Bad movie; why did people like it?
This movie sucked and I rarely say that about a film, since I mostly skip horror movies, low brow comedies and the like. I had thought since it was moderately well-reviewed and was produced by Tim Burton, plus I like fantasy/science fiction, I might like it. First of all it was derivative. The basic scenario was a rip-off of the Terminator movies. The movie had almost no plot and except for 1 and 9, no real characters. 9 was a jerk and I couldn't believe he was the "hero." The movie was nonsensical. The creatures were a scientist's creation, but then weird mystical stuff that made no sense whatsoever was thrown in to "explain" what happened,so much for science. And was this supposed to be happening on Earth? Because it looked like the early 20th century in the pictures yet had to be happening in the future. The whole thing was garbled and preposterous. Someone should have warned me. Well, at least it didn't cost much to rent from Netflix.