you seem to act like slavery was thousands of years ago because it makes them feel better about themselves, but it wasn't. There were still former slaves around in the 1920s.

Secondly, you also seem to ignore the fact that after slavery was 'abolished' African Americans still faced discrimination, violence, ridicule, and of course the Jim Crow laws. ITS NOT JUST SLAVERY.

Black people did create and maintained their own successful communities and businesses. And guess what? Whites were envious and destroyed them. Look up Rosewood, look up Tulsa.

They used any excuse they could find to murder innocent black people (usually a white woman lying about being abused by an imaginary black man). How can you come up here and criticize the black community when from the very beginning whites nearly did everything they could to ensure they would not be successful?

You guys make me laugh with that 'blacks sold blacks' shtick (not even acknowledging they were from different tribes; Africa is not some big country you know). Its called the African slave trade for a reason. This doesn't change the fact that Europeans intended on buying slaves.

Would you defend a serial killer who gunned down hundreds of innocents because John Smoe was the one who sold him the gun that the serial killer used to execute the murders?

You're also ignoring the scramble for Africa and the history of colonization in that continent.

WoW couldn't agree with you more about About Calling them selves African American's. No other race calls them selves like you said European Americans Asian Americans or anything els. If you were BORN IN AMERICA THEN YOU SHOULD CALL YOU SELF AMERICAN PLAIN AND SIPMLE. the term African American is just stupid. People call whites whites Asians Asians and everything els. But for some reason if you say black some people may think that you are a racist which is just stupid. I don't say African American i just Say black, White, Asian Jew Indian and whatever els. I am not a racist but I am guessing people think that i am because i don't use PC words. I AM NOT A RACIST I HAVE FRIENDS OF ALL RACIS AND RELIGIONS, AND SEX .

LMAO since when was calling a black person black considered racist? And you've NEVER heard of anyone referring to themselves as Italian American, Irish American, etc.? Bullsh-t.


wow, what a crock of *beep*


I hear what you're saying. But why the hell would you want to say the "N" word anyway? Take into consideration the mediums you hear the "N" word. Rap records and pop culture trying to establish some gangsta street cred. Usually comedians joke about white people being untolerant rednecks or uptight dorks. Who cares? The stereotypical content in movies like "White Chicks" or "House Bunny" just goes to show you how uncreative the writers are. They are cheap laughs for simple people. If you want to make jokes about ethnic stereotypes go ahead. It's too bad you're not more creative than that. And hey, we'll always have *beep* or "whitey".

Well ain't this place a geographical oddity, two weeks from everywhere!


Its absurd how racist white people are mad that we're not "good sports" about racism



I dont care if white people use the nword.
But us making white jokes compared to 200 years of slavery,which one is worse?

pippen>jordan FACT



I am of Anglo Saxon descent. My people were painting their faces and sleeping in their filth until the Romans showed up and said "listen you primitive bastards, you're gonna work and you're gonna bathe or die!!". Many did die.
It was rough times for my people back then but getting angry at my Italian buddy over it isn't gonna change anything. Sometimes people just have to remember the history was made by old people with old ways of thinking. No sense blaming people today over stuff that happened back then.

If the Romans had never shown up, who knows where I'd be today.

This is true. But I think the difference is that US slavery is a somewhat "recent" history when compared to Roman conquest of the UK (I am assuming you are from the UK).

Rome invaded Britain around 43AD, or 1,966 years ago. In America, slavery ended in 1863, or 146 years ago. On top of that blacks were denied rights and treated very poorly (separate schools, separate water fountains, separate eateries, forced to accommodate whites, dealt with unfair voting laws aimed to keep them from voting) until 1964 with the Civil Rights Act. It's only been 45 years since blacks were "made whole again", officially.

When you think about it in terms of time, yes 146 years ago is a long time, but not compared to the 1,966 years Britain had to rebound from Roman conquest/slavery/assimilation. Plus because civil rights were given only in the last 45 years, there are still many many ppl alive that lived through that. And it won't be forgiven/forgotten for many years to come.

Not defending anyone here or making excuses, just giving some perspective.

We've lost Gorgeous George.



Can somebody please tell me what the hell this thread has to do with this movie? Please!!!

They say we need to get out and vote, huh why? Ain't nobody black runnin but !


Its just a common history and bond they have that makes them feel closer, but at the same time it makes us apart of the differences rather than the similiarities. So its just divide and conquer, or group mentality. In realty we shouldn't really dwell on issues of the past, otherwise I'd have to be bitter towards the viking invasion of Britian because it directly affected my family way back...history happens.

"I just don't see how assuming a victim role and digging up old wounds is supposed to empower people. Imagine if the Jewish people had never got back up and dusted themselves off after the many beatings they have taken! "
Totally agree.


There is a double standard but that's because of the history this country, America, has when it comes to it's treatment of black people. I find most of the jokes black comedians make about white people to be tiresome and boring to be honest, but the fact remains that white people are seen as the oppressors, while black's are seen as the victims. If you look at the history of this country that's the way it is anyway. What's so funny about making fun or laughing at people who have already been treated like ish for years? It's not really funny and white people making fun of black's only reenforces the stereotype that most white's are racist.

Anyway, most black comedians make fun of black people so it's not like we don't or can't make fun of ourselves. It's just less funny when a white person makes fun. Like I always say, the double standard may not be fair, but it's justified in a way. You have your ancestors to blame for the double standard really. It's not anyone's fault here, but that's the way it is and that's why black's can get away with making fun of white's but not vice versa.


That only thing showing stupidity is you. With out going into a the many levels of wrong that you are are on.. I will just say see Tropic Thunder .

--I'll like to sleep with Beyoncé instead of my wife tonight, but that ain't happening.


I can't believe people still argue about this. No one is right or wrong. That line has been crossed too many times by all parties involved...


Hey kewltrmpt, what part of Notorious have White people being made fun of? I've seen the movie but didn't notice any White people being made light of.



to my man quoting CARTOONS....

that shows how much you know about what you justify
the purpose of the civil war wasnt to free was to maintain the union

*beep* if the south would have just played cool with big brother north....whose to say we ever would have been free?

dont act like they said "its time to fix our mistake" get outta here with that *beep* archie bunker

