Not Possible...
How did they get the car to the pool?
- It was established in a scene that they were at the top of the elevator shaft where the car broke its tail through the mesh. Meaning that that shaft had no direct access to the elevator door which alan alda left through at the start of the movie on the pool deck.
- The elevator shaft next to this one likewise ended at the same point. On both shafts there were no discernible doors next to the Ferrari that implied they could just open the door to the pool.
-This leaves the potential of a separate shaft for the pool, that has to be accessed from inside the penthouse or from the ground floor.If the shaft is on the ground floor, its impossible to make the move. But if its in the penthouse, it could be moved i guess. Problem is I never got the impression there was another elevator within the penthouse.
No replies of 'SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF' please, because this is a actually impossible, even in the world established within the movie.
Its just wrinklin' my brain how this works people.