MovieChat Forums > 9 (2009) Discussion > terrible movie - worst of 2009

terrible movie - worst of 2009

wow, i cant remember the last time i was so uninested in a movie.maybe its because i avoid most of the hollywood cliches and concentrate on quality films, but this one seemed like something quite original and new.wrong! i think i was more interested in the feeling and emotions of john matrix from commando, than of the main characters from this crappy experiment.the visuals were fine (nothing extraordinary, really) but the storyline seemed like it was written by a 10 year old: "ok lets go", "we have to save him", "he would do the same for you", etc. etc. etc. - the dialogue was so dull, my head hurts even thinking about it, and the whole storyline was just a big crappy rip-off.

considering that i only watch quality films, this was my worst movie experience of 2009.



If you only watch quality films, how did you ever catch "Commando?"

I liked "Commando" - it's a guilty pleasure movie. It's so bad and yet so over the top and Arnold is clearly having such a good time that it's fun to watch. But quality movie - nope.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I agree - "9" is a stinker. The previews seemed to promise so much more than the film delivered.


hey i was very young when i first saw commando and the older i get, the cheesier the movie gets as well, so yeah let's say it is a guilty pleasure, but at least it provides intentional and unintentional entertainment!


In defense of the dialogue -- they are puppet-people. Why would their conversations be up to par with ours? Just saying ...

I don't think it was the worst of 2009 but I was disappointed in it. I try to watch a little bit of everything to be a fair judge ... and Paul Blart was a 2009 release, so ...

And Commando ... hahaha ... I was little when that first came out too! I so remember that movie. Isn't that the one with Rae Dawn Chong? Yes, CHEESEY.


yeppers - Commando had Rae Dong Chong.

And it was a terrible movie, but everyone in it looked like they were having so much fun that it worked on a very goofy level.

For me, at least.


OP that is a bold, bold statement. People clamour for originality, and when comes and is disappointing people condemn it to death, 9 tried and for some it was great and others it failed.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


9 tried and failed, but still many, many people idolize it.


They were humans trapped in puppet bodies. Still not sure if they were all splinters of the same scientist's soul or completely different people.. but still, the excuse that they were just puppet-people doesn't work.


My personal experience of 9:

"We need to find the source" Okay..Fine. Then I guess we do that. Anything else?
"We must save him" Who? "2" Okay, where is he? "There" (Points at some far away place) Alright.. walking .. walking some more.. there he is. (Monster kills 2) Darn it! Now What?
"We must fight it" Gah... very well.. fight.. fight.. fight.. some more fighting... Okay we won. Let's go back. "Wait"
What!? "We must still find the source" Right.. right, the source. Hang on just a minute (Grabs source) Okay what do we do with it? (Source spawns new bigger monster) Ah for the love of.. "We must fight it" Yeah I know. Fights..fight..jumps..kicks..dances a bit, fight some more, and a little more and they win. Phew! Okay, now what?
"We must go back" Back? Right Of cource.. Walk.. walk.. walking, walk some more and.. more walking. Okay finnaly back! So what should we do with this source?
"Take it there" Where? "There" (Points toward a far far away place) ...Okay.. why exactly? "To take down the beast" What beast? "The beast" What darn beast? "The beast" ..Very well. Walk, walk, walk walking and more darn walking. (random monster encounters on the way, they win) Keeps walking and walking, (more random monster encounters) they walk and walk, and darn walks until they finnaly get there. Okay, that was a long and hard journey! Im glad we made it! So now what? "We must plant the source in the source" Fine, where do we do that? "There" Okay hang on a second.. plant that sucker.. right.. okay there we go. (Spawns as expected new even bigger superbig monster) Gah! Draw swords!(or whatever they use)
"We must fight it" Yeah I know that! (Fights like hell untill the movie is nearly over, new superbig monster spawns from already superbig monster. Explosions big BOOM bang bing hopla bang bom, fight fight, fighting and jumping, running and fighting more. Wins) PHEW! That was tough! So what did we accomplish by all this again? "We made it" Made what? "We made it" ..Made what? "We made it" ..Right.. I would like to have information from you right NOW why you just made me go through this! (Doll turns toward hero, put its arms on hero and stares blankly at hero in a solemn one a be way, then with a fake and emotionless smile opens mouth)
"You found the source" What source? "You found the source" What DARN source!? "You found the souce" ...... (Hero turns silent..Hero carefully draws sword from his sheath) You can't be serious.. tell me.. why.. (Doll smile in a fake way, and the eyes dont follow suit with the smile because the animators couldn't make the dolls look decent) "You found the source" (Says the doll, in a bland and completely indifferent way that triggers no emphaty)
.... Darn.. you...all...
(With a loud bang the hero strikes the head of the doll with the sword and soon thereafter many more bangs are heard. When the bangs have stopped, the hero stand still breathing heavily, among a bunch of dead, headless wretched dolls.)

The end


Lol yeah and just speed that whole process up to fit an hour and you got it.


that was exactly how i felt watching this one! awesome job!


I know you think you're funny, but you're really not.




Yeah, I gave it 3, not for the movie itself but just because they know how to model 3D decently. And that was it.
Some moron came up with the idea "let's make dolls and have them fight against bad cliché robots that have annihilated humanity". Snore.
Didn't care for the characters, didn't care for the plot, the robots were *beep* the dolls with their different stupid personalities were idiotic .. How DID they save humanity? Didn't look like there was one human left at all.
Everything seemed rushed and pointless, never knew where they were located 'cause the scenery changed too fast.. couldn't tell climax from just the movie progressing. It was just all confusion. 3D doesn't make a good movie, sympathy for the main character and suspense do.


Really? It obviously made an impression. Funny how so many have taken the time to write how much they hate this movie. I guess its how you show how cool you are? One of those things where trash something good to show how superior you are in your taste and knowledge of film. Pfft. Crawl back under your bridges. Its obvious by the comments on this film there is something here.


Yes it's awesome suckyness made an impression. A very, very big impression.
And that's it.


I agree about the awesome suckyness.

9 disappointed me in several ways:
1) Seems suited to 3D, yet it doesn't appear to have been presented in 3D (correct me if I'm wrong...)
2) really bad animation (cloth, fire... this was done better nearly a decade before)

3 & 4 are silent of course.

5) it's basically a short stretched into a feature. Almost never a good idea.
6) the "soul" concept wasn't well thought-out, and requires audience buy-in that isn't even attempted by the script.
7) the obvious solution, which the scientist himself almost said outright, is that all 9 golems should transfer their "souls" into the machine, thereby correcting the error of building the machine without a "soul".
8) stole too many ideas. From Peter Jackson's LOTR: Sauron, Barad-dûr. From Star Wars: AT-ST, Nute Gunray. From Star Trek: 7 of 9 is female. From The Matrix: Sentinels. Of course, this is what happens when you have almost no original ideas. This was rip-off, not homage.
9) the characters act mostly without motivation, and show emotions that don't make sense (particularly given 9's almost total lack of knowledge of his surroundings).

Given the hype around this film, I expected a lot better.


I agree it was a complete waste of time.


I label 9 the very definition of a flawed film. The style and what they were going for is great, but ultimately it is all clumsily shoehorned into a story that is rickety to say the least.

I think they would have been better off ignoring the story elements of the original short film and start fresh. I'm not saying they had to ignore the whole of the short film, but I thought they really bent over backwards to make the tailsman make some sort of sense, and rather than the story, I just noticed the story trying to bend over backwards and falling over.

I watched this with a double feature of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, which I really enjoyed. CWACOM played it safe with all the story conventions and was a good example of how that can be completely satisfying. So, I guess I can't really compare the two, since 9 tried to be something different. Nevertheless, it still fell into cliche land anyway with all the characters. Sensitive hero - check. Amazon warrior chick because women are strong - check. Unfair leader - check. Strong buffoon - check. Crazy one who knows the secret - check. And so on and so forth.

I think if 9 was to succeed as a great film it had to ditch the cliched characters in the landcape it created. Then it may have all fit together better. It's the proverbial old wineskin patched up to hold new wine.


Makes a chance for me, don't often films with a 'normal' structure' so this was refreshing.


rubbish...the dialogue is very good, and its an animation free of funny animals and the usual fauilures of US animation.

9 out of 10

'He who takes things out of the Earth invites disaster'..Hopi saying


I honestly really enjoyed this movie, BUT this movie is a kinda ya love it or hate it movie and i can see why. I'd recommend it with a warning that it is one of those "love it or hate it" movies.
