Juno crying

Why did Juno cry towards the end of the movie after giving birth when Bleeker was with her?


Norm, do you also need the answer to "What is 1 plus 1?"? Or "What planet are we on?"


How anyone could hand over their baby is unimaginable how could you know if the child would be safe plus all the hang ups knowing your mother just handed you over, but in junos case the child is better off i could not stand her character.


Juno cries at the end for numerous reasons combined.

1. She got pregnant at 16.
2. She just gave birth to a child, which is an emotional experience regardless.
3. Immediately after the birth, she gave away her baby (yes, she prepped for this, but it's a different story when the moment arrives).
4. She gave away her baby to a potentially happy and perfect couple only to realize just beforehand that the couple isn't happy and perfect after all.

For a free-spirited 16 year-old girl, Juno finally comes to grips with the emotional ride she just went through in her young life.
