Who was supposed to enjoy this movie? (Apart from the smelly nerds who hang around comic book stores, I mean.)
Seriously, is telling a story a lost art nowadays? Just because a movie looks really cool doesn't mean it can dispense with a plot and interesting characters.
well everyone has their own opinion, personally i enjoyed the film and i dont hang out at comic book stores and i dont smell. Just because you dont like a movie doesnt mean you should make fun of people who do
Just because you dont like a movie doesnt mean you should make fun of people who do
I suppose you're right. But I found watching this movie to be a very frustrating ordeal. The weird post-apocalyptic dieselpunk retro-future looked so cool, but the movie had only the lamest excuse for a plot. I'm not exaggerating when I say that there is more story and character development in a Resident Evil movie than in this film.
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i blame the story on the low budget, the film makers were trying to get the point across that you dont need millions of dollars to make a beautiful animated film and while they did get the point across they failed in making a better than average story. I still love the movie based on its plot, visuals, and character design but i wish they would have increased their budget to make it longer
i kind of thought that was the whole point but i was including the machines when i said "characters" and i think the designs of all the villains were genious.
I definitely have to agree with you. Frustrating indeed. The ending made NO sense. And I don't get where people think that parts of a soul going up (if that was what that ridiculous scene was supposed to be) will "repopulate" the world. They are puppets for crying out loud. Superb jaw dropping visual effects but no sensible plot equals huh?
That's just a vicious stereotype about nerds. We always clean ourselves up if we are forced to go outside.
Nope, that's not a vicious stereotype, that's the truth. A few years ago I was walking downtown with my son, who was 7 years old at the time. We walk past this comic book store, and of course my son wants to go in. I think to myself, "Sure, no problem. We'll go in and I can get him a stack of old Spiderman comics from the used comic bin." But after we go inside, I'm looking at these creepy fanboy nerds who fill the store and I'm thinking "Holy crap, they're even worse than the caricatures! These weirdos really do smell like they haven't had a shower in months!"
Where else on earth could you go and listen to a couple of grown men having a serious argument about who would win a fight between Wolverine and the Hulk, or which one of the Sailor Scouts is the cutest? Two other geeks were talking about their recent session of Magic: The Gathering as though they were discussing an actual historical battle that changed the course of civilization. I've seen heroin addicts who have a better conception of reality than these people!
Needless to say, it was the last time I ever took my son to a comic book store. If he shows any interest in superheroes when he's past the age of twelve I'll buy him a gym membership and a subscription to Nuts magazine.
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Nope, that's not a vicious stereotype, that's the truth.
Seems like all bigots follow the exact same innumerate rationale. You fail at basic math. You take a tiny percentage of the set and attribute their characteristics to all members of the set. That's the very definition of stereotyping.
A few years ago I was walking downtown with my son, who was 7 years old at the time. We walk past this salvation army store, and of course my son wants to go in. I think to myself, "Sure, no problem. We'll go in and I can get him a stack of old Spiderman comics from the used book shelves." But after we go inside, I'm looking at these creepy poor people who fill the store and I'm thinking "Holy crap, they're even worse than the caricatures! These weirdos really do smell like they haven't had a shower in months!"
Needless to say, it was the last time I ever took my son to a salvation army store. If he shows any interest in things I don't understand when he's past the age of twelve I'll buy him a gym membership and a subscription to Nuts magazine. reply share
Lol. I didn't actually say that you were, but you seem to like the label so much that you glued it to your own forehead.
At least I'm not a humourless, pompous little nerd like you.
So, looking down on someone for being a douche makes one humorless and pompous? But looking down on people at comic bookstores for being douchey is totally riotous happy fun time for everyman, eh? Innumerate, illiterate and a hypocrite.
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So, looking down on someone for being a douche makes one humorless and pompous?
No, it's your tedious posts full of faux-outrage that identify you as humourless and pompous. I'm glad I could clear that up for you.
Now please get over yourself. No one is impressed by your attempt to portray comic-store nerds as a persecuted minority, or your attempt to imply that I am somehow a racist for making jokes about people who hang around in comic book stores. You're not really as clever as you think you are, and it's painfully obvious.
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Now please get over yourself. No one is impressed by your attempt to portray comic-store nerds as a persecuted minority, or your attempt to imply that I am somehow a racist for making jokes about people who hang around in comic book stores.
You are really sticking to the playbook arentcha? Now you were just making jokes, it was all intended to be funny, you aren't a nozzle, just a funnyman. What next? Some of your best friends hang out at comic book stores?
BTW, the term you want to use is fauxrage, but only cleverless, pompous douches would know that.
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BTW, the term you want to use is fauxrage, but only cleverless, pompous douches would know that.
Okay, you got me there. I guess you really are a "cleverless, pompous douche", because I didn't even know "fauxrage" was a real word. Hell, I don't even know what "cleverless" means.
As your argument has deteriorated to the point where you just fill your posts with made-up words I'll quit now. I won't respond to the next incomprehensible gibberish you type, and that way you can claim that you've won your little internet pissing contest. I know that's important to you, and why should I deny you the only pleasure in your otherwise empty life?
Okay, here goes. Now you hit the reply button, type some stupid crap, wait a couple of weeks to see if I respond, and when I don't you can dance around your mom's basement singing "I won, I won! I'm the king of the internet!"
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I can't believe you're a father. I understand that how someone acts on a message board could be drastically different than how they act in their everyday lives, so I really hope that to be true in this case. And you shouldn't push your children in a certain way because that's what you enjoy, that's the best way to make sure your kids resent you when they grow up.
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Adult comic book readers really baffle me. I'd love to find out tha Stan Lee created his chracters with a kind of spinning wheel super heroe genrator which basicly threw random words togeher. Lookig at the results it could certainly be true
Quite right. However I still gave the movie a solid 6 'cuz it was a hell of an animation. Every little detail was great. In other words it's a wonderful movie to look at but not to watch.
I loved it. The story could have been better perhaps but it wasn't bad, and the design work was great.
And I don't think it's too scary for kids at all. Good children's stories have always had plenty of scary elements. It's only the crappy modern ones that don't.
"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."