MovieChat Forums > Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) Discussion > Why didn't the baby lower the ladder?

Why didn't the baby lower the ladder?

What a loser!



They keep saying how children nowadays are more "mature" then they were way back when, so I fully expected a child of this age to be able to call for help on the radio. This is obviously a major parenting FAIL.

(Watched this movie last night, during a torrential


Have you all gone mad??How could a simple baby lower the ladder?He was a baby, didn`t understand what was happening!The level of your estupidity makes me cringe.



Hey explain to me hw such a small baby who doesn`t know the first thing about anything, how she could lower the ladder?It`s just stupid to think that the baby could!



No way. You give me this answer because you understand finally that the idea of a small baby lowering a ladder in donright impossible!Explain to me how a baby can understand that she should push the bottom that would lower the ladder!!



I understand. So you pretended the whole time you were an inocent baby and weren't capable of planing such evil things, and those fake-ass people who were adrift, I'm talking about the mother, the guy, The poor people's Brad Pitt and the poor people's Jennifer Aniston falled for it. I guess we should be expecting Open Water 3 with the baby as a recurring character, much like the Saw films.

"I'm a monkey, I'm an errand boy, I'm nothing!"
Poor People's Brad Pitt.


Honestly Dalazen? Are you really the ONLY one here that realizes we are all being silly? Reading this thread from beginning to end has been hilarious and I've laughed out loud several times. This movie was so bad that the original poster had to think of SOMETHING to comment on, and chose a ridiculous suggestion. Obviously you don't have too much of a sense of humor, irony, or wit...


Correction: I meant to say: "Are you really the only one here that does NOT realize we are all being silly..." Sorry....


Well,you know, I was f-cking ith you guys. I was on the joke the whole time but pretended to be all outrageous to provoke some reaction.This must be my favorite movie of all time. From the Godspeed crap song from the beginning to the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston look-a-likes. The poor man's Brad Pitt going "We took him to the circus" and f-cking himself and the others for a second of sheer estupidity and the sweet moment of the stabed guy dying inside Jennifer Aniston's arms and revealing he loved her the whole time.

- Why don't you pull a 747 outta your ass and flight us outta here?


That baby was evil. Probally stabbed that poor fisherman too, fed him to the sharks and sunk his boat. Explains the ending. Makes logical sense now.



No as opposed to a complicated baby I guess!


It is remarkable how people deal with the anxiety that this movie induces. Better flic than I thought.




I lolocausted





She's a real carpenter's dream "Flat as a board and needs a screw"


There was a final scene to the film. It was never shown and was destroyed so others could not enjoy it. Here's what happened:

The baby wakes up (she was hungover from the party the night before) and walked groggily to the side of the boat and saw what was left of the other passengers. Angry that they had not woken her for some fun in the sun, she started the ignition and backed the boat up 100 feet from the survivors. While screaming "die you Nazi scum", she floored the throttle and ran over everyone left. After coming to the realization that her parents were dead and she could do anything she wanted, she put up a black sail on the boat and became a pirate. She will star in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie.


Really! What a freakin' baby! Just lying up there balling her eyes out! Get a grip kid! You think you're the only one with problems?


And now on The Steve Wilkos Show...

Steve: "A mother who abandoned her baby!"

Audience: "Boo!!"

Amy: "I didn't"

Steve: "To go swimming!"

Audience: "Boo!!"

Amy: "It was only for a few minutes"

Steve: "Don't you love your kid? I'd rather die than do that to my child!"

(Audience claps wildly)

Amy: "I didn't know there wasn't a ladder. I was led astray"

Steve: "Yeah right....get outta that chair!!"


LOL What a riot this thread is I cracked up just reading the title . Thanks Pimptaddyone for this most humorous subject post on this board and to everyone who replied here too . It totally made my day after watching this most aggravating movie with a friend - IMPO such a disappointment .


 Thread deserves a bump every year.


Turns out the baby was Robert Durst in a clever disguise.
