MovieChat Forums > Juno (2007) Discussion > Is this set in the 60's? 70's? or 90's?

Is this set in the 60's? 70's? or 90's?

With all of Juno and her friend's lingo, everyone's style of clothing, and the interior of rooms (maybe except for vanessa's house) I just realized this could be set in the 90's or even before that. Can anyone confirm? Thanks

I'm no baby doll, sweet pea.


Modern... 2007.

Georgina: Are we safe here?
Michael: Does Albert read?


This movie is set in hipster fantasy land. Not trying to be funny, I'm serious. There are a lot of movies that have this stylized look of what a normal/trendy world should look like. It did include elements from the decades the OP mentioned. But it wasn't realistically set in a specific time period.



I guess kind of like Napoleon Dynamite.

Takes place in the modern world. But the characters are surrounded by technology 20 or so years behind.


Got to admit the VHS laying around made me wonder the years of production... i was like "was it not supose to be made in 2007?" but she also bring CDs wich are more 2000s and more importantly when Mark mention in the 70s she was not even born or something like that pretty much show its made to be in modern days.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


There's VHS tapes and no one has cell phones and the boys are wearing short shorts. It's the 90s.



It's set on the '00's Bateman's character talks about when he was younger opening for the Melvins and he is clearly into 90's grunge music- his wife even made the passing comment of waiting around for him to be the next Kurt Cobain that it will never happen etc..


Bateman's character talks about when he was younger opening for the Melvins

And he specifically says that was in 1993. There's no excuse for not realizing the story takes place in the 2000's.


Yep, and he specifically says his senior prom is in 1988, So the time frame couldn't be stated much more clearly.


Bleek mentioned "Blair Witch"('99) was on STARZ (cable channel), so at least 2000 or 2001.



it is set now or the year it was made (200&) they arent meant to be rich people I think Juno's family was lower middle class....



the land that irony forgot.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


It wouldn't bet set in either the 60's, 70's, or 90's. Through you may tend to think that way, and why I don't think so, well when Mark and Juno are talking about music, and a story about him and his band he mentions the year 1993 "the best year for Rock and Roll", which she disagrees with right away. And also when Juno and Paulie are talking about the night they had sex, she mentions about being bored, and Paulie mentions that she was not bored, and remembering there was a lot on tv and The Blair Witch Project was coming on Starz, and Juno saying "I haven't seen the movie since it came out". The Blair Witch Project came out in 1999, so in less the movie takes place in 1999, it would have only been a short amout of time since she would have last seen them movie. And I myself have even asked this question , and the first person out of two people that responded, mentioned that the movie is set in the present day.


I was really sure it was set on the 90's until Juno said Vanessa should had gone to China to get a baby because there they were giving them away like "cheap iPods".


Like mention above, iPods were mentioned. Mark told Juno it was 1988 when he was at prom etc. It's set in year it was made.


The characters act like they are from 2007 and the clothes, furniture, and technology all seem like that same year. I was in high school at the same time this movie came out and the depiction of teenagers seems to be pretty accurate.


The receptionist in the abortion clinic is playing an original Nintendo DS. Those were first released in 2004.
